
Anorak News | News just in: young people are stupid and into socialism

News just in: young people are stupid and into socialism

by | 14th, February 2012

NEWS just in – young popels are stupid. Or if you prefer, young people are ignorant, unwise if we have to be really polite about it.

According to a new study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 49 percent of millennials (age 18-29) view socialism in a favorable light, compared to 43 percent who view it unfavorably.

Moreover, millennials like the sound of socialism better than capitalism. 46 percent of millennials have positive views of capitalism, and 47 percent have negative views.

This is different from the country’s population overall: 60 percent say they have a negative view of socialism, versus 31 percent who say they have a positive view. Young people are the only age group whose support for socialism outweighs that of capitalism.

This isn’t really all that surprising. Young people can still remember how lovely it all was when they didn’t have to produce anything and all was provided by the Bank of Mum and Dad. Socialism’s just fine when everything is coming to you for free.

It’s that little bit later, when you’ve got to start paying for what everyone else is getting for free that the flip side becomes apparent. Which is why people tend to become more conservative as they age: they’re the ones paying the bills.

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Posted: 14th, February 2012 | In: Money Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink