
Anorak News | Falklands Islands Penguin News calls Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner a “bitch”

Falklands Islands Penguin News calls Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner a “bitch”

by | 9th, February 2012

OVER in the Falkland Islands the Penguin News has called Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner a “bitch” on its website.

The Penguin News’ editor Lisa Watson later removed the word that had been used to save a photo of the politico.

Says Watson:

“I receive threats and insults via our work email address and on Twitter. The threats I try not to take seriously, particularly as the individuals tend to sign their name and even offer ‘besos’ (kisses) after claiming they are coming to the Falklands and their first task will be to kill me.”

Our man has been in the Falklands. The first task is to find a shelter from the wind.

She adds:

“Mainly I am referred to as a prostitute, liar, thief and pirate, other words I really wouldn’t like to mention.”

Oh, go on. Mention.

In other Penguin News news:

OUR Falkland Islanders will represent their country at The Golden Shears in New Zealand in early 2012.

Following an exciting shearing and wool handling championship competition held at the Falkland Islands Defence Force Hall last night (December 29) the Islands’ top shearers Lee Molkenbuhr and Evan Jones, and best wool handlers Vicki Lee and Samantha Lee Hirtle will head off to Masterton to compete against the world’s best at the end

And now for the weather…

Posted: 9th, February 2012 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink