
Anorak News | Grumpy Cat’s £64m fortune is pie in the sky

Grumpy Cat’s £64m fortune is pie in the sky

by | 8th, December 2014

Grumpy Cat has earned its owner £64m.

Well, so says the Daily Express, which spoke with Grump Cat’s owner Tabatha Bundesen of Morristown, Arizona.

Grumpy Cat, real name Tardar Source “has made £64 million from an array of products, including bestselling books and a film”.

The Telegraph repeats the claim without any doubt, stating:

Grumpy’s earnings have dwarfed those of many of Hollywood’s biggest names such as Gwyneth Paltrow who, according to Forbes magazine, earned just over £12 million last year. The cat is also outstripping the world’s top footballers including Christiano Ronaldo, whose total remuneration this year is estimated at £27.1 million.

All true. Or as Bundesen says, it’s “completely inaccurate“.

So. How much?

In May 2013, the Wall Street Journal put Grumpt Cat’s earning at “a low-six-figure sum“.

Ben Lashes, the cat’s agent, says Grumpy Cat “is a seven-figure cat, for sure”.

That’s better. But the $1m cat is hard to take when we work like dogs for less…

Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink