
Anorak News | Woman gets hand trapped in pool table

Woman gets hand trapped in pool table

by | 3rd, July 2012

WE join the action in the U-31 Bar and Cocktail Lounge on University Avenue at 31st Street, San Diego, where a 22-year-old woman who got her hand stuck inside a pool table. Sharon Rangel, a bartender, provides the voiceover:

“I don’t know if she was going for an engagement ring or what, but she put her arm all the way in. 

The woman was trying to retrieve a ball from a pocket. Her bracelets caught. She was wedged tight.

The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department were called. They yook apart the table. The woman was free. Was there any lasting damage?

SAys Rangel:

 “It’s OK. I’ve got people playing on it right now.”


Posted: 3rd, July 2012 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink