
Anorak News | Wanted For Media Fun: ‘Quirky’ Depressed Teacher Who Left Vocation After Assault

Wanted For Media Fun: ‘Quirky’ Depressed Teacher Who Left Vocation After Assault

by | 25th, January 2010

teacher-abuseTHE media needs you to make more top telly. After the advert for the dying person or kebab shop knife victim to be mummified for entertainment, the media is now looking for a teacher who was assaulted and felt unable to carry on. Here’s your chance, Miss:


People who wish to share their experiences of abuse in the workplace should crave both accuracy and sensitivity in the ensuing story. But the opening line of this journalist request is unlikely to allay their fears on that score:

Fame beckons in the media request:

This is a really quirky one and may just be a case of ‘if you know someone’.

Trying to find a former teacher who left the profession because she… was assaulted by a pupil…

Nadia says:

I’m assuming the journalist means quirky as in peculiar, but still. What next? A lighthearted tale of domestic abuse? A wacky exposé of redundancy? LOL!

Spotter and reporter: Nadia Knows

Posted: 25th, January 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink