
Anorak News | Hazel Jones is the woman with two vaginas

Hazel Jones is the woman with two vaginas

by | 11th, January 2012

HAZEL Jones, 27, has two vaginas. You might have caught Hazel on This Morning talking about her uterus didelphys with understanding Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

Doctor Dawn Harper told Holly and Phil:

The two tubes have made two separate uteruses and two vaginas and two cervixes. And although it’s relatively common to have a septum within the uterus, to actually have two separate uteruses is much rarer – one in a million.”

Yes, readers. Out there right now are tens if not hundreds of women with two vaginas. Cocaine dealers looking for mules, porn directors and men who want their girlfreind to be intact on her wedding day (use door B) must be salivating.

Says Hazel:

“As soon as I found out what it was, I told everybody! I thought it was amazing.”

Would you tell everybody? Of course you would.

“It’s definitely an ice-breaker at parties. If women want to have a look, I’m quite happy to show them, it’s not something I’m embarrassed by.”

All depends on the party…

Posted: 11th, January 2012 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink