
Anorak News | Sunderland man tricked into crime by burrowing Rampant Rabbit

Sunderland man tricked into crime by burrowing Rampant Rabbit

by | 20th, March 2015

Sunderland magistrates’ court calls David Hutchinson, 48. So.  Why ddi he have an unpaid for £35 Rampant Rabbit marital aide device in his pocket he left the Ann Summers store?

Prosecutor Lee Poppett puts it to him:

“This matter of theft dates back to February 9. On that occasion Mr Hutchinson attended Ann Summers…He paid for a number of items legitimately and left the store. It was later in the day that staff discovered a Rampant Rabbit sexual vibrator missing from its shelf.”


“He told police he picked up the display model of the vibrator and placed it in his pocket, because he noticed there was a hole in the box the item manoeuvred itself into the lining of his jacket.”

Rabbits are built for burrowing. They should also not be trusted around top hats, in which they can hide with remarkable ease.


rabbit rampant

Is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?


The court has heard enough. Mr Hutchinson is fined £73, £85 costs, a £20 victim surcharge and £35 in compensation for the Rabbit.

The box he can keep…

Posted: 20th, March 2015 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink