
Anorak News | Lisa Irwin: Trick Or Treat And John Picerno

Lisa Irwin: Trick Or Treat And John Picerno

by | 1st, November 2011

LISA Irwin is occupying minds on the Forum:

Anorakaren: Still no sign of her but they’re watching the family. As one report informs:

Brothers Of Missing Baby Go Trick-Or-Treating

They go trick or treating with the cameras form ABC’s “Good Morning America” in tow. 

So, from what I’ve read before, the mother won’t let police interview the boys because it would be too upsetting (then she agreed, then cancelled…)but she’s fine letting a camera crew follow them around?

The local media have been bypassed:

“I think the whole case has been a media circus since the beginning,” said Jeff Lanza, a retired Kansas City FBI agent who is now a security and communications consultant. “It’s distracted from the investigation.” Some also wonder why the parents focused so heavily on national media interviews while refusing local media interviews, if they wanted to find the baby. Local reporters are complaining bitterly about it,” said Michael Mahoney, a veteran reporter with KMBC-TV in Kansas City. “They think the family has opted to take this story nationally when local reporters believe they have the best chance of finding this infant by getting the word out.”

The Irwin’s Team have been fighting:

The case has taken a series of abrupt turns in the past week. Kansas City based lawyer Cyndy Short bowed out from the case Friday. In a press conference held Monday, Short announced that she and New York based lawyer Joe Tacopina, also representing Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, could not work together as a team. “Our goals and our approaches are so different that one of us had to go,” she said.

The news team:

Joseph Tacopina, a high-profile Manhattan criminal defense lawyer who joined the case on behalf of Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, announced that Kansas City attorney John Picerno would join the case. A public dust-up late last week between Tacopina and his previous local counsel, Cyndy Short, led to Tuesday’s announcement. Short confirmed Monday that she no longer was on the case, saying that she and Tacopina did not make a good team.

That squabble, and other issues related to the legal representation in the case, has distracted both the investigation and the public’s vital attention to the case, Tacopina said in a written statement.

“While, understandably, the media and the public at large have a great interest in the hunt for baby Lisa and its search for answers, we feel at this time that the focus needs to shift back on the investigation and hopeful recover Lisa, both alive and well,” Tacopina said in the statement.

You might think this case is all about the media…

Posted: 1st, November 2011 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink