Phone-Hacked Jade Goody Was A Tax Dodger But The Sun Can Save Her Children
JADE Goody is back. The Sun declares:
“JADE’S CASH WIPED OUT BY £1.8M DEBTS” – Tax and bills swallow up sons’ inheritance
Well, quite. Tax a bills tend to swallow up most people’s money. Maybe – just maybe – it can be proved that Jade’s phone was hacked by the Sun’s former sister paper the News of The World and tragic Jade’s children can get a huge payout? Jade Goody is front-page news on the Sun. Maybe the paper can investigate this latest tragedy to befall Jade in a series of paid-for interviews with her surviving kith and kin that form Jade Goody Inc.?
Emily Nash reports:
TRAGIC Jade Goody’s £2.2million fortune was nearly wiped out by massive debts — leaving less than £400,000 for her young sons, The Sun can reveal.
Her cash has not been wiped out, then?
Jade had paid no income tax for four years when she died, devastating her cherished plan to set up her two young sons for life.
So. Her fortune was not her own. She was a tax dodger. She was the kind of person UK Uncut and other protest groups campaign against.
A source is wheeled forward:
“This is the final tragedy. When Jade died, the lawyers and accountants took a quick view of her wealth but they didn’t realise that she had no accounts done Sadly, because she lived her life in such an erratic, chaotic way, she never thought about her accounts, like a lot of celebrities. They have had to go through all her receipts for the past four years of her life and it has wiped out the boys’ inheritance.”
Was she really such a scatterbrain? Back in 2009, the Telegraph reported:
Without the wedding, her estate, estimated at £3 million, would have probably been passed directly into trust for her sons Bobby, five, and Freddie, four. Goody earned about £1 million in the months before she died, insisting that she wanted the money to go to her sons so they could enjoy the upbringing she never had. But according to Andrew Kirby, a senior trust and tax manager at Moore Blatch Solicitors, her marriage to Jack Tweed could have saved that sum alone by avoiding inheritance tax. If Goody had not wed Tweed, Freddie and Bobby’s trust would been liable to 40 per cent tax on more than £2.68 million of her estate, landing it with a bill of £1,075,000.
Emily Nash piles on the emotion:
Just before she died, devoted Jade said: “Everything I have, my houses, my money, is going to my sons. I always wanted them to have what I never could. I want to make as much money as possible to look after my boys. I know I’m ignorant, but I’m going to make sure my boys get the best education.”
And then that source adds:
“The whole scenario of there being £3million put away for the boys was a fairy tale. We think there is enough there to pay their school fees. But there is no trust fund left for them. What the boys have is about £400,000 in cash, plus three properties worth about £1.1million — two of which are in negative equity.”
The lads have £1.5m of assets.
“It’s not much to look after them both for ten years or so.”
Well, not unless dad earns a crust, they live within their means and – hell, who knows – the family can sell their story to the sympathetic phone-hacking tabloids…
Posted: 1st, October 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment | TrackBack | Permalink