Oldham Woman Superglues Self To Kitchen: Boyfriend Laughs
LOCAL News Story of the Day: The Oldham Evening Chronicle reports on Tina Ramsbottom, 21, of Hathershaw. In attempting to fix a broken object d’art with superglue, she caused the fingers on her left hand to become stuck together. Looking for help she finds her lover. He laughs. He calls her an idiot.
She returns to the kitchen to put the superglue out of harm’s way. She places her right hand on the kitchen work surface and…it sticks fast.
As she tells it:
“I was totally stuck. I got my boy friend and we tried hot water to get me unstuck. We even tried putting a knife and a fork underneath my fingers but nothing worked. It was hurting as my nails were stuck so then we had to call 999.”
First came the fire crew. Then came the paramedics who looked up what to do on the internet. It turns out – and this for future reference, readers – that nail varnish remover does the job.
“The firemen had been there a while and said they were going to have to leave — and if I didn’t come unstuck in the next 10 minutes, they would have to cut the worktop and I’d go down to hospital like that!”
At which point the local news story would have gone national…
Posted: 25th, August 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink