
Anorak News | Jane Fonda Wanted To Shag T-Shirt Model Che Guevara: The Pope Still Available

Jane Fonda Wanted To Shag T-Shirt Model Che Guevara: The Pope Still Available

by | 5th, September 2011

DID you know that while at a rally for goodness, Jane Fonda declared:

“My biggest regret is I never got to fuck Che Guevara.”

Aim high why don’t you, Jane. Che’s dead. If you want to shag a T-shirt model, Jane, you can have the Pope, star of Anorak’s favourite T-shirt on sale at the various shops on Oxford Street, London:

“I like the Pope the Pope smokes dope”

Jane. You’re in…


Posted: 5th, September 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink