
Anorak News | Corinne Sawers Models Saddam Hussein’s Gold Kalashnikov On Facebook: MI6 Boss Dad Takes Photo?

Corinne Sawers Models Saddam Hussein’s Gold Kalashnikov On Facebook: MI6 Boss Dad Takes Photo?

by | 1st, November 2010

CORINNE Sawers, 23, is the daughter of Sir John Sawers posing with a gold-plated Kalashnikov rifle for a Facebook shoot. The weapon was once, reportedly, in the clutches of Saddam Hussein.

She got her hands on the weapon because it was given to her dad as a token of thanks for his time as the UK’s special representative in Baghdad, following the 2003 invasion.

Anorak wonders what else he got? Have the palaces’ taps been accounted for and isn’t Corinne’s top the same one George Galloway wore on Big Brother?

Corinne is an actress. And now she’s famous. But can she shoot? On her agent’s website, we learn:

Skills: Singing – Soprano / Mezzo-Soprano Horseback Riding Advanced Skiing dvanced [sic] conversational French and Spanish Contemporary Dance

Mezzo-soprano horseback riding is impressive. If she can shoot the same time as riding the horse and singing, Corinne’s a shoo-in for Britain’s Got Talent

Posted: 1st, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink