
Anorak News | Mr Boomer Drives Into Adult Store And Steals Huge Vagina

Mr Boomer Drives Into Adult Store And Steals Huge Vagina

by | 24th, August 2011

HARRY Boomer is accused of driving his truck, a – get this – red stolen semi” into a sex shop in Brownhelm Township, Ohio to steal a $800 “life-like masturbator complete with female genitalia with legs and buttocks“. You desperate people do desperate things.

Police gave chase. Boomer escaped – with the ornament.

Where is he now? And was he just looking for a sibling to help in a bigger caper..?

Spotters: WOIO and Boing Boing


Posted: 24th, August 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink