
Anorak News | The Annual Ferret Legging Contest Upsets The National Ferret School

The Annual Ferret Legging Contest Upsets The National Ferret School

by | 17th, May 2010

THE National Ferret School will not be competing in the ferret down the trousers contest at Whittington, Staffordshire.

Organiser, and doyen of ferret leggings, Mr Frank Bartlett, 67, says the contest is a test of endurance.

The RSPCA winders if the contest breaches the Animal Welfare Act. But the humans should be ok so long as they remain still.

But James McKay, director of the Derbyshire-based National Ferret School, tells BBC WM:

“Ferret legging involves putting ferrets down the trousers of the male participants in the competition, and this is extremely stressful to the ferrets.”

Would the ferrets be less stressed if more women entered?

“It just beggars belief that in the 21st century, anyone could even dream of doing such a stupid event.

“Traditionally, ferret legging was played by Yorkshiremen who thought they were big and tough and would try and prove they were big and tough by doing something that no sane person would dream of doing.

“We fear that if this ‘contest’ is allowed to go ahead, it will set back ferret welfare by over 20 years.”

The 1980s were dark days for ferrets. Time for the enlightenment. Time to open your flies…

Posted: 17th, May 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink