
Anorak News | Cold, Flu or Coronavirus? This handy chart helps you identify your virus

Cold, Flu or Coronavirus? This handy chart helps you identify your virus

by | 13th, March 2020


The bloke sat across the aisle who just sneezed violently on the Tube, bus or train? Worry not. It looks like coma mon cold. The woman with the nagging dry cough in the row behind? Move seats – although it’s probably too late. That could be the Coronavirus.

Other viruses on the London Underground: toxic dust particles and 121 nasty bugs. In 2016, Staveley Head commissioned a study by microbiologists at London Metropolitan University to see what bugs were on the Tube. The London Under the Microscope project spotted 121 different bacteria and mould types on public transport – including nine antibiotic-resistant superbugs. A ride on the Tube might mean sharing a seat with Staphylococcus Aureus (the bacteria responsible for toxic shock syndrome), E.coli, Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Serratia.

Posted: 13th, March 2020 | In: News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink