Dad straps child to motorbike and makes her go to school (photos)
To India, where 40-year-old Bhagwat Singh has been spotted taking his daughter to school in Uttar Pradesh, India.
His youngest daughter wants to say at home. She has an exam and wants to skip school. Having tried and failed to coax her to class with offers of sweets and gifts, Singh opts for force: he ties her to the back of his motorbike with ropes and goes on the school run.
People spott the duo. They call the police.
Singh has been arrested and charged with breach of the peace. Says he:
“My daughter will not die if I take her to school. But she will surely die if she does not study.”
Die, yes, just not in an horrific traffic accident…
Posted: 19th, March 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink