
Anorak News | Finally! A Cure For President Yoweri Museveni Of Uganda’s Gay Worms

Finally! A Cure For President Yoweri Museveni Of Uganda’s Gay Worms

by | 26th, February 2014

AS President Yoweri Museveni taught us and the people of Uganda, the wrong kinds of sex gives you worms.

One of the cultures that we detest is oral sex. The mouth is for picking food, not for sex. We know the address for sex. That address (the mouth) is not for sex. The mouth is for eating not for sex. The mouth is engineered for kissing. It is not healthy. You can contract STD (sexually transmitted diseases). You push the mouth there, you can come back with worms and they enter your stomach because that is a wrong address.

Thankfully, when the post worm comes calling, there is help at hand:


worm bite

Posted: 26th, February 2014 | In: Photojournalism Comment | TrackBack | Permalink