
Anorak News | Christmas Is Evil: Fanatical Islam And Daily Mail Agree

Christmas Is Evil: Fanatical Islam And Daily Mail Agree

by | 23rd, December 2010

MEET Abu Rumaysah. He says Christmas is evil. Boo! Hiss! Can Mr Rumaysah be the new Islamist panto villain we’ve been waiting for ever since wire bearded Omar Bakri left the Islamist scene and Abu Hamza went to jail? The Mail shares few a words with the man who has stuck up posters in Tower Hamlets, east London, decrying the evils of Christmas. Read what he says below.

If your replace the word “Islam” with “Great British values”, Abu could be reading from a letter he’d written for the paper:

But our main attack is on the fruits of Christmas, things like alcohol abuse and promiscuity that increase during Christmas and all the other evils these lead to such as abortion, domestic violence and crime. We hope that out campaign will make people realise that Islam is the only way to avoid this and convert.”

The group runs a website called Again, it reads like a Daily Mail letter:

If Jesus were alive today would he join you. Of course you know very well he would not, he is someone who called for goodness and condemned evil.”

If Jesus were alive today he’d support Spurs and have a timeshare in Miami. He’d also be turning Muslims onto Christianity.

The Star’s Tom Savage tells of “fury”. But one Anorak writer who lives in the area says she can’t find any evidence of fury, and realises that the posters will soon be covered up by another poster for the Fistmas sex party (this years it’s at a disused church Stepney). And lastly, there’s Abu’s song. It’s rubbish. His 12 Days of Christmas lacks punch, rhythm, and raw singa-longa-bility:

On the 1st day of christmas my true love gave to me an S….T….D. On the 2nd day debt On the 3rd rape On the 4th tennage pregnancy Followed By An Abortion Raves Claiming God Has A Son Blasphemy Exploitation Promiscuity Night Clubs Crime Paedophilia Paganism Domestic Violence Homelessness Alcohol Drugs…

Altogether now

Posted: 23rd, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink