
Anorak News | Peter Oborne quits the Daily Telegraph with a tweeted jump shot into Jason Seiken’s news bin

Peter Oborne quits the Daily Telegraph with a tweeted jump shot into Jason Seiken’s news bin

by | 17th, February 2015

With the General Election looming, the Daily Telegraph waves goodbye to its chief political commentator Peter Oborne. The Telegraph is all about digital balls and listicles.

But @Ned_Donovan wonders if the paper has missed not only its credibility but it’s new raison d’etre:

The Telegraph should probably update whatever list this feed uses:


Peter Oborne resigns



Mic Wright casts a glance at the Editor-in-Chief ‘s twiter feed:


Peter Oborne fail



The Daily Telegraph used to be a newspaper…

Posted: 17th, February 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink