
Anorak News | Burglar Steals Police Taser And Handcuffs: Electrocutes And Arrests Himself

Burglar Steals Police Taser And Handcuffs: Electrocutes And Arrests Himself

by | 18th, January 2010

police-idiotTHAT’S Shane Thomas Williams-Allen of Orlando, Florida, arrested on burglary charges. That’s Williams-Allen electrocuting his foot with the police Taser he’s stolen and putting the tin lid on his awesomeness by handcuffing himself with stolen cuffs.

Williams-Allen has removed the Taser and cuffs from an unmarked Ocoee police car, says the Sheriff’s Office said. He also stole an expandable baton, a Glock handgun magazine, a digital camera and a digital recorder.

Where they are cannot be ascertained, but Mr Williams-Allen keeps bobbing up whenever he tries to sit down and whirrs when he walks, allegedly.


Posted: 18th, January 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink