
Anorak News | E-Fit Of The Day: The Halifax Pixel Flasher

E-Fit Of The Day: The Halifax Pixel Flasher

by | 28th, May 2011

EFIT of The Day: The Halifax Flasher and his pixel:

POLICE have released this efit of a man they wish to question in connection with an indecent exposure in Greetland. A man allegedly followed two girls out of Greetland Goldfields Park at about 5.30pm on Saturday May 7 and exposed himself. He is described as white, aged 36, 5ft 7ins, big shoulders but slim, short spiked blonde hair and discoloured teeth.

The teeth are desribed by experts as “grey”…

Posted: 28th, May 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink