

Celebrities Category

Celebrity news & gossip from the world’s showbiz and glamour magazines (OK!, Hello, National Enquirer and more). We read them so you don’t have to, picking the best bits from the showbiz world’s maw and spitting it back at them. Expect lots of sarcasm.

Michael Parkinson First Victim Of David Beckham Effect

beckhams-parky.jpgIT is inevitable that the retirement of David Beckham from frontline football should trigger a domino effect.

Hairdressers will be forced to haul down images of the icon, and Man Tan of Croydon will be impelled to offer an OAP rate on the once ubiquitous Beckham back, sack and crack, as part of the Surrey townscape as Anthea turner, concrete and bull bars.

Michael Parkinson, 72, may be one to take up the offer, in a desperate bid to keep Beckham in trend.

But it will be nought, and Parky knows it. As the Mirror reports, with Becks on his way out, Parkinson has decided it is time he too should step down.

Granted Victoria Beckham is still practising, but, unlike David, there is only so much you can say about Vicky’s hair, voice and chest.

Fittingly, David Beckham will feature on Parky’s last sand, a TV spectacular that will also see us wave a hearty adieu to Jamie Calum, Peter Kay, Dame Judi Dench, Sir Michael Caine, Dame Edna Everage, Sir David Attenborough and Billy Connolly.

Once David has let the stage, the other guests and their host will step away from the limelight, realising that it is time for a new breed to talk about the new Beckham…

Posted: 19th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (3)

Celebrity Fake Bake: Sophie Anderton’s Vice Shame

sophie-anderton.jpg “I’M great at sex,” says Sophie Anderton. “I’ll look great on your f***ing arm. I’m a supermodel.”

Anderton is billed in the Sun as the “former I’m A Celebrity star”. It should not pass unnoticed that Anderton has also featured in a pro-celebrity capacity on Cirque de Celebrité, Love Island and Fear Factor.

Anderton also, for a period, operated as a Wag, being the one-time squeeze of former Chelsea and Manchester United goalkeeper Mark Bosnich.

Many thought there was little left for Anderton to do. With all the seats on celebrity judging panels occupied, and Celebrity Soap Opera not yet commissioned, the real fear was that Sophie had nowhere left to exercise her fame and show us the real Sophie Anderton.

But then the New of the World came calling, and Anderton is now the recipient of the headline “Vice shame Sophie loses £100k deal”.

“Exposed as a drug-pushing prostitute” by the News of the World’s man in a hotel room, Anderton has been dropped as the “face” of Fake Bake.

The opportunities for Ms Anderton to reinvigorate a flagging career are now endless, as she sits on daytime telly sofas.

And makes ready to star in Celebrity Fake Baked, a show in which she and the “dream ticket” Tara Palmer-Tomkinson go to parties and see which celebs are on drugs and which are only pretending to be…

Posted: 19th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comment (1)

Getting Wind Of Heather Mills And Stella McCartney

heather-mills-leg1.jpgANTHEA Turner apart, no celebrity smells the same all the time. There are a million different scents for a million different celebrity moments.

Does an Oscar ceremony smell the same as a Bafta Awards do or the private hire car taking an EastEdners actress to the Soap Star Superstar after show party? Not a chance.

Scent enthusiasts await the arrival of Bath Time by Paris Hilton. And we read in the Mirror of the smell of Stella McCartney.

Stella comes in four blends. Stella McCartney Sheer Stella (top notes of Stella’s bed and pillow), Stella McCartney Stella (bottom notes of Stella’s brunch of aubergine and garlic dip), Stella McCartney Stella In Two (what Stella smell like when she watches daytime telly) and Stella McCartney Stella Rose Absolute (Two parts Sheer Stella to one part vodka with mid-notes of salt ‘n’ vinegar crisps).

And it comes to our attention that Heather Mills wanted some of Stella’s smell. Perhaps if brave Heather could smell like a flesh and blood McCartney others would be more accepting of her role?

Heather wanted the smell of Stella to feature at a gala do she was organising. But Stella declined. Says Heather’s publicist Michele Elyzabeth: “What would that have cost her? Nothing. But we didn’t beg. Elizabeth Arden donated.”

Perfume aficionados will note that Ms Arden has been passed a number of years. And though her innate and earthy odour is surely seductive to some there is real fear it will engender the wearer with the stench of decay.

And Heather Mills has so very much to offer…

Posted: 18th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comment

Paris Hilton’s Dirty Bath Video

paris-hilton-card.jpgPARIS Hilton has been to hell and back. Now she comes clean about all things in the News of the World’s clip of her in a bath.

Dirty “Paris jokes about her sex video scandals, swims around in the huge bath of bubbles and soaks herself with a bendy shower head.”

“It’s her dirtiest video yet,” say fans. “Nothing’s dirtier than this,” says other. “Bang!” says another. “Bang!” But nothing can shift so much dirt.

Bang! (RRP: £19.99)

Picture: 14 – Buy her prints

Posted: 18th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (6)

Britney Spears Looses It For Daytime Telly

BRITNEY Spears has yet to appear on the Jeremy Kyle show, talking about her broken marriages, her location-named children (Sean PRESTON and Jayden JAMES, site of the James Town massacre) and her drugs and self-esteem ishoos.

Britney is circling life’s plughole, ideal fodder to sit on an office-style chair before a live studio of her peers making eyes at the warm-up man and marveling at how you can get wine (both sorts) in cardboard boxes, and be told to “SORT IT OUT!” by shouty Kyle.

But now Britney has lost weight, or had lipo as the Mirror tells it in “BRITNEY (SMALLER) REARS”. And as TV watchers know, Kyle likes the women on his show to be the size of a mid-range family hatchback.

So Britney must look elsewhere for her TV outings. Perhaps a showing on Loose Women, the panel program where moaners who look like the Spice Girls will in ten years time, discuss men (awful) and going to the toilet (challenging).

Where will we next see Britney on British telly, other than on the 10 ‘clock news bulletin, naturally..?

Posted: 16th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comment

The Most Pointless Celebrity On Planet Earth

jordan-andre.jpgIN light of Anorak’s research, the Mail produces its own formula, this one for anyone wishing to “CALCULATE A CELEBRITY’S POINTLESSNESS”.

The formula takes onboard cash, band value, Google index, publicity, delinquency factor, actual talent and personal qualities.

The sums done, the Mail says the most pointless celebrity in the land, if not the world, is Peter Andre, aka Pete Andre, known to millions as the Singing Acorn, the shining example of manhood who put the Glo in Morning Glory as he climbed into Jordan’s hammock.

Many will of course beg to differ, it being the seventh rule of celebrity that coming bottom is coming top, if not the new coming top – just as up is the new down, going out is the new staying in and Anthea Turner is the new Viagra.

Expect appeals from Victoria Hervey, Sophie Anderton, Paul Danan, Chantelle, Kerry Katona and, how can we forget, whatshisface…

Look out for the 100 Most Pointless Celebrities on Channel 4

Posted: 16th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (2)

Amy Winehouse Re-Hydrates In Birmingham

amy-winehouse.jpgTHE Sun’s picture of Amy Winehouse dinking a class or orange juice only adds to her allure.

So talented is Winehouse – writing in the Sun, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber calls her the “new Ella Fitzgerald” in a “Judy Garland-style” – that it would come as no surprise to learn that she is taking on a mouthful of juice in readiness to gargle her hit song “Rehab” in the manner of The Tin Man.

But the fluids may serve another purpose: hydration. The Mirror says Winehouse was in “meltdown” before her appearance at Birmingham’s National Indoor Arena.

She is “wailing in despair”. On stage, the Mirror notes she is propped up by her band as she “almost collapsed in tears”.

As a fan says: “She was demanding drinks the whole time. She could barely sing.”

Much less cry or work up a sweat…

Posted: 16th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (2)

Hollywood Prayer Network Prays For Britney, Paris And Anthea

madonna.jpgBRITNEY Spears, Paris Hilton and Anthea Turner have a prayer: 

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Anyone who thinks Britney Spears’ best days are behind should know this—she does have a prayer.

The celebuwreck, who has been struggling to get custody of her kids while launching a comeback, is the top prayer-getter at the Hollywood Prayer Network, a group of more than 5,000 Christians that prays for stars instead of writing them off as lost causes.

The network recently passed a Bible to socialite Paris Hilton and plans to pass one to Spears later this month. It also picks up-and- coming child stars for its monthly Kids Prayer Calendar and pairs hundreds of mentors with struggling actors—the kind more likely to take your order in a restaurant than appear on your television.

Members of the network, which has chapters in 16 U.S. cities and eight countries, see Hollywood as the 21st century’s largest mission field, a powerful industry that can be used to sow the seeds of an international cultural and religious revival.

“We tell people, ‘If you’re angry at a TV show or you’re switching channels because of content, stop and pray for the people on the show,'” said Karen Covell, HPN’s founder. “If you really believe in God and you believe God has a transforming power, then leave it up to him.”

Because Jesus was a celebrity too…

Picture: 14 – Buy her prints

Posted: 15th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Heather Mills Speaks For Plants

heather-mills1.jpgSTOP Press: On Sunday, Heather Mills will be presenting herself for out inspection at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park.

Amidst the religionists, Al Goreans and fetishists, Mills will impose upon the people who like to stand in the cold listening to religionists, Al Goreans and fetishists the need to give up meat to save nothing less than the planet.

The Independent explains that less farming means less grazing and that means less pasture and less guffing cows and sheep. It means less mammals and more plants. And since the plants only speak to Prince Charles and vegetarians, Heather has volunteered to speak to the rest of us on their behalf.

The Indy reports that after her showing, Mills will feature in two adverts for Vegetarian international voice, which aims on speak on behalf of both domestic and foreign plants.

One message will declare “Hey Meaty, you’re making me so hot!”, while another is directed at tree huggers who eat fish and dairy. The strapline: “You haven’t got a leg to stand on.”

Says the Indy: “This is what happens when your publicist sacks you.”

The Ends Begins…

Posted: 15th, November 2007 | In: Broadsheets, Celebrities | Comment

Peter Doherty Snorts At Gemma Atkinson

pete-doherty-out-of-jail.jpgAFTER Gemma Atkinson’s jungle shower, the second biggest story in the Mirror is that Germma Atkinson has a bikini. The third biggest story is that Pete Doherty has taken drugs.

The story is, of course, history in the happening. And in time to come Doherty and his “cocaine” will find a place in the showbiz annals amid Arthur Askey Vic’s Inhaler and Liberace’s taste for Linctus.

Historians will be keen to know how Doherty took these drugs, and, as ever, the Mirror is keen to reveal all.

Note Doherty’s “tracksuit”, his “silver tray” and the “kitchen counter” he is “perched” upon. All vital drugs paraphernalia.

Doherty “chops” the substance into five “massive lines” and “snorts” them though a rolled up sheet of paper. He then “stares glassily into the camera”.

A bit like Gemma Atkinson, only more so…

Posted: 15th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (2)

Britney Spears: TMZ, Paparazzi And Eyewitness News

spears_britney.jpgBRITNEY Spears is in a car. The paparrazi are near. What happens next? What the media wants to happen.

As Tabloid Baby reports from Los Angeles: “Strange twist in the TMZ-X17 paparazzi ‘tragedy’.” It’s the making and unmaking of Hollywood sensation…

“Reports flew yesterday that one of the teams of paparazzi who chase Britney Spears around town was run over and smashed under the wheels of a Land Rover (our favorite respnse was how the corporate porn-pushing gossip site distanced itself from the ugly mess by placing the incident in the context of ‘Spears madness’).

“By the time the story made a brief appearance on The Drudge Report late in the day, the situation was downgraded from tragedy to another wacky Britney escapade, as it was on the blog that started it all:

“’11:00 AM PT Update: Somehow, probably by an act of God, the victim was released from the hospital last night with only a tire mark on his arm. TMZ reports that there was not a single broken bone or no internal injuries.'”

As TB says, “So much for eyewitness accounts.”

Posted: 14th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (6)

Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Buy Ethiopia

family.jpgOVER the newswires, Anorak learns that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have bought Ethiopia.

There are those who like to snigger about celebrities being only in it for themselves, hosting telethons and charity dos to promote their mighty hearts and to be seen.

But Jolie and Pitt are different. While Bob Geldof invites us to dig deep and build a well, and Bono, Mr G9, beseeches us to cancel the debt, Hollywood’s finest buy the place and have it remodeled.

And relocated. If the waters won’t come to Ethiopia, bring Ethiopia to the waters.

Ethiopia II: Son Of Ethiopia is off the coast of Dubai. According to the Emirates Today newspaper Bradgelina intend to use the reclaimed piece of land to showcase environmental issues and encourage people to live a greener life. They will do this from a manmade island.

And it represents good value. With prices for the islands ranging from six million to 36 million dollars, taking into account Ethiopia’s debts and the interest on those debts, even the top end fee represents something of a bargain.

Of course, the couple’s two-year-old daughter Zahara was born in Ethiopia. And it will be good to reconnect her with her roots. Perhps in time, the Jolie-Pitts other children can reclaim the lands they were sired in, namely Thailand and Vietnam.

The one shocker is that the Jolie-Pitts opted for Ethiopia over Namibia, the palce they tried on for size when their daughter Shiloh came among us.

But small steps – the world was not buildt in a day. Inded, the original world took six days to build. And with Brad’s knowledge of carpentry and plumbing gleaned from his time amid the flood waters of New Orleans there is evey chance he and his lover can set a new record…

Posted: 14th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

Madeo Men: George Clooney Meets Fabio

fabio-clooney.jpgWOMEN of a certain age like George Clooney. And their grandma’s, chubbier sisters and pendant moustachioed interior decorators like Fabio, the “romance icon”, the stalwart of deathless love style.

Both men belong to a past era: Clooney to the golden age of showbiz when the Rat Pack bestrode Vegas and never brought out a signature perfume nor felt driven to explain their lifestyle; Fabio is what happened to Sir Harry Paget Flashman when he moved to Italy, grew his hair and discovered girls and Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat.

The walking cover of a million penny dreadful romance novels, Fabio is seen entertaining the five female winners of a contest to watch him eat at Madeo restaurant.

On another table is George Clooney with female friend Sarah Larsen. Pictures are being taken by the Fabio party. Clooney notices. He thinks they are taking pictures of him. The Enquirer produces a picture of Clooney firmly in shot. He is ordering a copy of the print with his middle finger.

Fabio is incredulous. Fabio has the look of a man who thinks America is dubbed the land of opportunity because it gives the huddled masses the opportunity to meet him. He maintains the pictures of are of him and his winners.

Words are said. Fabio calls Clooney a “diva”, which may be a term of the highest praise. George drops what the Enquirer call an “F-bomb”. Says Fabio’s agent: “Clooney starred in ER and Fabio is going to send him back there.”

Macho stuff. And we see the cover to the book of the meeting now as Fabio (breeze-blown hair and leopard-trunks) looms over Dr George.

Madeo Man, by Jude Devereaux is available in good, bad and indifferent book shops…

Picture: By 14 – Buy her prints here.

Posted: 14th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, National Enquirer | Comments (3)

Amy Winehouse Cracks As Blake Sobs

amy_winehouse.jpgAMY Winehouse looked “pail and painfully thin” as she arrived at Pentonville prison, where husband Blake Fielder-Civil is housed.

Indeed, it is encouraging to note that Winehouse has not altered, the jailing, however temporary, of her husband not affecting her trademark look.

The Sun notes that her “lips are horribly cracked”, which may be a pun as readers learn that this is a “symptom sometimes associated with crack cocaine abuse”.

Cracking in the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis) is fairly common. It can be due to repeated wetting and drying and it may help to use a lip salve to keep lips moist, an anti-fungal gel or find a less drying recreational drug.

Blake should take care to moisture, as the Sun says he has spent the first days of his incarceration sobbing. He has been nicknamed Soft Boy, by his news pals.

He needs to toughen up. Anorak recommends a vinegar-based rub…

Posted: 14th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (4)

Heather Mills Is Fishing For Compliments

heather-mills-leg.jpgHEATHER Mills has been getting rather hot under the collar lately, claiming that the press are out to get her. Which is a near-perfect example of a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Today, the Sun gives “Lady Mucca” a routine kicking on page three.

“Mucca is talking CARP” it declares (think about it). “FISH WEBSITE IS AS POPULAR.”

As popular as what?

As popular as Mills’s own website, which, the paper informs us, is “only the 242,174th most viewed in the UK – around the same as specialist”.

There’s worse to come: “More than a third of visitors – 36 per cent – were not even based in the UK.”

Ugh! Makes you all queasy, doesn’t it, thinking of all those non-UK-based types looking at it with their greasy foreign eyes…

Anyway, we think that “Mucca” should take some comfort from all this. Carp fans may be few, but they are loyal and passionate. One announced on national television that catching a prize carp was “better than sex”.

Who’s to say Heather can’t inspire her own followers to similar heights of hyperbole?

Posted: 14th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (2)

Boy George Arrested On Kidnap Charge

boy-george-1.jpg“IT’S a good laugh all this,” said Boy George back in May, commenting on the tale that he was planning to kidnap a male escort and use him as a bondage slave.

Now, as the Sun reports, George has been charged with false imprisonment. It is alleged that George, Boy did keep one Auden Karlsen prisoner in his flat.

It is also alleged that Auden was photographed, as arranged, and then, while tethered to a wall, pounced upon by George, who produced whips and sex toys and gave full throat to the line: “Now you’ll get what you deserve.”

Karlsen says he escaped by wrenching the chain from the walls and running for his life.

There is no comment from George, although it is believed that should any crime be proven he is buoyant that the punishment be both long and painful…

Posted: 13th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (4)

Britney Spears And Lynne’s Nativity Play

britney-spears.jpgIF Britney Spears were British she’d be right now eating a kangaroo’s primary sexual characteristics with a side order of Ant ‘n’ Dec, and being touted as the new face of Pebble Mill At One.

Our Britney would soon be starring in the Bournemouth Pavilion’s production of Sleeping Beauty, alongside Malandra Burrows (Emmerdale & I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here), Helen Fraser (Body Bag from Bad Girls) as the Bad Fairy, Chris Pizzey (Mr Stephen from the Basil Brush show).

But over in America, things are done differently. There you have to make your own pantomime; you have to live the fantasy. And so it is that the New York Post brings news of Lynne Spears, Britney’s mum.

News is that Lynne has signed a deal with a Christian group to write her memoirs. We expect to read of a painful journey to the moment of Britney’s humble birth, then through trial and tribulation to the epiphany when Lynne realises that none of it would have been possible without her.

The newspaper tried to get an interview with Lynne. “You’ll have to call [Lynne’s] manager,” came the reply.

No, not a manger. A manager. Although, given the coming season and Lynne’s role…

Picture: 14

Posted: 12th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

To Kill A Mocking Bird: Heather Mills Is The Accused

IN scenes reminiscent of Jeffrey Archer’s courtroom pot boiler The Accused, Heather Mills is to represent “HERSELF” in divorce court.

So says the Sun, which notes that Heather’s lawyers have “dumped her”.

Princess Diana’s law firm Mishcon de Reya – who do not act for Kate McCann or Anthea Turner – have declined to act for Heather after she “defied advice NOT to talk about her marriage or the couple’s four-year-old daughter Beatrice”.

A source says: “Heather will make it out to be a David and Goliath battle. But how she thinks she can fight one of the best legal minds in the country is beyond belief.”

A mountain stands between Heather and the justice she craves.

Has she a chance? Has she elegance? Has she fragrance? Would she have, without the strain of this trial, radiance? How would she appeal? Has she had a happy married life? Has she been able to enjoy, rather than endure, her husband Sir Paul?”

Heather will be played by Marlene Dietrich; Sir Paul by Alan Rickman and Warren Mitchell 

Posted: 10th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (12)

Five Facts About Harry Dent-Brocklehurst And Lili Maltese

FIVE facts you never knew about Harry Dent-Brocklehurst and Lili Maltese. As detailed in conversation with OK! magazine:

1. When Lili’s son Jake (now aged 1) was born Lili had “no epidural, nothing. Obviously that was my preference but I would have done whatever was needed so the baby would have been safe.”

2. Lili would like to have a baby girl. “I would love a baby girl,” says Lili. But not necessarily an epidural. Although it would be wrong to rule one out

3. Lili “may just stop at three boys”. Although if she had a girl, she may stop at three boys and a girl. And an epidural. Or not

4. Lili wonders if “three is enough. Maybe we won’t get a baby girl, who knows?”

5. Lili and Henry will not be starring with Major James Hewitt in the Gloucester Players production of Dick Whittington

Posted: 9th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, OK! | Comments (2)

Angelina Jolie’s Biopic: Starring Brad Pitt And Jennifer Aniston

“HOLLYWOOD beauty had resigned herself to never having a life partner, but all that changed when Brad Pitt came onto the scene.” And Jolie got someone else’s.

In this exclusive OK! interview Jolie tell us about her “amazing life”. “It’s “amazing!” Amazing!” says Angelina Jolie, removing all doubt.

Jolie is auditioning for her biopic, in which she will play “poor” Jennifer Aniston to Jennifer Aniston’s pathetic and some may says heartless, cold and husband-stealing Jolie. Caring Angelina would surely like it known that there is always a part for Jennifer in any project she and Brad embark up together, such it the strength of their deep and lasting love.

“Brad aside, Angelina is known for her big heart,” says OK!, skilfully not confusing her with that Aniston creature.

“Brad is so good with Mad, for example,” says Jolie, “and they’ve bonded in such a beautiful way that it almost makes me want to cry – and I never cry.” Not like that Aniston person who cries all the time.

“Honesty and trust are fundamental,” says Jolie. “Brad and I have together and that’s why we’re enjoying our life together.”

It sounds, well, amazing… “I could spend hours just watching Brad enjoying his time with the kids,” says she, words that could come from the mouths of any one of us – “except I’m usually busy changing clothes or getting the kids ready for bed myself!”

Not like that Aniston woman who has no children and only has herself to think about all day and all night…

Pic: 14

Posted: 9th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, OK! | Comments (18)

Jennifer Lopez Does An About Face

“THE world’s worst-kept secret…REVEALED,” says the Star. And readers guess. What is it? Is the world’s worst-kept secret:

a) Iran is building a nuclear bomb
b) Princess Diana never died but lives on the fabled Sixth Floor of Harvey Nichols
c) Jennifer Lopez is pregnant

The answer is “c”. The rest we know.

“Yes, I’m pregnant,” says Jennifer Lopez, so making us all privy to the secret, which is, as the Star maintains, badly kept…

Pic: Matt ‘Hack’ Buck

Posted: 9th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comment (1)

Amy Winehouse’s Hits And Blake Fielder–Civil Pinched

AMY Winehouse should see the arrest of her husband Blake Fielder–Civil as a time to says “Stop” and “Let’s start again”.

“Amy man is cuffed and off to the cells,” says the Mirror’s front-page headline. “Baby, I love you.. Baby, I’ll be fine… I love you,” says Winehouse, words reading like an advertorial for her next compilation of hits.

“I want to go with him,” says Winehouse. “Baby, I love.” And many, many more. “I love you,” says Blake, gamely playing Sony to his wife’s Cher.

And then he is bundled into an unmarked police car. And so it is that Fielder-Civil has becomes the latest in a long lien of double barrels to be pinched.

It is alleged that Fielder-Civil did conspire to halt a trial in which he and one Michael Brown are accused of causing GBH with intent on a barman. It is claimed that £200,000 would have been paid to alleged victim James King to withdraw his police statement.

The Mirror produces a picture of King allegedly withdrawing his claims. Another picture shows “middleman Ant” allegedly meeting with King to discuss the deal. The Mirror says Ant and an associated Jay contacted the Mirror claiming to have a tape showing the attack.

Over in the Sun, the front page shows police forcing their way in the Winehouse residence. She tells a friend: “We’re f***ed. God knows what they’ll find.”

Amy’s hair is high…

Posted: 9th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (4)

Mac Still Able: Paul McCartney’s Challenge

IN “Moll Of Kintyre,” the Sun finds the story to fit the headline, saying that Paul McCartney’s new love was once accused of having links with the Mafia.

Or at least Nancy Shevell’s father, “mega-rich” Myron ‘Mike’ Shevell, was once accused of making pay-offs to the Mob. Mr Shevell works in trucking.

It’s a dirty business. Or a “DIRTY MAC”, as the Mirror puts it, with a barely veiled attack on Sir Paul’s age and friendship with another much younger woman.

Heather Mills, for one, is upset by it. Heather’s US publicist tells the paper: “She did ask him if it was going on while they were together and Paul swore that it did not happen then and that she was just a friend.”

“It is purely platonic,” says the Express via a headline. Says a friend in the Mirror: “She is someone he can talk to. He finds her challenging…”

Sir Paul is 65….

Pic: 14

Posted: 8th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comments (10)

Hullo, Clouds: Pete Doherty Re-Re-Rehabs

NEWS that Pete Doherty is back in rehab is as shocking as it is saddening. For musos keen to catch Pete’s latest work, the Mirror reports that he is staying at Clouds rehab facility, Wiltshire, Basil Fotherington-Thomas’ treatment centre of repute.

Posted: 8th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comment (1)

Posh And Becks Targets In War On Terror

LIKE you, we have long wondered why no-one ever asked David Beckham to appeal for help in findings Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction.

If only the War On Terror had a celebrity element it would surely achieve the news coverage it deserves.

The Sun realises the problem, and introduces readers to Brian Tilley.

The ex-Marine was shot in the foot and then in the back by five men dressed as Iraqi police. It was an unlawful killing. Bournemouth’s sitting coroner hears the gruesome details.

Mr Tilley was employed in Iraq as a security worker. But he is best known to Sun readers as a “former bodyguard to Posh and Becks”. As the paper reports: “He was a close pal of the couple.”

And the headline: “Posh pal killed in cop raid.”

The WMD have yet to be found…

Posted: 8th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids | Comment