

Broadsheets Category

Top news from The Times, Daily Telegraph, The Indepedent and The Guardian newspapers

Hope Floats For Ant ‘N’ Dec’s Row Idol And The Sunken Boat Race

boat-race-sinking.jpgPAST the bell at Arling and Hobbs and down to river for the big one. In 179 years of the Varsity Boat Race, Oxford and Cambridge have featured in them all.

Some say this makes the Boat Race predictable and old fashioned. But we say it represents the future, and other sports, chiefly football’s Premier League could surely do worse than dispense with all teams other than the richest duo of Manchester United and decide who wins the league title on penalty shoot out, or, indeed, a boat race.

Of course, even then the title can be decided in the opening salvos.

As TV Boat Race commentator Peter Drury tells the Telegraph: “There have been some exciting, tight races, but there is always the possibility that by Hammersmith Bridge you know who’s won, and you still have 10 to 12 minutes to run. That’s what I’ve been preparing for. You can’t sit and watch those dead minutes and hear the commentator say, ‘that is X, a 23-year-old from X college, studying X…’.”

Indeed, not. You need to know the rowers height and weight, what pub the boat is passing and a hotline to Stephen Fry and Clive Anderson.

But enlivening the race can be tricky.

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Posted: 29th, March 2008 | In: Back pages, Broadsheets, Tabloids, TV & Radio | Comment

Losing It At HeathRow Airport

heathrow-row-five.jpgIT’S HeathROW Airport as Terminal 5 crashes and burns.

The debut is a “disaster” says the Sun on its front page.

The Mail takes it personally and leads with “TERMINAL DISGRACE – Luggage check-ins axed. Bags lost. Escalators paralysed. 34 flights cancelled… and it’s just Day One at the £4.3billion Terminal Five.” It’s a “national disgrace”.

Can Heathrow top that on Day 2?

And what coincidence that the turmoil occurs when French President Sarkozy is making his way home, or trying to? Is this all some dastardly plan to exact revenge on so many blockaded ferry ports, burning sheep and airport strikes that have done down the British traveller?

If it is, then passengers might be more forgiving, cheer, even.

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Posted: 28th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Tabloids | Comments (10)

Sarkozy Kisses Carla Bruni On The Pleasure Boat

sarkozy-topless-stunna.jpgMORE news on Nicholas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni, France’s answer to Lembit Opik MP and his Cheeky Girl.

“JE THAMES,” puns the Sun, showing its readers a picture of the topless stunna and his girlfriend canoodling on a boat down the Thames.

“Over here, Kermit,” cry the tabloid paparazzi from the river bank. “Bombs away,” scream the schoolchildren from Westminster Bride as they give full throat to the entente cordiale.

Mrs Sarkozy is soon back on dry land. She is the Mail’s “lady in rouge”, which is Frenglish for Lady in Red, which is a song in which singer Chris de Burgh rhymes “dance” with “romance”.

France is Britain. And Britain is France. This is all “crazy”. The Independent looks on as “Britain went made for France’s first lady”.

Or as Le Parisien newspaper puts it in more sophisticated tones: “Les Anglais conquis par Carla” (The English charmed by Carla).

And of Mr Sarkozy, La Bruni’s little sultana?

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Posted: 28th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (6)

Marina Litvinenko Wants Justice

ALEXANDER Litvinenko’s wife Marina wants a full inquest int her husband’s death:

Officials at the highest levels at the Kremlin have insinuated that my husband’s friends in London killed him “in order to smear Russia”. In a scam worthy of the old KGB, a fringe American journalist was invited to Moscow for an interview with Russian prosecutors, who showed him the British extradition papers – the ones that I am not allowed to see. His “conclusion” – that my husband poisoned himself while smuggling radioactive material for terrorists – was published in a third-rate New York newspaper and then trumpeted in Russia as an American-sourced report. I have to protect my husband’s good name from such dirty tricks. A full inquest would put an end to these kind of smear campaigns.

What odds on that happening?

Posted: 27th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comment (1)

The Reality TV Virus Kills Native Peruvian Indians

reality-tv.jpgMARK And Olly is must-see TV for anyone interested in witnessing tribes on the brink of destruction.

Mark Anstice and Olly Steeds, two British presenters, would live with a remote tribe in New Guinea. In preparation, the film crew are considering other dwindling tribes, and visiting the Yomybato tribe of Peru.  .

And get it while you can because reality TV film company Cicada Films, the power behind such documentaries as “Ancient Plastic Surgery” and “Fat Fiancées,” strands accused of spreading disease among the indigenous populations.  Four of that tribe are dead and others are sick

Whereas once native Indian tribes received beads and smallpox in exchange for being exploited, they now get fifteen minutes of TV fame and MRSA.

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Posted: 27th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, TV & Radio | Comment (1)

Scaling The Heights: When Carla Bruni And Prince Philip’s Eyes Met

bruni-sarkozy-sex.jpgNICOLAS Sarkozy is sharing the platform (heels) with Her Majesty, Prince Philip and Carla Bruni.

La Bruni is not with Phil but the Guardian’s front-page picture of her looking at the Queen’s consort, a smile playing across her lips, suggests she longs to be. While Philip smiles broadly, Carla’s eyes sparkle. Sarkozy is looking into the camera, a man unnerved.

The Telegraph’s snips Sarkozy away and features only Phil’s noble profile and Bruni’s gaze. “Britain is enchanted by Madame Sarkozy,” says the Express on its cover. And Madame Sarkozy is enchanted by a Briton.

On the Times’ cover, Bruni is with Her Majesty, who is talking and pointing something out. But Carla has only eyes for Liz, her head a whirl of what hold this woman has over Philip, and how it can be slackened.

As the paper’s headline says: “When the Queen met Madame le President”. It’s a Lloyd-George-knew-my-father moment.

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Posted: 27th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians, Royal Family, Tabloids | Comments (2)

The Poker Playing Monkey

chimps-picture.jpg“DO chimps like to gamble?” asks the Mail.

“You bet they do.”

Indeed: “When given the choice between a safe bet and a high-risk and highstakes option, chimps will always choose the latter.”

The Mail says this means that chimps are the only members of the animal kingdom prepared to gamble.

The Mail is wrong, as anyone who has seen the footage of dogs playing cards knows.

And the Times says the bonobo monkey is also partial to a punt, albeit a safer bet than the chimps, say scientists at Harvard University.

This is all of interest for anyone who finds themselves sat with a table of monkeys and is uncertain how they will react to the flop.

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Posted: 26th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Strange But True, Tabloids | Comment

Heather Mills Campaigns For The Sunday Times Rich List

heather-mills-cash.JPGLADY Heather Mills “calls in the experts to prove Paul DOES have £800million”.

The Mail looks at the Sunday Times Rich List and sees it concur with Lady Mills’ opinion that rather than being worth £400million, as stated in court, Paul is worth £825million. Readers learn that a column of forensic accountants are on the job.

Dr Philip Beresford, who compiles the Sunday Times Rich List, says: “All I would say is that we were surprised that the valuation of the music rights and business assets were so low.

“Also we wonder what has happened to Linda McCartney’s money – she was worth some £150million when she died. Also the (McCartney) children all seem to have gone very quiet. They were bleating before about money.
“We were wondering whether he had given them some slabs of money first to keep them quiet and then to keep them off his balance sheet. We were certainly surprised by the figures.
“Obviously it is in the interest of his accountants and himself to keep the figure as low as possible.”

If McCartney is worth more, would Lady Heather’s divorce settlement be altered to reflect the change in circumstances?
And no less vitally, would any one bother to read the Sunday Times Rich List and believe a word it says…?


Posted: 26th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Celebrities, Money, Tabloids | Comment (1)

EU To Decide If It Can Make A Lake From Mead

mead.jpgJERRY Schooler is an award-winning English fruit wine maker, purveyor of silver birch wine, bramble liqueur and mead.

The Telegraph says Mr Schooler’s customers include “royal palaces and the National Trust”.

The paper also notes that Mr Schooler has been presented with a bill for £30,000 after the European Union ruled that he was using the wrong sized bottles.

Mr Schooler uses traditional 37.5cl bottles. The EU states that the bottles must measure 35cl.

But perhaps the most interesting thing is that officials are not sure whether to classify mead as wine or spirit. Anorak suggest classifying mead as “revolting”. But rules are rules.

We urge Mr Schooler to force the EU to rule on what mead is. And then solicit the support of cultural arbiter Jonathan Meades to carry the fight, and also create  slogan for mead, such as “I Feel The Need For Mead”, “Mead Is Murder For Thirst” and a cocktail called “Mead And Mild”, for your honey…

Posted: 25th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Politicians | Comments (2)

Magdi Allam, The Pope And The Irony Of Islam

pope_igod.jpgTHE Pope, Pope Benedict XVI, has baptised a certain Magdi Allam, 55.

Says the Times: “The Pope has risked a renewed rift with the Islamic world by baptising a Muslim journalist who describes Islam as intrinsically violent and characterised by ‘hate and intolerance’.”

And what of Mr Allam?

Mr Allam is “an outspoken Egyptian-born critic of Islamic extremism and supporter of Israel. He has been under police protection for five years after receiving death threats over his criticism of suicide-bombings.

If religion did irony…

Posted: 24th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets | Comment

Under The Counter: Cigarettes, Plastic Bags And Porn

cigarettes-under-counter.jpg“CIGARETTES to be sold under the counter,” says the Time’s front-page headline.

Says the paper: “When the ban on displaying tobacco products is implemented England will join just a handful of others to have taken the step. Ontario, Canada, has passed legislation forcing cigarettes under the counter which comes into effect this May. Two administrations in Australia – Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory – are also taking steps to keep tobacco out of sight.”

This is the UK’s peer group, an outpost in Canada looking for an identity – and Canada’s Most Intolerant Province” is a start – and bits of ozone depleted Australia.

And through the smoke we see a vision of the future. See the smoker approaching the check out girl, a light sweat forming on his brow, hands growing clammy, face reddening. Fear. Death . Addiction.

Man: Do you have any biros?

Shop girl: Blue or black?

Man: Blue…er, blue… And a Lucky Dip, please. And a packet of chewing gum and some headache tablets.

Shop girll: Anyfink else?

The shopper leans forward and whispers, his not breathy crosses the counter.

A security guard fingers his walkie-talkie. Eyes narrow. A queue has formed. Sounds of shuffling feet. Tutting.

Man: The man reaches inside a carrier bag (cries of “Shame!”, “Murderer!” and “Kill him!” are heard). He produces a copy of Necrafillia Monthly and whispers “..and Twenty Bensons. Wrap them in this please.”

Shop Girl: Twenty Bensons, was that? TWENTY BENSONS.”

The man throws a pile of cash at the girl. He is running. Running. Eyes burning holes in his flesh.


Posted: 24th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets | Comments (9)

Eliots Spitzer Can Blame It On Stephen Byers’ Black Socks

eliots-spitzer.jpg“IT is also my client’s understanding from the same source that Gov Spitzer did not remove his mid-calf-length black socks during the sex act.”

Words attributed to one Roger Stone, billed in the Times as “a controversial Republican operative”, who alerted authorities four months before the Democratic governor was forced to step down in a sex scandal.

Says the paper: “He told the Miami Herald that he learnt about the governor’s behaviour from a high-end call girl at an adults-only club called Miami Velvet who confided in him that she was disappointed to have missed a chance to entertain Mr Spitzer. Instead, her friend met Mr Spitzer and noted that he kept his socks on, Mr Stone said.”

Readers should recall the name Stephen Byers, the married former transport secretary, who was revealed by one Barbara Cornish to have worn his black socks while in the act of a private consultation.

Can it be that before Mr Byers was exposed in a tabloid shag ‘n’ tell, Mr Spitzer was just a normal office guy in his novelty socks? On reading of Mt Byers’ sexual prowess, and considering the middle-aged man’s anodyne exterior, did Mr Spitzer place too much stock on those black socks, seeing them as the source of the Blarite’s sexual vigour; Samson’s hair in a nylon and viscose blend?

We can only wonder.

And recall to mind the old public school adage that you can always trust a man who tucks his vest into his Y-fronts – and leaves it tucked in until he returns home from chambers…

Posted: 24th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comment (1)

Newspapers Are About The Writer And The Web Is About The Editor

newspapers.jpgIN “Why Old Technologies Are Still Kicking”, the New York Times’ Steve Lohr looks at technical innovation and newspapers:

The demise of the old technology is confidently predicted, and indeed it may lose ground to the insurgent, as mainframes did to the personal computer. But the old technology or business often finds a sustainable, profitable life. Television, for example, was supposed to kill radio, and movies, for that matter. Cars, trucks and planes spelled the death of railways. A current death-knell forecast is that the Web will kill print media.

The web will not kill print media. We buy newspapers for the writers. London’s free newspapers have no good writing and no decent articles. Like the web they are free.

We buy newspapers for the good writing and the decent articles. Those newspapers with the least good writing and the weakest voice will no longer be needed and die out.

The web can scoop newspapers. But the best newspaper writers can put the news in context.

The web works best as an editor – a strong editorial voice linking the news of most interest to the best writing.

The new Anroak will be an online magazine and an editor for the web.

Posted: 23rd, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Tabloids | Comments (3)

Celebrity Suicide With JK Rowling

harry-potter.jpgTHE Celebrity Suicide Cult – Anorak checks on the mental wellbeing of Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

Says the Sunday Times:

Rowling said her usual GP was away, and the replacement doctor sent her away. “She said, ‘If you ever feel a bit low, come and speak to the practice nurse’ and dismissed me.”

Rowling added: “We’re talking suicidal thoughts here, we’re not talking ‘I’m a little bit miserable’.

Two weeks later I had a phone call from my regular GP who had looked back over the notes . . . She called me back in and I got counselling through her.
“She absolutely saved me because I don’t think I would have had the guts to go and do it twice.”

It’s celebrity suicide – everyone’s talking about it…

Picture: The Spine 

Posted: 23rd, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Celebrities | Comments (4)

Madeleine McCann: Porn, Liverpool For McCanns And Libel

madeleine-liverpool.jpgMADDYWATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann

THE INDEPENDENT: “Saga of the McCanns is not yet over”

Says Richard Ingrams:

No one can feel too sorry at the thought of Express owner Richmond Desmond, who has made a huge fortune out of pornography, having to shell out a fraction of his profits to the needy McCanns.

No, not climate porn, the Independent’s apocalyptic visions of climate change, but real flesh and hair porn – the porn that has given Richard Demsond “huge profits”; which must mean many not only enjoy porn and are happy to pay for it. Would “no one” feel sorry for Mr Desmond if his fine curtailed his porn output?

The Story of the McCanns and Express Newspaper was broken by Anorak 

All the same, the story is puzzling. The Express was undoubtedly guilty of libel. But the suggestion that the McCanns might have been in one way or another responsible for their daughter’s death did not originate with the newspaper. It was the Portuguese police who long ago branded the McCanns as suspects. And officially they remain so. It has never been explained why they were so convinced of the McCanns’ guilt when all the facts seem to point the other way.

Facts? There is only one fact: Madeleine McCann is missing.

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Posted: 22nd, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Tabloids | Comments (453)

Jeff Randall On The Futures Of Short Selling

futures_traders_chicago.jpgJEFF Randall tells his readers what a short sale is and how not to confuse one with a  future.

Put simply: I know that you want to buy 100 shares in Jayar Junk. The shares are trading at £10 each. We strike a deal at that price, and I promise to deliver them in one week’s time. At this point, I still don’t own any Jayar Junk. No matter, my buddies at the Rumour Mill are about to go to work.

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Posted: 21st, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money | Comment

Madeleine Mcann: Express Newspapers Win, Robert Murat’s Tabloid Trial And Money

maccann-inflatable.jpgMADDYWATCH Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann

What irony in the McCanns winning £550,000 damages from the tabloid press, to whom they turned to keep their missing daughter Madeleine in the public eye. Thanks to the tabloids, Madeleine is big news once more. And with the money – notably the Star’s – get this – donation going to the Find Madeleine Fund, Express Newspapers have helped the search for the missing girl.

Meanwhile, the News of the World’s reward remains unclaimed. So is this a victory for Express Newspapers? Is the Express the tabloid that cares most?

FINANCIAL TIMES: “McCann libel payout cues media debate”

Lawyers and newspaper executives agreed on Wednesday that a £550,000 ($1.1m) payout by Express Newspapers to the parents of missing Madeleine McCann would temper tabloid behaviour. But not for long.

Not for long:

“WHY was Shannon laughing,” Sunday Express

Broadcaster Andrew Neil, former editor of The Sunday Times, said: “The Express got its come-uppance and I believe the editor should resign. But it is only the worst example…Whether that lesson will be heeded for long, I’m not so sure.”

Hunting Madeleine McCann And Robert Murat

A former tabloid editor, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, added: “It’s a disaster for them from a PR point of view, but I don’t think it will affect their circulation, certainly not the Star. It might make everyone more cautious, but I doubt that will last.”


THAT “Express apology – By Robert Shrimsley”

We now acknowledge there is no evidence whatsoever to support our theory that repeating this rubbish every day on our front page did in fact bring us any extra readers. We furthermore recognise that we should have stuck to the Diana inquest, given that she is dead and can’t sue.

Sun: “TWO British sisters have revealed they saw oddball Robert Murat lurking by the Portuguese holiday apartment from which Madeleine McCann vanished”

As an expression of our regret we are going to spend the next few weeks hounding Heather Mills in the hope this does the trick.

She’s blonde. So she’ll do.

Express front pages to look out for:


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Posted: 20th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Tabloids | Comments (770)

Bridget Prentice Finds Her Police In Queues

police1.jpgJUSTICE Minister Bridget Prentice is stood in the queue for a bus.

Her bag is agape.

Kenneth Cooper approaches. He is a pickpocket. He sees the bag.

Says Prentice: “I was just turning round to ask him to stand back when he got off the bus. I knew straight away that something was wrong and looked into my bag to discover my purse had gone.”

“He’s nicked my purse,” exclaims Ms Prentice.

As we have heard from Ms Prentice’s colleague Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary and customer of “KATIES kebabs and burgers” in Lewisham, the streets of South London are dangerous places full of dragons and many-headed beasts in checked caps and brandless white trainers.

MS Prentice is in danger. Luckily, reports the Times, an “off-duty” detective sergeant is stood in the queue behind Ms Prentice. He gives chase.

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Posted: 19th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comments (2)

Ilja Gort And The Smell Of Money

iliagort.jpgTHE money markets are in turmoil. And that means problems for journalists, who are never the best at maths.

In the Times, Dutch wine producer Ilja Gort has insured his nose for 5million euros, or £4million

In the Guardian Mr Gort’s nose is priced at £3.9million. 

In the Mail, it’s drooped to £3.8million.

In the Express, Mr Gort’s hooter is worth just £3.5million.

“Every time I look in the mirror I feel rich,” says Mr Gort.

And so long as he doesn’t take any settlement in pounds, he should continue to feel fine…

Posted: 19th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Tabloids | Comment

Lady Heather Mills And Paul McCarntey’s House Of Horrors

THE Independent reports that Howard Sounes, author of Fred & West, the tale of the serial killers, is in talks with Harper Collins to tell the story of Paul McCartney’s life.

Was the marriage that bad?

Posted: 19th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Celebrities | Comments (7)

Conman Pretends To Be His Barrister

“A CONMAN awaiting trial for swindling three women out of their savings stole his own barrister’s identity to trick his fourth victim,” writes the Times .

Having being charged with deception, Roy Moyse claimed to be barrister Roy Benson who worked in the same chambers as he’d taken on to represent him in court.

Roy Moyse has now been jailed for three years for tricking three women out of more than £50,000.

Mr Benson has a GSOH, a wallet left at home and is free for dinner…

Posted: 19th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Strange But True | Comment

Shannon Matthews: Bratz, Mystic Babies And Sir Norman Bettison

shannon-m.jpgSHANNON WATCHAnorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Shannon Matthews
Shannon Matthews has been in the care of the local authority since she was found. The media had a few hours to speculate and focus on Shannon “what ifs” but now the shutters are down. The man has been charged and will appear in court today.

DAILY MAIL: “Don’t let Shannon go home because her mother’s not ‘ready’, say her grandparents”

You can always interview the family.

“We just don’t want Shannon going back to that house. She can stay with us,” said the nine-year-old’s grandfather Gordon Matthews. “I don’t think that Karen and Craig are ready to look after her properly. While all this has been happening, we had Shannon’s brother and sister staying here with us and they were both so happy – they didn’t want to go back.”

Wonder why? Let’s speculate…

He and his wife June are fearful that Shannon, who is in foster care after her 24- day abduction ordeal, could soon be back at home. Mrs Matthews, 64, added: “I have been thinking of Shannon going back to Karen. It’s just not right. Karen was a great mum before she took Craig in. Since he arrived they’ve had a terrible life.”

Craig Meehan is innocent. Why mention him?

Mr Matthews added: “Craig is like a tiny child. He’s so immature. He rings Karen all the time on the phone, literally 20 times a day.”

Maybe it’s love? Maybe Karen Matthews likes children?

“Karen is like a taxi service for him. She picks him up and drops him off everywhere. I have never liked him and I don’t want Shannon going back to her mother while he is around, you just wouldn’t want him looking after your child.”


Shannon Matthews will not return to her mum and stepdad but will be looked after by specialist carers. Police chief Sir Norman Bettison confirmed that the nine-year-old will not be going home just yet to Karen Matthews, 32, and 22-year-old Craig Meehan for the moment.

Norman Bettison. West Yorkshire’s leading copper. After listening to the grandparents, listening to Norman is the next story. Prepared to update the Wikipedia entry, sir!

Says Sir Norman B-E-T-T-I-S-O-N: “She is safe. She’s well. She’s in the place where we think that she’s safest at the moment.”

He singles out Detectives Paul Kettlewell and Nick Townsend who refused to leave when they got no answer at a flat where neighbours said they could hear a child’s footsteps. They watched the front and back entrances and called for a battering ram. They broke down the door and discovered Shannon.

Says Chief Constable Sir Norman: “I think it is amazing and I think it is a question of pride for me that they started to make inquiries of the neighbours. Given this was the 700th action they had undertaken since the start of the investigation…

“It’s been phenomenal and it’s been unprecedented [“You’ve already used ‘amazing’ sir!] and let me tell you where I’m standing it’s been entirely professional. It’s painstaking methodical work.”

Of his officers: “They’re special people, extraordinary people doing an extraordinary job.”

Wikipedia: Sir Norman Bettison the Amazing, phenomenal, extraordinary, unprecedented…

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Posted: 18th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Tabloids | Comments (94)

Tony Blair’s Secret Talks To The IRA

ira.JPG“REVEALED: Blair’s offer to meet masked IRA leaders,” begins the Guardian.

“Tony Blair offered to take the unprecedented step of holding secret masked meetings with the IRA as he fought to save the Northern Ireland peace process from collapse,” continues the piece.

It is one claim made by former No. 10 chief of staff Jonathan Powell, whose book is, coincidentally, serialised in the Guardian all this week. It also forms the basis of the paper’s lead leader piece. Book reviews are rarely so newsworthy.

But what of the story and news that Blair wanted to sit down for a face to balaclava chat with, well, who knows?

It could be anyone beneath the mask. Tony could be talking with the man who used to do the BBC voice for Gerry Adams, Coronation Street’s ‘Big’ Jim McDonald or just about any Northern Irishman looking for work.

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Posted: 17th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comments (2)

Acpo’s DNA Minority Report

Acpo’s DNA Minority Report:

Primary school children should be eligible for the DNA database if they exhibit behaviour indicating they may become criminals in later life, according to Britain’s most senior police forensics expert.

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Posted: 16th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets | Comment

Madeleine McCann: Prayers, Bones And Media

mccann-reward.jpgMADDYWATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann

Remember, everyone, to play Anorak Bingo you must mention Madeleine McCann, Shannon Matthews and – here’s the tie-breaker – Scarlett Keeling. Eyes down…

DAILY MAIL: Amanda Platell

There cannot be a person in the country who didn’t feel a surge of delight on learning that little Shannon Matthews has been found alive and well.

We can think of one.

All the more so in these days when good news has become such a rare commodity. Yet even as we celebrate, we should spare a thought for Gerry and Kate McCann, for whom Shannon’s discovery, wonderful as it is, will be a fresh reminder of their own terrible loss. The return of one lost girl is a marvel. The return of two . . . now that’s a miracle worth praying for.

Was it the power of prayer that got Shannon Matthews found? If so, who gets the reward?

Tick. Tick.

THE INDEPENDENT: “Deborah Orr: Wonderful news that carries a message for the media”

It isn’t often that the papers have some really wonderful news to report. But it really is wonderful that Shannon Matthews has been found alive.

Amanda Platell agrees.

This amazing news also carries a lesson for the media, about the way it turns horrible crimes into great stories, and what an unpleasant, self-regarding business this can be.

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Posted: 15th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Tabloids | Comments (621)