
Anorak News | Abu Qatada is free to be driven mad by daytime telly and five children

Abu Qatada is free to be driven mad by daytime telly and five children

by | 13th, February 2012

ABU Qatada, aka Omar Othman, is no longer in prison. Osama bin Laden’s former “right-hand man in Europe” has been released from Long Lartin top security prison in Worcestershire. He’s out. But not really. Abu Qatada is under a 22-hour curfew. He has to live with his wife and five children. He’s wearing an electronic tag, one that can read his mind, probably. He’s banned from using the internet and telephone. He is forbidden from taking his youngest child to school.

Yep, the silver lining is that the lucky sod has been banned from the school run. No mindless chat about slaughtering Jews, Bianca’s party invites, murdering gay and the outing to Blenheim Palace with other parents.

But this is not enough for Downing Street, which says:

“We will take all measures necessary to protect the public. We are committed to removing him from the country. We want to see him deported and we are looking at all the options for doing that. I’m not going to go into specifics.”

A European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) says Qatada cannot return to his native Jordan because of fears that evidence gained by torture would be used against him.

And so it is that the fearsome firebrand is living in suburbia with his wife and give young children. Can you run global jihad and foment terror with Marmite stains on the duvet and by shouting at Jeremy Kyle on the telly?

Also, isn’t it handy to know the face of the enemy and where he’s living?

Image: Firebrand preacher Abu Qatada (rear) being driven out of Long Lartin prison in Worcestershire. His seatbelt is on. Safey first.

Posted: 13th, February 2012 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink