
Anorak News | Lady GaGa In Madonna Swearing Shocker

Lady GaGa In Madonna Swearing Shocker

by | 12th, January 2010

81009691MORE evidence that Lady GaGa is Madonna’s Camel – an amalgam of all Madge’s tricks and spits formed by committee.

Remember when Madonna asked the Live 8 crowd: “Are you f***ing ready, London?” Hundreds complained.

Incidentally, that concert for care was also illuminated by Snoop Dogg, extolling the mob to “Wave your motherfucking hands in the air – wave the motherfuckers like you just don’t care.”

Anyhow, here’s Lady Gaga doing the swearing popstar thing, telling the audience at Live: Isle of MTV:

“Put your hand up in the air and dance, you motherfuckers.”

For the British broadcast, the swearing was edited out. On Italian TV, it went out as was. One person complained to Ofcom. MTV Networks Europe apologises.

Look out for Madonna’s camel marrying Sean Penn soon, and no-one much noticing…

Posted: 12th, January 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink