

Celebrities Category

Celebrity news & gossip from the world’s showbiz and glamour magazines (OK!, Hello, National Enquirer and more). We read them so you don’t have to, picking the best bits from the showbiz world’s maw and spitting it back at them. Expect lots of sarcasm.

Brief Encounters

As Shahbaz returns to his life as an amoeba, he may like to note that life can return to what it was before he crashed and burnt so horribly.

Back on Big Brother 3, on Thursday 30th May 2002, trainee Barrister Sunita Sharma walked from the show. She survived the experience and is now a practising lawyer.

When she left she tipped Jade to win the show’s £70,000 prize. "She’s so vibrant all the time and she comes out with some really funny things. You don’t mind listening to her,” said Sunita.

Sunita was wrong about that. Jade did not win the show, and neither did Sandy Cummings, who climbed out of the Big Brother compound and back to his job as a personal shopper at a London department store.

So all is not lost for Shahbaz. Although this is not to say Shahbaz will become a lawyer or a dresser of women unable to dress themselves.

Could you imagine the Scot handling your draws, like Sandy, or your briefs, like Sunita?

Posted: 25th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Expressionately Yours

IS it better not to be understood than it is to be incomprehensible? Is it better to be Nikkkki and Lea, or Mikey?

Nikkki has already, as readers of Anorak are aware, given us the word “amniosity”. On hearing it we were minded of US soap operas Dallas, in particular those moments when Donna Culver Krebbs would talk about her amniocentesis test.

Whether this is what Nikki meant by amniosity we are unsure, but if she did, then Stetson hats off to her for it.

And then there is Lea. Looking at Peter and her surrogate daughter Aisleyne cosying up, Lea observed: "He’s really expressionate when he’s talking to her.”

Yeah. Expressionate. It’s not up there with amniosity but as a new word we commend Lea for her efforts. And will be listening out for it in future episodes of EastEnders.

But, of course, we have a rough idea what Lea means by expressionate. And what with this being Lea, it is a very, very rough idea.

Which perhaps makes Lea and Nikkkkkkki better than Mikey. He hasn’t made up any new words yet. But, then again, he is talking in a foreign language.

Which returns us to our original poser: is it better to be understood than it is to be incomprehensible? Is it better to be Mikey, Lea or Nikki?

Posted: 24th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Taking The Mikey

Let’s talk about Mikey. And let us do it in a way that Mikey will understand: “Mmph rugs hugerl philo like huirrtol etogguy like, isn’t eart? Like.”

And while we are talking about the man, let us find out how he became one. Step forward, cram your substantial frame into a tight, cheap satin bodice, Michelle Harrison.

Michelle wants the world to know that it was she who was Mikey’s first sexual conquest.

“We went on a double date to see The Exorcist,” says Michelle in the Mirror. “Mikey was a great kisser and we started seeing each other. Later he called and said, “My parents are out. Can you come over?”

“and trained him to be the perfect boyfriend and lover.”

And for those girls who want to woo Mickey, and who overly aren’t bothered about pillow talk (Mikey sounds as if he is being suffocated by one), Michelle says he likes “tall, confident, drop-dead gorgeous girl”.

And, no, since you asked, she hasn’t seen Mikey in ages…

Posted: 23rd, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Mother & Daughter

Lea and Aisleyne sat in the Diary Room. And one thought crossed our minds – are they related? Are they mother and daughter?

Theirs was undoubtedly the most revolting performance ever seen on the chair. Aisleyne, with her immobile face and Liberace-style teeth, was sat behind her onscreen ‘mum’.

Lea then began telling the world that she is a woman of few needs, and can get by on a mixture of “money, alcohol and ****”.

(Clue: the asterisks are not a substitute for the word “food”, neither are they in place of the words “baps”, “Botox”, "filler”, “glue”, “Mr Kipling Cherry Bakewells” or “class”.)

And we urge the housemates – if they are tuning in to Anorak via Snoozie’s radar dish-styled appendages – to add lots of cleaning fluid and disinfectant to this week’s shopping list.

Indeed, get some petrol and burn the chair. It will be cheaper in the long run. But not as cheap as Aisleyne and Lea, obviously.

Posted: 22nd, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment


“F***!” It’s Tourette’s Week Awareness Time on and we are entering into the spirit of the thing.

And we are not alone. Nikki is showing her support for the cause by swearing lots.

Nikki seems to have decided that being high maintenance is an attractive thing and has taken to screaming for “f****ng” bottled water.

And there’s Lisa. She swears about pretty much anything. She is a prolific and fluent swearer. She says Pete makes her feel “normal”. And she would be No.1 swearer were it not for Pete.

Of course, whereas Nikki’s foul mouth is a motif for her passionate belief in the benefits of sipping bottled water, and Lisa’s swearing epitomises what she is, Pete’s swearing is uncontrollable.

To some it might even be comic, especially those moments when discussing how much he likes all his housemates he blurts out “w****ers”.

Pete has a stated desire to be a “famous Touretter”. And though winning now, the competition is full, frank and f***ing desperate…

Posted: 21st, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Blotting Her Copy Book

Lisa Huo! It’s a name you can really shout, like “Westward Huo!” or “Hi-Huo Silver!”.

But resist the urge to scream it. Fight the temptation to chant “Get Huo Out” or “Oh No Huo Must Go”. You are not in the playground now, picking on the least likeable, weakest child. You are not Grace. You are better than that. Hell, everyone is better than that.


Lisa is going to be barred from this week’s nominations. This is because Lisa has been discussing nominations with her housemates. This is against the rules. Nikkkki is also barred. So is Lea. So is Glyn.


And so too, of course, is Imogen, for whom this will be the third week without the right to vote. (With a mind that hers, let’s hope Imogen can get by on her looks.)


Which all means that only creepy Aisleyne, Snoozie, Pete, Mikey and Richard can vote. Which means that Lisa is very likely to be up for the chop. And this is not her fault. You see, Lisa is a copycat.


When Pete and his Tourette’s were new and exciting (before his twitches and swearing were edited out), Lisa seemed to develop his condition. Pete’s Tourette’s was her Tourette’s.


When Grace became a bitch, Lisa too began to bitch. When everyone seemed to be copping off and coupling up, Lisa hounded Pete. The only thing preventing Lisa getting her chest enlarged, and so being like Nikki, Aisleyne and Lea, is the fact that sterilising the surgical knives and forks would waste precious alcohol. And so to our point: Lisa deliberately got herself barred from nominations.


Contentious? Mais oui. Lisa just wants to be in. Being banned from nominations means Lisa has joined a group. Lisa is now united with four other housemates. She is in the gang. Lisa belongs.


Should she be voted out for just wanting to be like the others? We think not. We say keep her in the house and see how long before she starts behaving like Glyn.


Leave her in the house forever – and watch as she starts looking like the furniture and talking to the walls…

Posted: 21st, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Blotting Her Copy Book

Lisa Huo! It’s a name you can really shout, like “Westward Huo!” or “Hi-Huo Silver!”.

But resist the urge to scream it. Fight the temptation to chant “Get Huo Out” or “Oh No Huo Must Go”. You are not in the playground now, picking on the least likeable, weakest child. You are not Grace. You are better than that. Hell, everyone is better than that.

Lisa is going to be barred from this week’s nominations. This is because Lisa has been discussing nominations with her housemates. This is against the rules.

Nikkkki is also barred. So is Lea. So is Glyn. And so too, of course, is Imogen, for whom this will be the third week without the right to vote. (With a mind that hers, let’s hope Imogen can get by on her looks.)

Which all means that only creepy Aisleyne, Snoozie, Pete, Mikey and Richard can vote. Which means that Lisa is very likely to be up for the chop.

And this is not her fault. You see, Lisa is a copycat. When Pete and his Tourette’s were new and exciting (before his twitches and swearing were edited out), Lisa seemed to develop his condition. Pete’s Tourette’s was her Tourette’s.

When Grace became a bitch, Lisa too began to bitch.

When everyone seemed to be copping off and coupling up, Lisa hounded Pete.

The only thing preventing Lisa getting her chest enlarged, and so being like Nikki, Aisleyne and Lea, is the fact that sterilising the surgical knives and forks would waste precious alcohol.

And so to our point: Lisa deliberately got herself barred from nominations. Contentious? Mais oui. Lisa just wants to be in. Being banned from nominations means Lisa has joined a group. Lisa is now united with four other housemates. She is in the gang. Lisa belongs.

Should she be voted out for just wanting to be like the others? We think not. We say keep her in the house and see how long before she starts behaving like Glyn.

Leave her in the house forever – and watch as she starts looking like the furniture and talking to the walls…

Posted: 21st, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

The Bitch

“Bring it on! Bring it on! I can deal with it. There are a lot of TV agents who want to sign me up.” So says Graceless Grace, who is enjoying her moments of fame in the Sunday People.

And her dad Karl is delighted for her. “It didn’t do Joan Collins any harm, did it?” he asks. And before we can answer that Joan is an actress and her part in The Bitch was scripted, Karl says that Grace has been putting on a performance. “She’s been acting like a petulant schoolgirl, says he.”

That’s right. It is all an act. Grace manages to be bitchy, nasty and utterly unlovely because the part demands it. Hats off to her – and, if the part demands more, possibly bra and knickers off too.

Well, if it worked for Joan…

Posted: 20th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Coup De Grace

If this is Big Brother’s very own Watergate scandal, who is ‘Deep Throat’, the grass who tells all?

When Grace threw a glass of water over Snoozie, the housemates wondered if they had witnessed a moment of spontaneity or a planned attack.

Grace’s attempted coup de grace on Snoozie’s reign failed horribly – not least of all because she seemed to miss her intended target. (If EastEnders has taught us anything it is that drinks should be poured over the head in a slow and deliberate manner.)

And so to the investigation. Who was behind it? Was Lea Deep Throat? The porn star and self-styled house mother figure said not. But she knew who was. “Imogen and Lisa said to do it,” said Lea.

“We never said owt. Who the **** said that?” demanded Lisa. Imogen, wet faced from Grace’s eviction, also denied any involvement.

And so it went on. Meanwhile, outside the house Davina was asking for a ‘blow by blow’ account of what Grace and Mikey got up to under the covers.

Grace blushed. What did she know and was afraid to reveal? Was she a double agent? Was she Deep Throat?

Posted: 19th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Pair Of Snoozie’s, Guv’nor

“There was always a shock when she go her t**** out,” says a regular of London’s Nag’s Head pub in the Sun, “one was much higher than the other. She told everyone she was trying to raise cash to get them fixed.”

To those of you not in the know, before the EastEnd of London became gentrified and covered in coffee chops and organic cycle surgeries, it boasted a collection of “pound in a pint glass” boozers. Some still exist, but you have to search for them (so is told)

These pubs were lively places, made ever more vibrant by the arrival of the lunchtime special – the stripper.

One such stripper was Big Brother’s Snoozie, and it was her breasts that caused the locals to splutter into their crème de menthes.

But after collecting her glasses, Snoozie retuned to the pub three years alter and, as our man on a barstool says, “re-appeared with them sorted out.”

We are no experts in cosmetic surgery, but we’d wager that having seen Snoozie’s attachments, few women are walking into the officers of Messers Nip ‘n’ Tuck’s consulting rooms and ordering a pair of Snoozies.

Posted: 18th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

The Mother Of All Housemates

Grace is 50-1 on to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

A spokesman for bookmakers William Hill says: “Grace makes Sezer look popular.”

That’s quite some achievement – Sezer was 20-1 on for his eviction and polled a record 91.6 per cent of the vote.

So unliked is bitchy Grace that the bookmaker is even offering 100-1 on her polling 100 per cent of the vote. Which reminds us of Saddam Hussein.

In a referendum on his leadership in 2002, every one of Iraq’s 11,445,638 eligible voters voted for the president to stay in power.

Is Grace the new Saddam? Or is she not that nice?

Posted: 16th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

A Fixed Grin

Want to know how Snoozie got into the house? Golden ticket holder Danielle James tells the Star she feels cheated by the whole thing.

She says that during the day spent with other Golden Ticket holders she was surprised at how all bar one had Big Brother form.

“Most of them, including Susie, had even met each other in the final stages for this year’s show,” says Danielle, who, incidentally, reveals all while dressed in a red bikini.

And the Sun also smells a rat. The paper hears one ticket holder call the draw a “blindingly, obvious fix”.

The paper says Snoozie knows four of the housemates. And Maxwell Ward, who appeared in last year’s show, says he has spent time with Snooze in the house. “It looks like a fix,” says he. “It’s fishy she’s the kind who fits perfectly and so gets chosen out of all the poor sods who turned up.”

And then there is the matter of how Snoozie came by her ticket. We were told that her husband had spent £4,000 on KitKats. He didn’t He bought one for £4,000 off Debra Neary.

“I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay £4,000 for a ticket with a 100-1 chance of winning,” says Debra. “He seemed to know a bit about how the system worked.” And almost certainly more than Debra – there were 34 Golden ticket-holders. You work out the odds.

And then work out if Snoozie’s apparent lack of surprise at winning the lottey-style draw was down to her knowing the result in advance, or botox…

Posted: 15th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Grace Goes Too Far

If ever the time was ripe for Grace to leave the house it is now.

Up for eviction – “I knew this was coming, I could feel it in my [bottled] water” – Grace has gone too, too far.

“She best steer clear of me,” said Grace of Snoozie, who nominated she and Nikkkkki for eviction.

And like that is a problem. It’s not easy to avoid anyone in the house but avoiding Grace should be everyone’s raison d’être.

Grace could not look more spoilt and unappealing were she to go everywhere sat on a pink pony with the words “daddy’s little angel” written on a satin sash tied to her tiara.

“I hate her,” said Grace of Snooze, the woman she calls a “f***** Godzilla”.

And that’s another problem with Grace – she is as unfunny as she is devoid of charm. If only Grace would make us laugh with her bitchy barbs and backstabbing.

But above that is Grace’s outburst in the garden. Addressing Big Brother, she said: “W******, w******, w******, w******!”

Oh, Grace. That’s Pete’s word. Without “w******”, Pete is nought. He needs it. Get your own swear word or get out…

Posted: 14th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Grace & Favours

While we, the world at large and even Grace wonder why no-one likes her, the Graceless one serves up the quote of the week.

Discussing Suzie (aka bitching and sniping), Grace mused on matters PR.

Grace and Suzie both work in PR (which sounds a lot better than saying you hand out leaflets and samples to shoppers).

Grace says Suzie stands around car shows and such like dressed in a bikini with men ogling her. “I don’t do that,” says Grace.

Indeed, for Grace standing around in a bikini in something she does on national telly. And only one man ogles her – the insipid Mickey.

*Incidentally, if anyone out there can understand a word Mickey says – on the rare occasions when he does actually speak – can you translate for us.

He sounds like he’s drowning in his own spit. Or Grace’s…

Anorak Appeal: Help Grace understand why she is so unpopular by telling why you don’t like her.

Posted: 13th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Where’s ‘Arry

GLYN is fed up. There are too many Londoners in the house – “d’yer know what I mean.”

And Londoners are just awful because they talk “London” – “d’yer know that I mean.”

Talking London is the worst thing in the world – “d’yer know what I mean.”

Glyn says Londoners they drive Jaguars – “d’yer know what I mean.”

And if he lives with them for too long he will start speaking like them – “d’yer know what I mean.”

And that wold be too awful for words – “d’yer know what I mean.”

Posted: 12th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Suzie’s Cue

“I feel like a Christmas tree.”

And with that 43-year-old Suzie Verrico from West Malling in Kent puts on the golden clothes and enters the Big Brother house.

At last! Finally! Here is someone who has simply stumbled upon the show. Enough of the PR girls, the strumpets and the wannabe telly presenters – Susie is one of us.

Suzie eats KitKats. And those are not organic KitKats or KitKats made from chocolate that’s been hand rolled on the rumps of wild buffalo, but ordinary KitKats. The KitKats we – the ordinary – eat.

And now the truth. Suzie is a wannabe.

Suzie has applied to be on the show three times. She did not happen upon a winning ticket – her husband spent £4,000 on the snacks in a bid to find her a voucher to fame.

Susie is also “immensely proud” of her boob job – which may or may not be normal for Big Brother…

Posted: 11th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

When Shall We Three Meet Again?

Act 1: Scene 1: A house in Elstree

Lisa: “I’ve just been telling Mikey that I hate Aisleyne”

Grace: “I f****** can’t stand her either”

Lisa: “I get jealous cos she gets her ti*s out in front of Pete”

Grace: “Most guys, if they have any sense, wouldn’t go near her. She’s a dog”

Lisa: “Have you seen her without her make-up … she’s a dog. She has no class”

Grace: “And she sat there and goes … ‘parp'”

Lisa: “I do it, but I can get away with it”

Grace: “You do it, but you’re funny”

Lisa: “I hate f****** Richard”

Pause. In the interlude a cauldron bubbles. Lisa throws in a Mars bar; Grace her knickers. A wolf howls.

Grace. “We are. But Aisleyne is a bitch!”

Scene II: The three witches meet up and all Helll breaks out…

Posted: 9th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Imogen Scores…Again

“BB BABE’S WORLD CUP SEX HAT-TRICK,” announces the Star’s front page. “Imogen’s secret romps with England ace (and Portugal and Trinidad & Tobago!).”

We will explore which England player Imogen has scored with in a moment, once we have investigated the second part of the Star’s teaser. Are we to believe that Imogen has bedded the entire sexually active population of Portugal?

A look at the CIA’s World Fact Book says that an estimated 10,605,870 people live in that sun-kissed land. Taking into consideration only those over the age of consent, does Imogen count her Portuguese conquests in millions?

And what of Trinidad & Tobago? The same resource tells us that the islands are home to1,065,842 inhabitants. Though not in Portugal’s league, this is still a considerable number.

While we look at Imogen in dumbstruck awe – and wonder if Sezer was stage one of her assault on Turkey – inside the paper we read more.

And we discover the apparent truth: Imogen has not slept with millions of people. She has merely had flings with Portugal footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and Dwight Yorke, the Trinidad & Tobago footballer and father to glamour mo-del Jordan’s son Harvey,

And now to that England star. Imogen has dated…Sol Campbell. A friend of Imogen’s tells the paper that the England defender and the former Miss Wales enjoyed “dates” at Sol’s house.

Sadly, things were not meant to be and they are no longer seeing each other.

But the good news is that this something of a hat-trick for Imogen, who has scored three times and is, as tradition dictates, allowed to keep the match ball…

Posted: 8th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

35 Til I Die

Has Lea had a birthday while in the Big Brother house?

Positioned in the garden like some fiendish inflatable, Lea said she was 36. When she went in the house she was 35.

Has she had a birthday? And is her age an average of all the working parts – some older, some younger? Is 35 the mid point?

Richard then told her she was 38. Lea called him a “cheeky f****er” and said she was 35.

We ask again – which parts are 35 and which parts are older?

Posted: 6th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Lea On Top

We at Anorak did not stay in the Diary Room long enough to count but the Mirror did.

The paper says that when told she had broken the rules and would be banned from nominating this week, Lisa put her head in her hands and said “s**t” 25 times.

In a house where swearing is all, this is impressive stuff. But while Lisa scores points for dedication and fluency she loses on repetition.

So too Pete. The Tourette’s sufferer has made w***ers his own. And we commend him for it. But he needs more. He needs variety. His early form promised much but Pete has not moved on.

It is therefore our duty to announce that it is Lea who sits atop Anorak’s Swearing League table. Her fluent use of the f-word is hard to escape.

Students of grammar will doubtless have noted how Leah has used the f-word as a noun, a verb, an adverb and an adjective. If Lea carries on in her current vein she will soon be able to converse exclusively in the f-word and all its variants and derivatives.

Of course, this will put her at risk of falling into the same trap as Lisa and Pete – she will begin to repeat herself.

But for now Lea is No.1…

Posted: 5th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

She’z-a Seezer

Imogen has set out to prove that with or without her pet Sezer she is just the same girl at heart, and brain.

Sezer is gone, and Imogen has once again been banned from nominations for breaking the rules. Does this girl have the capacity to learn?

And now comes the twist. Having tried and failed to become another Pete, Lisa is now having a good bash at being the new Sezer.

When Lisa wanted to be Pete, she aped his frantic arm movements and jerks. She once performed her impression of Pete when seated with her idol in the Diary Room. Pete twitched; Lisa twitched. Pete swore; Lisa swore. Pete cackled; Lisa cackled.

Lisa was like one of those magazine articles that tell you how to get ‘the look’ for cheaper. She was a poor imitation of the original.

And now she appears to have set her sights on becoming the new Sezer.

Step one of her plan came when having been told about Imogen’s removal from the voting process, Lisa said she’d voted for Richard and Lea. That confession – a flagrant breach of the rules – means Lisa is banned from voting this week.

But at least she is not alone – she has Imogen for company. The two share a common bond.

How long before they share so much more..?

Posted: 4th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Death By Lea

Poor Sezer.

Having been evicted from the house by the biggest margin ever, he then found himself trapped in a place where few dare to go and from where no mere phone vote can extricate man, woman or beast – Lea’s M-cup cleavage.

Lea – who had voted for Sezer’s removal from the house – threatened to suffocate Sezer as she hugged him tight to her chest.

She then cried, introducing the exotic possibility that as her tears found a natural watercourse through the centre of her mountains, Sezer would drown.

Luckily, at the moment when Davina had announced his banishment from the house, Sezer had taken a sharp intake of breath – this enabled him to remain alive until the moment Lea relinquished her fearsome grip and set him free.

Having been so close to death, we’d have forgiven Sezer had he emerged from the house smiling broadly and clicking his heels like a short, priapic Dick Van Dyke…

Posted: 3rd, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Ace Ventura – Pete Detective

As Nikki put it, the house is full of “amniosity”.

Perhaps it’s the fact that so many of the wannabes have waited so long to get this chance at fame that has led to this desperate game of bitching and backbiting.

Perhaps it’s the weather – usually housemates are sunbathing by now; the rain and wind have left them cooped up in the house.

Whatever the reasons, it’s barely two weeks into the campaign and the housemates are at each other throats.

There was Sezer, the man whose chronic Short Man Syndrome has been unforgivably overlooked by scientists and mental health workers, reaching up a finger and wagging it in Richard’s face.

That was a moment of rare promise. We have no wish to see the house descend into fisticuffs, but when Sezer wagged and stepped forward, Pete looked all set to wade in.

Considering Pete’s ticks and jerking limbs – think Jim Carey in Ace Ventura Pet Detective – there was a risk that he would jab at Sezer.

To the rallying cry of w***ers!” we could have witnessed a mass brawl. A terrible thing – but at least with everyone breaking the rule that says no violence, Big Brother could have evicted the lot of them and started again.

Come the revolution …

Posted: 2nd, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Dawn Nose

Dawn Blake entered the house a tallish woman with an ambition to win £100,000 and a kind of fame. She left the house still tall and with a reputation for being more fragrant than Mary Archer dipped in a gorgonzola kebab.

Of course, deprived of smell-o-vision, we cannot vouch for Dawn’s odour. It was left to Nikki to bring the full horror of the stench to our attention by flailing her arms around and shrieking. Since this passes for normal in Nikki’s world, we are still none the wiser as to how smelly Dawn was.

For her part, Dawn maintains that she did not smell bad. “When they said Dawn refused to wash, that was so untrue,” says Dawn. She claims to have taken three full showers during her six days on the show.

And she says there is evidence to support her claim. “I am asking for a copy of the unedited footage in its entirety and I will remain on hunger strike until I get it. I will continue until I pass out.”

She sounds serious. And not wishing to make light of her pain, we cannot help but wonder if she plans to shower during her fast. And if the building odour will hasten her passing out

Posted: 1st, June 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Toff Love

He came. He sat. He ruminated. George has gone.

And with George goes any chance we have of hearing some gossip about Prince Harry, with whom he went to school, or Princess Beatrice, with whom he is said to have played.

“My reason for leaving is the thought of fame and how I would like to continue my private life – and fame is too much for me,” said George in the diary room. “I love everyone here and everything in the House.”

George loves it so much he is prepared to leave it behind, to set it free. This is real love.

Posted: 31st, May 2006 | In: Celebrities | Comment