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Justin Bieber Says Rape Happens For A Reason, A Bit Like The Handicapped

JUSTIN Bieber is talking about sex in Rolling Stone. Vanessa Grigoriadis asks the questions as they drive in a car. You might think that talking about sex with Bieber would get you seven years to life and cause birds and bees to fly backwards.

So. About the sex?

“I don’t think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them. I think you should just wait for the person you’re…in love with.”

Grigoriadis sees an image on Bieber’s laptop. It’s his avatars- the small black girl in the plaid skirt? No. It’s Selena Gomez.

The talk turns to nationalism. Does Bieber want to be an American?

“You guys are evil. Canada’s the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”


“I’m not sure about the parties. But whatever they have in Korea, that’s bad.”


“I really don’t believe in abortion It’s like killing a baby?” How about in cases of rape? “Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.”

He hasn’t been raped. Hey, but like all people who are successful, they know that everything happens for a reason. Grigoriadis fails to ask him what he thinks of the handicapped…


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Posted: 16th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comments (9)

White Teacher Sprayed Air Freshener Over Asian Pupils In Swansea School: Not A Madrassa

IS the child abuse and racism witnessed  in the madrasses so different from the behaviour of Elizabeth Davies, a teacher who sprayed primary school children of Asian origin with air freshener to stop them smelling of curry?

A tribunal heard that Davies was wont to say before using the air freshener:

“There is a waft coming from paradise.”

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Posted: 16th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (15)

Royal Wedding Tat Watch: The Sick Bag

ROYAL Wedding Tat Watch: The Prince William and Kate Middleton Commemorative Sick Bag…

Spotter and maker: Lydia Leith

Posted: 16th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Royal Family | Comments (6)

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 2011: Photos

THE Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition for 2011 features  Irina Shayk,  Brooklyn Decker, Cintia Dicker, Esti Ginzburg (banned in Sydney!) and Izabel Goulart. Remember those days when you had to make do with the gardening section of the Argos catalogue for sporty shots of women in swimsuits?


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Posted: 16th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comment

Crime Pays: Thief Wins £13000 Because Victim Lost Faith In Justice System

MARK Gilbert has won £13,000 damages from his former boss Simon Cremer. He sued for “humiliation” for being made to wear a sign saying “THIEF – I stole £845 am on my way to the police station” about his neck and forcibly walked to a police station.

Would you have agreed to wear such a sign? Gilbert’s hands were bound. He says he was beaten. Mr Cremer denies using violence.

Gilbert’s crime was to have written out a company cheque to himself and taken it to a Cash Converters in Essex. Gilbert got a caution. Cremer was charged with false imprisonment, but the case collapsed in December 2008.

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Posted: 16th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (7)

Marcus Brigstocke Cycles To The Maldives: Eco-Comic Is Beyond Parody

MARCUS Brigstocke is the comedian who is beyond parody. Brigstocke is the greenie dressed as a frozen turkey for Gaia, who travels by “eco-friendly” motorhome (it’s parked outside his house) and has Chinese solar panels.

Brigstocke is talking about his jolly holidays in the Independent: “My Life in Travel: Marcus Brigstocke, comedian.”

Best holiday?
I went to the Maldives the year before last… I’ve also had some of my happiest holidays in Mallorca with family and friends. It’s a very beautiful island. We stay in great place called Camp de Mar near Andratx. So it’s a toss-up between the opulent, unforgettable paradise of the Maldives and calamari by the beach, waterskiing and nightclubbing in Mallorca

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Posted: 15th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts | Comments (2)

Decimalisation: 40 Years Ago Britain Did Away With Pounds, Shillings And Pence

FORTY years ago 87-year-old Alice Robinson closed the doors of her general store for the last time after half a century ‘open for business’. The reason? Decimalisation. Or, as the rather awkward song of the day preferred to call it, ‘D-E-C-I-M-A-L-I-S-ayshun!’

‘I can’t be bothered with this new money,’ said Alice. ‘Six robberies in five years couldn’t close me, but this new money has. I know the old system and I’m not going to fiddle about with any new one.’

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Posted: 15th, February 2011 | In: Flashback, Key Posts | Comments (15)

Indoctrinating Muslim Children With Hate And Violence In A British Madrassa

CHANNEL 4′s undercover investigation into life at the UK’s madrassas made for grim viewing. In Lessons in Hate and Violence, we saw children engaging in and being the victims of casual violence; institutionalised racism; and adults seeking to ingrain in their charges a sense of cultural and moral superiority.

Richard Bartholomew reviews:

MUCH of the programme focused on Darul Uloon al-Islam, a full-time secondary school in Birmingham which has in the past been visited by MPs and various officials. Footage shows an older student leading an assembly as preaching practice, in which he explains that Hindus have no intellect because they “worship cows”, and that they “drink the piss of a cow”.

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Posted: 15th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comments (16)

Colombian Cocaine Smugglers Use 100ft-Long Submarine: Photos

YOU are about to see photos of a submarine used by drugs smugglers in Colombia. It was seized by the Colombian Navy at a rudimentary shipyard in Timbiqui, department of Cauca.

News is that the sub was already moved 8 tons of cocaine into Mexico.

El Tiempo reports:

The sub presents the use of advanced technology seen for the first time in this country, and its construction must have cost the narcotraffickers more than 4,000 million pesos, according to the Naval police of the Pacific.

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Posted: 14th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Julian Assange: One Long Tale Of Irony

JULIAN Assange’s irony of the day, with Australian TV reporter Mark Davis:

‘’It’s staggering how many people are writing books about him,’’ Davis said. ‘’Nearly all these books are betrayals. Those Guardian journalists knew him very intimately and he shared all sorts of confidences with them. He feels totally betrayed.’’

That Irony In Full:

Julian Assange: Björn Hurtig Says Wikileaks Founder Victim Of Leaks (Oh, The Irony)

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Posted: 13th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

Prince Harry Is Target Of Homophobic Abuse At Gay Club

PRINCE Harry has been to a gay bar in London’s Soho. The News of The World, enraged by former Sky Sports football pundit Andy Gray’s sexism of TV, peppers the story with these phrases:

“Ginger beer”

“…his shirt lifting out of his jeans.”

“Then, with muscly armed policemen in tow, he strolled past sex shops in London’s red light district before being driven home”…

“Harry, 26, usually leaves nightclubs by the back door…”

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Posted: 13th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Royal Family | Comment (1)

Kate Middleton Kidnapped In Amersham: Royal Wedding Watch

KATE Middleton has been kidnapped in Amersham, Bucks. Was she shopping for frumpery at local boutique Amber’s of Amersham? No. Kate was in a field by hundreds of children. Persons dressed in balaclavas approached and abducted her.

Prince William is there. He turns to the kidz and says, “Thank f***! She was diong’ my head right in.

No. That’s a joke. He appeals for help. Will the kids help him find Kate? There’s a badge in it, maybe. And a woggle. Two woggles if you find her intact. And Camilla got spare fags. Who’s in?

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Posted: 12th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Royal Family | Comments (8)

Eurovision 2011: Jedward Reject Revolution In Qatar To Sing For Ireland

EUROVISION: Jedward are the offcial entry of Ireland in the Eurovision song contest. By now many of you might have thought Jedward would have developed their talents aways from the performing arts, perhaps as a new food addictive that triggers hyperactivity in toddlers, a twin trophy at an ATP tour event or lent their name to a  Revolution in Qatar. But processed food’s lost is music’s gain as the brother Grimes sing “Lipstick” at the Eurovision semi-finals of the contest in Dusseldorf.

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Posted: 12th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comment

What John Hirst Taught Us About Our Pathetic Leaders

THAT John Hirst is a murdering racist is matter of public record. But can we at least admire his achievement in getting out MPs to face the problem with European laws? The European Court of Human Rights agreed with Hirst that banning prisoners from voting was wrong. The big debate ensues: should all prisoners, whatever their crime, be banned from voting?

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Posted: 12th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comments (3)

Lindsay Lohan’s Lying Mum Dina Never Brought Her Up To Lie

LINDSAY Lohan, on trial for felony grand theft, takes to Twitter to tells us that you can blame God but do not blame her mum and dad:

“Was on the phone with my sister & this movie Greenberg is on, i heard my voice which was odd- and ryhs ifans is watching Just My Luck in the movie- made me laugh.. i just want to be on set again, and left alone to just work! fyi- i would never steal, in case people are wondering. I was not raised to lie, cheat, or steal… also, what i wear to court shouldnt be front page news. it’s just absurd. god bless xox L”

Hey, God does his own blessing. Unless the Lord of Creation is taking time out from Lohan’s jewellery case and picking out her outfit to write some Twitter stuff.

But what about Liohan’s claim abut mum setting a good example and not lying or stealing?

The elder Lohan said she sometimes introduces herself as her daughter’s personal assistant. She even once lied about her identity to George Clooney.

“I don’t want them to know I’m her mom,” she said. “It’s a whole ‘nother demographic. People just go dark.”

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Posted: 11th, February 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Steve Cloak Lost Half His Head To A Lunatic In Devon: Photos

STEVEN Cloak was attacked in Bideford, Devon, on Saturday 27th February 2010.

The attack left Steven Cloak with a portion of his head missing. A titanium plate has been used to make his head whole.

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Posted: 11th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Egypt: Wael Ghonim, The Muslim Brotherhood And A Beyond Parody Galloway

WAEL Ghonim is not only famous for being named after a Lulu Shout – he’s also the popular face of the protest in Egypt. The protests in Egypt have been leading the news agenda for days. Nothing is certain other than that the protests are a big news event.

On the TV, Western commentators arrive on camera to talk about Egypt and the will of the people.

Fox News knows:

A senior Egyptian official confirms to Fox News that President Hosni Mubarak will step down shortly and transfer authority to the Egyptian Higher Council of the Armed Forces as Egypt’s state TV says Mubarak will address the nation Thursday evening.

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Posted: 11th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comment

Famous Faces Who Never Got A Girlfriend: A Gallery Of Hope (Maybe)

DID the chubby young Russell Brand, Cristiano Ronaldo and Justin Timberlake ever grow up to get a girlfriend? In this gallery, we look at the faces of the young man and what he became.

Let’s see in our gallery of hope (maybe)…


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Spotter: urlesque

Posted: 11th, February 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

172 BBC Websites Saved For Just £3.99: Your Money Not Wasted

THE  BBC is to close 200 websites. (It has over 400 websites.) And 172 of these are to be closed down permanently.

Anyone who has paid their licence fee has funded these sites. The web cost of the £142.50 annual licence fee is just £0.67 per month. How much do EastEnders cost, and other pisspoor shows about home improvement and anything and everything on BBC Three? Save the web. Cull the telly.

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Posted: 10th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Technology | Comment (1)

Kim Kardashian Defies The Hair: The Bottom Photos

KIM Kardashian might make Elizabeth Taylor wonder who she is and why she’s famous, but we know. Once upon a time, fame was all about the hair. Kim’s hair is on a wax strip. But her talent is behind her.


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Posted: 10th, February 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment (1)

Lindsay Lohan’s Dress Is A Courtroom Expose: Photos

LINDSAY Lohan is back in court. Already this month Peter Doherty and Jack Tweed have been back in court. Doing court is what the celebrities do.

Lohan is in court accused of stealing a sad looking $2,500 gold chain. In court, she needs to balance the entertainer with the gravitas of the scene. She dresses clingy and pouts. If TV cameras were allowed in jail cells, Lohan would take prison in her stride, passing her days flirting and dabbling. Stick in a dimmer switch and you’ve got yourself a TV mini-series right there.

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Posted: 10th, February 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Nikitta Grender: What Do We Know About Carl Whant?

NIKITTA Grender: Carl Whant has been arrested.

The murdered pregnant teenager is on one front pages, those of the Daily Star and The Sun.


As is the way the woman ignore become the woman we know by her first name.

The Sun makes her yet more familiar, shortening her name, like a Jo Yeates and a Maddie McCann:

“Nikki lover cousin is arrested”

The man is 26.

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Posted: 10th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Kim Kardashian Washes Off Her Nose: Photos And History Play

EVER lie awake at night wondering what a chat between Victoria Beckham and Marie Curie, or Florence Nightingale and Kerry Katona, or Elizabeth Taylor and Kim Kardashian would go like?

Someone at Harper’s Bazaar did. And they hooked up the Hollywood legend with David Gest’s pal Taylor and recorded the chat for posterity. To avoid confusion , Kardashian dresses up as a Cleopatra on her way to a Russian oligarch’s pool party.

Before Liz is ready for the walking assp, Kim wants to confide in us. Come closer:

“I worked out once. I gained like 10 pounds. All the papers were like, Kim’s pregnant! I ate the nuts on the street corner, the hot dogs, the street meat. It was not a joke.”

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Posted: 9th, February 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

The Robot Baby Will Keep You Up At Night

ROBOT baby is the creation of Osaka University’s AFFETTO department of nightmares. Get your silicon breast out. He’s coming in…

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Posted: 9th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Technology | Comment

Julian Assange: Björn Hurtig Says Wikileaks Founder Victim Of Leaks (Oh, The Irony)

WIKILEAKS and Julian Assange: Another days and with another media frenzy at the court where Julian Assange is fighting extradition to Sweden.

In court, we raised an eyebrow as Assange’s lawyer Björn Hurtig stood in the witness box and alleged that Swedish prosecutors had leaked information to the press. Oh, the irony.

Assange has been accused of rape in Sweden. The alleged victim claims she wanted him to wear a condom (photos), and he didn’t. refused to wear a condom against their wishes.

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Posted: 9th, February 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment