
Anorak News | How Capitalism Ruined Net Neutrality: 4chan, Wikileaks And Pirate Bay Are Doomed

How Capitalism Ruined Net Neutrality: 4chan, Wikileaks And Pirate Bay Are Doomed

by | 17th, November 2010

TIM Berners-Lee, Sir Tim invented the world wide web. He did not seek to own it. Net neutrality was the byword. And then corporate America appeared. Big companies created big business of trying to own the web, and set about convincing you that without them the internet would be a rubbish place. And then Google and Verizon set about creating a system whereby they can control what you see on the web.

Will 4Chan be visible? Will Wikileaks not work as fast as it should?

Do the Google approved pages load faster than others? Do the pages they don’t want to  to see take an age to load?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee said in 2010:

“…there are a lot of companies who would love to be able to limit what webpages you can see, and governments would love to be able to slow down information going down to particular sites”… We can never spend enough time fighting for the neutrality of the underlying network,” said Sir Tim.

In 2006, Google agreed:

A Note to Google Users on Net Neutrality:

The Internet as we know it is facing a serious threat. There’s a debate heating up in Washington, DC on something called “net neutrality” – and it’s a debate that’s so important Google is asking you to get involved. We’re asking you to take action to protect Internet freedom.

In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter the Internet. That bill, and one that may come up for a key vote in the Senate in the next few weeks, would give the big phone and cable companies the power to pick and choose what you will be able to see and do on the Internet.

Today the Internet is an information highway where anybody – no matter how large or small, how traditional or unconventional – has equal access. But the phone and cable monopolies, who control almost all Internet access, want the power to choose who gets access to high-speed lanes and whose content gets seen first and fastest. They want to build a two-tiered system and block the on-ramps for those who can’t pay.

Creativity, innovation and a free and open marketplace are all at stake in this fight. Please call your representative (202-224-3121) and let your voice be heard.

Thanks for your time, your concern and your support.

Eric Schmidt

Google August 12, 2010

Google is now a listed company with a market place for its shares:

Posted by Richard Whitt, Washington Telecom and Media Counsel

Over the past few days there’s been a lot of discussion surrounding our announcement of a policy proposal on network neutrality we put together with Verizon. On balance, we believe this proposal represents real progress on what has become a very contentious issue, and we think it could help move the network neutrality debate forward constructively.

We don’t expect everyone to agree with every aspect of our proposal, but there has been a number of inaccuracies about it, and we do want to separate fact from fiction.

MYTH: Google has “sold out” on network neutrality.

OK. No compromise. Never. That’s what you are still all for, right? Do no eveil is your motto…

FACT: Google has been the leading corporate voice on the issue of network neutrality over the past five years. No other company is working as tirelessly for an open Internet.

But given political realities…


…this particular issue has been intractable in Washington for several years now. At this time there are no enforceable protections – at the Federal Communications Commission or anywhere else – against even the worst forms of carrier discrimination against Internet traffic.

With that in mind, we decided to partner with a major broadband provider on the best policy solution we could devise together. We’re not saying this solution is perfect, but we believe that a proposal that locks in key enforceable protections for consumers is preferable to no protection at all.

The private company will protect consumers. No, not protect profits. Consumers. No matter how rich or poor you are, Google will look after your internet…

MYTH: This proposal represents a step backwards for the open Internet.

It is. No question about it. But here comes the corporate explanation:

FACT: If adopted, this proposal would for the first time give the FCC the ability to preserve the open Internet through enforceable rules on broadband providers. At the same time, the FCC would be prohibited from imposing regulations on the Internet itself.

It’s at times like this you than good for the lawlessness of Russia and that every other country not run like the US, which seeks to protect its position in the – and this is laughable – spirit of free trade. American saw the web and stuck a flag in it.

Whatever Google and Verizon arrange it will ultimately be about one thing: profit. Says Berners-Lee:

“The moment you let net neutrality go, you lose the web as it is. You lose something essential – the fact that any innovator can dream up an idea and set up a website at some random place and let it just take off from word of mouth. You can end up helping humanity and make a profit out of it once you’ve got a domain name.”

What happens next will determine much about your internet…

Image: Gizmodo

Posted: 17th, November 2010 | In: Technology Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink