Tila Tequila Says She Knows Who ‘Killed’ Casey Johnson
CASEY Johnson is dead. Her death not only gave us the first Twitter Coma but introduced one woman content factory Tila Tequila to the great unwashed. It also pricked our memories of Simon Cowell’s old associate and reality telly fodder Jasmine Lennard.
Tila was scheduled to appear on Larry King Live. but before doing so, Lennard issued a legal letter warning the show against Tila using it “as a platform to make further false and defamatory allegations” about her.
The lawyer says, among other things, Tila better not allege Jasmine has a criminal record or outstanding warrant, that Jasmine broke into Tila’s home, that Jasmine is a prostitute, and that Jasmine is pregnant or has ever been pregnant.
By coincidence, the interview is scrapped.
A dignified silence reigns. Tila has already tweeted:
“I wasn’t allowed to go, and I am so upset. I can’t sleep, and I am on suicide watch.”
Having declared herself suicidal, and placed herself in charge of herself in case she kills herself, Tila gets back on Twitter:
I have decided that all of the negative drama surrounding my late Fiancee has taken a major toll on my health and my Baby [she’s a surrogate for her brother’s child]. I have decided to stop trying to defend her and let go of all the anger and resentment I have towards the people who keep bashing my deceased Wife. From now on, I will only want the world to remember her beauty, and our love. I have decided that GOD will take care of those who are bashing the deceased. On top of that, my late Fiancee, Casey, is also in Heaven now, right next to GOD, so she will also be watching over me and taking care of those MEAN BULLIES!
Rest in Peace. Or as Tila later Tweets:
Jasmine Lennard (NSFW)
Ok I really have 2 go 2 sleep. Big interview tomorrow. Who killed Casey? You’ll know soon. Interview 2morrow. Goodnight. Thanks supporters!
Can you milk a dead body?
Posted: 12th, January 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink