
Anorak News | Occupy Ellen Barkin: Rich actress joins the 99%

Occupy Ellen Barkin: Rich actress joins the 99%

by | 2nd, January 2012

ELLEN Barkin is the latest multi-millionaire to join the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The 1% are also the 99%. The rich really do want it all. Ellen Barkin is upset at the police arresting an Occupy Wall Street protestor. She then claims that NYPD cop shoved her out of the way. Parts of the action were recorded by Sam Levinson, Ellen Barkin’s boyfriend. No, he doesn’t step in to defend his lady. Sam Levinson films her and posts it on the web. We are each of us heroes in our own way.

The NY Post records the Barkin v NYPD smack down thus:

Cop: “Sidewalk, Miss”

Ellen Barkin: “Get your motherfucking hands off me”.

Yeah that’s what I thought. How that cop must have wished he’d have said Ms.

Ellen then does as the dispossessed do who want to give it to The Man – she gets on twitter:

“Just threatened on my street by NYPD, cop shoved me, both hands, onto sidewalk..Is it a crime 2 stand in the street in NY? WTF is going on here?”

“I was trying 2 make my way 2 young girl they had thrown in2 the van.She was not a protester. Was not drunk. She was walking home”

“F–k all of u, Bloomberg & every1 goosestepping behind u. I cannot believe what I am seeing.U protect nothing.U ARE the violence in my city”

Levinson tweets:

“#NYPD Wildin out on random civilians on 5th ave Just watched a girl get arrested while trying 2 cross 13th st 2meet her bf @OccupyWallStNYC.”

Good that he watched. If you are going to compare the NYPD and Bloomberg to the Nazis, Levinson and Barkin might enjoy the words of Martin Niemöller. Watching and grandstading your importance might be less than doing nothing…




Posted: 2nd, January 2012 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink