
Anorak News | X Factor: Olly Murs Rescues Stacey Solomon For Love

X Factor: Olly Murs Rescues Stacey Solomon For Love

by | 26th, November 2009

olly-staceyX FACTOR hopeful Stacey Solomon wants Daily Star readers to know that she is “HERE FOR OLLY”. That’s the paper’s X Factor headline.

“STRESSED X Factor babe Stacey Solomon was talked out of quitting by her secret date – rival act Olly.”

This is the secret date that is so secret that in-house X Factor dance teacher Brian Freidman to utter:

I don’t think there’s anything going on there at all.”

Or as the Sun puts it:

AS their relationship heats up, Stacey Solomon has confessed that Olly Murs saved her from quitting The X Factor.

Back to the Star, which says Stacey was only saved from walking off the show by Olly. As Stacey tells Now! Magazine:

“I was in tears, really distraught, ready to walk out and Olly came over, gave me a cuddle and I was back in the game. I love Olly, he’s my best mate in the house. We’re from the same area so he reminds me of home. It’s been a real comfort for me.”

The tabloids are desperate for Olly and Stacey to hook up and become Stolly. Will they get together? Won’t they? Can they form a new double act and replace the show after husband and wife act Jedward’s departure?

Can the tabloids write about this right up to the point when Stacey marries Robert Pattinson? Oops! You read it here first…

Posted: 26th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink