
Anorak News | Are These The Greatest Mug Shot Photos Ever? The Amish Joyless Riders

Are These The Greatest Mug Shot Photos Ever? The Amish Joyless Riders

by | 16th, September 2011

MUG Shot of The Day features the eight faces of the Swartzentruber Amish sect jailed by Kentucky District Court Judge Deborah Hawkins Crook for refusing to pay fines for failing to stick orange safety triangles to their horse-drawn buggies. Are they victims of health and safety gone mad.

For sure, they are joyless riders.

The men say the orange triangles are not in keeping with their religion which disapproves of bright colours.

The usual uniform at Graves County jail is an orange jumpsuit. But the judiciary had a heart and sent out for plain dark overalls.

All reporting on the case will be from hereon conducted in black and white…



Posted: 16th, September 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink