
Anorak News | Sainsbury’s Removes Jewish Food From Shelves To Appease The Racists

Sainsbury’s Removes Jewish Food From Shelves To Appease The Racists

by | 18th, August 2014

This is an inscription that is to be seen on the roads in the city of Hersbruck in Bavaria, Germany, April 5, 1935. It says: "City of Hersbruck-This beautiful city of Hersbruck, this wonderful place on the globe, was created for Germans only and not for Jews: Therefore Jews are unwanted." (AP Photo)

This is an inscription that is to be seen on the roads in the city of Hersbruck in Bavaria, Germany, April 5, 1935. It says: “City of Hersbruck-This beautiful city of Hersbruck, this wonderful place on the globe, was created for Germans only and not for Jews: Therefore Jews are unwanted.” (AP Photo)


DID  Sainsbury’s remove kosher food in sympathy with Palestinians living under attack from Israel and, many would argue, Hamas in Gaza?

When Colin Appleby visited the Sainsbury’s Local branch in Holborn, London, he spotted an empty shelf where once kosher goods usually stood. He says a Sainsbury’s employer told him Jewish food was not wanted becsue the store supported a “free Gaza”.


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Any kosher-keeping Jews looking to buy food would have been disappointed. They could argue that money was not good enough for Sainsbury’s.

Their food had been censored.



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A Sainsbury’s spokesman told MailOnline there was ‘no evidence’ that a staff member had made the ‘Free Gaza’ comment.

There would have been no evidence that Jews were not welcome in Sainsbury’s had it not been for Mr Appleby and his smartphone.

Sainsbury’s adds:

“It was the manager’s decision there and then – not company policy at all. We are a non-political organisation and we’re not coming down on either side of the argument.”

Removing Jewish food is not a statement?

“We have had similar demonstrations at stores where people have gone in and removed goods, though no great damage was done. A decision was taken by a store manager faced with a challenging situation outside the store.”

A jar of broken pickles or alienate the Jews? Well, there aren’t many Jews in the UK – and they won’t threaten to storm the palce –  so the option is easy. Jews out!

Sainsbury’s added:

“The decision was taken to move these products to chilled storage elsewhere in the store for a short period on Saturday as a precautionary measure during an ongoing demonstration close to the store. They were returned to shelf as soon as was practically possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

Banning Jewish food lest it offend bigots is an “inconvenience”?


But are you outraged? Will you protest at how anti-Semitism is now acceptable?

What if the Sainsbury’s manager had appeased protestors by removing goods bought by blacks, Catholics, Asians, Mormons…?

Would you protest? Would it be acceptable?

Being an anti-Semite is ok is modern Britain and the West. You can wave an anti-Semitic banner at an anti-Israel rally without fear of being turned on by the crowd.

Question: Why does Israel get people so upset more than, say, China or Brazil or Irq or ISIS or French troops meddling in Africa or Libya or Yemen or Pakistan or… Anywher no Israel?




Posted: 18th, August 2014 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink