10 Things You Won’t Miss When The World Ends On May 21 2011
IT is May 21, 2011. Today is Judgement Day, the day Christians get to experience the rapture and ascend to the big spirit in the sky. This leaves you free to spend the next six months while the world boils and churns towards the great nothingness look after their pets, living rent free in their houses, bombing Switzerland and finally learning to play the banjo.
We’ve already seen the reasons why the end of the world is now. But you may care to spare thought for what you will not see in what remains of 2011, 2012 and beyond:
* The London Olympic Games – lots of old athletes shoving a BBC microphone into the faces of hot runners and asking then how they feel
* President Sarah Palin
* News that man-made global warming will kill us all
* Princess Diana at 50 – shelves of articles on news that had she lived Di would have been 50
* Being the last one of your friends still alive
* Mel Gibson
* Evengelical Christians banging on about the end of the world
* Smoking outside
* EastEnders: The Movie
* Another failed Eurovision bid
Bonus: Harold Camping, the Christian maths guru who worked out that the enlightened ascend today. If anyone else goes missing on May 21, 2011, you know they prayed harder than you, and that the end is nigh for the rest of us…
Posted: 21st, May 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink