
Mof Gimmers

Mof Gimmers - Author Archive

Laura Fernee phd claims she is too pretty to work

AS everyone knows, it is hard finding a job at the moment. One lady is finding it particularly difficult because she’s just so good looking, in her own words.

Laura Fernee … (read more)

Posted: 22nd, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 4 Comments

Eagle snatches fisherman’s haul

FISHING! Such a tranquil, noble past time eh? Languidly staring at the water, tactically working out fishy movements. That’s not blood quickening is it?

Not until an eagle appears from nowhere and … (read more)

Posted: 20th, May 2013 | In: Strange But True | 0 Comments

The weekend starts with misheard 90s lyrics!

THERE’S nothing quite like mishearing lyrics is there? Well, good news! Here’s a video, to kickstart your weekend, which looks at the hits of the 90s, which mishears all your … (read more)

Posted: 18th, May 2013 | In: Music | 1 Comment

Watch the video of a stupid deer leaping through a bus window

STUPID animals are rife, but one dim-witted deer had a bloody lucky escape after being hit by a bus. Instead of dying, it ended up going through the window and … (read more)

Posted: 17th, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 0 Comments

Behold! The Irishman stuck in a baby seat in McDonald’s!

THE Irish are an unfairly maligned people, often jibed at for being a country of dimwits. However, like all national stereotypes, there’s always one berk on-hand to live up to … (read more)

Posted: 16th, May 2013 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer | 1 Comment

Belly laughs: watch men feel the pain of child birth!

SOME men, as we know, are utter arseholes. They mock period pains and child labour and say they could handle it all with ease. This of course, encourages a certain … (read more)

Posted: 16th, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 0 Comments

Homeless man proves Atheists are more generous than Christians and Muslims

RELIGIONS are often the first to point out how good charity is and that we should always reach out to those in need. However, one homeless chap has conducted an … (read more)

Posted: 16th, May 2013 | In: Money, Reviews | 1 Comment

Idiots pictured carrying unexploded bombs between Worbarrow Bay and Tyneham

JESUS WEPT. Some people are dim aren’t they? Take for example, the two fellas who have been pictured carrying a pair of unexploded bombs in a park.

The Ministry of Defence … (read more)

Posted: 16th, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 0 Comments

Weatherman gets unfortunate case of the hiccups on air

HICCUPS are a pain at the best of times, but spare a thought for the poor sod who works as a weather presenter who got them while live on air.

Weatherman … (read more)

Posted: 15th, May 2013 | In: TV & Radio | 0 Comments

Brazil greets Paul McCartney with a plague of grasshoppers in his face

BEING a Beatle isn’t easy. When you’re trying to do a show, you’re met by most gussets and a wall of screams. However, in Brazil, they like to do things … (read more)

Posted: 15th, May 2013 | In: Music | 0 Comments

Which actress is unrecognisable without her bangs?

A SIMPLE haircut prompts most ludicrous fashion and tabloid writers to hoot about celebrities like they’re shape-shifting lizards, when really, it is just a human who fancied a change.

Endless columns … (read more)

Posted: 15th, May 2013 | In: Celebrities | 0 Comments

Couple break-up on jumbo screen ‘kiss cam’

FANS at the Fresno Grizzlies baseball team got more than they bargained for when the kiss cam did the rounds at their stadium.

Normally, when the kiss cam zooms in on … (read more)

Posted: 10th, May 2013 | In: Sports | 0 Comments

78,000 apply to live and die on Mars, because they hate Earth, clearly

SOME people hate Earth so much that they’ve applied to live on Mars, even though Mars looks like an arid death hole. More than 78,000 people from 120 different countries have … (read more)

Posted: 10th, May 2013 | In: Reviews, Technology | 1 Comment

Car hit by flying toilet

DRIVERS will testify that driving itself, is pretty cool. The freedom of the open road, listening to tunes in your car and being free to go anywhere is one of … (read more)

Posted: 9th, May 2013 | In: Strange But True | 0 Comments

Woman offers virginity to Burt Reynolds in video

ARE you a virgin? Ever thought of selling your virginity? Well, one young lady is offering hers to Burt Reynolds, not that she actually knows him.

And the 24-year-old doesn’t really … (read more)

Posted: 8th, May 2013 | In: Celebrities, Strange But True | 0 Comments

Robber thwarted by a face full of chilli

WHEN you’re faced with someone trying to rob you, it is difficult not to freeze in terror. However, that’s the polar opposite of Joanna Tarnoski’s actions as she dealt with … (read more)

Posted: 8th, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 0 Comments

Car park demolished around a car

OVER in Shanxi, China, a demolition crew performed something of a bizarre, wrecking crew miracle. The demolished tonnes of concrete AROUND a car, leaving it without a scratch.

The demolition team … (read more)

Posted: 7th, May 2013 | In: Strange But True | 0 Comments

Kid confronts illegally parked police officer getting food and goes viral in the process

OVER in America, they have a funny relationship with the police. Basically, they revere and loathe their force in equal measure. Wait, that’s like every country in the Western world.

One … (read more)

Posted: 7th, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 0 Comments

Man calls 911 and asks for weed

STONERS are idiots aren’t they? Hur-hurring away at anything, holed-up with multipacks of crisps and saying stupid things like ‘I really understand bass’.

Well, one such berk from Florida has been arrested … (read more)

Posted: 3rd, May 2013 | In: Reviews | 0 Comments

Woman offered payrise to get branded for life with work’s logo

SOME people are thundering bozos and will do anything to get noticed. Take for example, the gasping simpleton that works for a New York real estate agency called Rapid Realty. RR … (read more)

Posted: 2nd, May 2013 | In: Money, Strange But True | 0 Comments

UN bozo poses with fake Bono

POLITICIANS love hanging around with pop stars don’t they? It gives them the chance to feel vaguely important and they hope that a little cred will rub off on them … (read more)

Posted: 1st, May 2013 | In: Celebrities, Politicians | 0 Comments

Professional football team takes on 22 amateurs (Norwegian Premier League outfit Valerenga, that is)

FOOTBALL can be pretty ridiculous at times and a recent match in Norway took the biscuit, with a professional team playing against a team made up of 22 amateurs.

Norwegian Premier … (read more)

Posted: 30th, April 2013 | In: Sports | 0 Comments

Women’s lingerie, on sale for men to wear

IS Mangerie a thing? If not, it is now as a company called HommeMystere has decided to make women’s lingerie for men. They’re offering things like thongs and padded bras, and … (read more)

Posted: 29th, April 2013 | In: Fashion | 0 Comments

Virgin charge man £10 for being dead

VIRGIN MEDIA have had to tug at their sweater and say sorry after they sent a bill to a dead man. Initially, Virgin were unhappy that the man had missed … (read more)

Posted: 26th, April 2013 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | 0 Comments

Burglar phones police while robbing house

MOST criminals didn’t listen in school, which is precisely why they end up robbing houses rather than learning how to evade tax. Such is the way of the world.

One crook … (read more)

Posted: 23rd, April 2013 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | 0 Comments