
Anorak News | Tariq Ali hammers the tin lid on Christopher Hitchens coffin: audio

Tariq Ali hammers the tin lid on Christopher Hitchens coffin: audio

by | 16th, December 2011

CHRISTOPHER Hitchens has died. The journalist’s brother, Peter Hitchens, has written a moving eulogy in the Daily Mail. It’s well worth a read.

But in every death an opportunity arises. On BBC World At 1, Tariq Ali, a “leading figure of the international left” (source: Guardian), appears to stick the knife in, labelling Christopher Hitchens a failure and a hypocrite. It’s charming stuff to end the debate with self-aggrandising comments, to put the tin lid on your argument when someone is putting a lid on your adversary’s coffin. It really is revolting:

Says Ali:

Tariq Ali on Hitchens (mp3)

Posted: 16th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink