Money Category
Money in the news and how you are going to pay and pay and pay
Double WaMu: Alan H. Fishman In Line For Million Dollar-A-Day Bonus
WHEN Lehman Brothers collapsed, news was of the French trader who’d arrived at his desk to see his desk leave the office. (Although now Nomura, the Japanese outfit, has agreed to take over the European business, his desk might return).
Now learn of CEO Alan H. Fishman, chief executive of Washington Mutual. He started his new job at the failed bank just three weeks ago.
Mr Fishman is now eligible for $19.1 million in compensation.
The New York Times notes:
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Posted: 27th, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (30)
Laughing At Peter Schiff, Ron Paul’s Economic Advisor
LAUGHING at Peter Schiff, economic advisor for Ron Paul:
Good to have another point of view…
Posted: 27th, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (12)
McCain Chooses Politics Over Poverty
I’m sure that we are all shocked and surprised by the news that John McCain has decided that, after all, the financial crisis gripping the USA should take second place to his Presidential campaign, and that he should instead devote his time to the televised debate with Obama.
Ok, the more cynical people on the planet might feel that it was only too predictable that once McCain had failed to pressure the Democrats into forcing the bailout through Congress, thus allowing him to claim that the Republicans would never have been nice to those nasty bankers, he had nothing more to gain from screwing up the process still further.
Indeed, a decent human being might have been embarrassed at the sight of a Republican Secretary to the Treasury going down on his knees to beg Ms Pelosi to use the Democrat majority to save the country from another Great Depression; McCain clearly didn’t care.
A week ago Hank Paulson was demanding powers beyond Stalin’s wildest dreams; yesterday he was Otis Redding telling his country that he loved it too much to stop now.
And the share and bond holders of WaMu just got caught in the crossfire of McCain and Palin’s desire for power…
– Chenier
Posted: 27th, September 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comment (1)
UK Is A Vegetative State
CREDIT Crunch news of the day: A turnip for the books…
“The humble turnip is helping crash-strapped UK families take the credit crunch out of the credit crisis”- Sun
Ours is a vegetative state…
Posted: 26th, September 2008 | In: Money, Tabloids | Comments (5)
The Google Phone Is For Porn
WHY will the new google phone be a hit? Easy: porn:
Spotter ; via
Joy of Tech via BBSpot:
Posted: 26th, September 2008 | In: Money, Photojournalism | Comments (8)
Anorak Scoops Washington Post On Sovereign Funds Debt
FIVE days ago Anorak reader Chenier doubted whether the US could:
“persuade the sovereign funds, which are about the only source of that much capital, that they should throw yet more good money after bad”
The Washington Post has finally noticed, and reports today that
“…the sovereign wealth funds of Asian and oil-rich Middle Eastern nations, which have come to the rescue of U.S. firms before only to see these investments erode, showed little interest in taking a similar gamble”.
What odds Manchester City owning Manchesterr United’s sponsors..?
Posted: 25th, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (4)
Osama bin Laden And Hermann Göring Barred By Ryanair
ULRIKA Örtegren-Kärjenmäki is waiting to board a plane, a Ryanair flight from Stanstead Airport.
She was still waiting right to the point she spent £380 on a new supersize ticket.
She may encounter similar problems until she can find and marry a Mr Right, a Mr Ng or a Mr Anorak. It is also reported that the “dots” on the letters invalidated it in security checks.
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Posted: 23rd, September 2008 | In: Money, Strange But True | Comments (4)
Courtney Love Needs An Anally Retentive Documentarist, Apply Here
COURTNEY Love is looking for housekeeper/documnetartist. Cleaners who might want to put a steadycam on their heads, can apply:
this is wierd but what the fuck
Current mood: cantankerousAura: Dusty.
is anyone insanely clean neatfreak near malibu? i need a non thieving non freaky housekeeper
Is anyone a clean freak in California? How many hundreds of thousands of people do you want?
also i need we need a documentarist, someone to document our studio as we go in wedsday, and i have ALOT of work to do til then and i wont just hand this to hbo or bbc 2 or bravo and god forbid not vh1!
A DOCUMENATRY NOT A REALITY SHOW. get in touch with jason whp will further put you in touch with jason wienberg at untitled.
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Posted: 23rd, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Money | Comments (3)
US Treasury Takes On Powers Stalin Only Dreamed Of
IT has finally dawned on less august media that the proposed legislation I described some days ago as –
‘the US Treasury acquiring the sort of untrammeled power that Stalin dreamed of’
– would, indeed, give the US Treasury the sort of untrammeled power that Stalin dreamed of.
Well, at least the New York Times has, noting that the Treasury Secretary –
‘will be vested with perhaps the most incredible powers ever bestowed on one person over the economic and financial life of the nation. It is the financial equivalent of the Patriot Act’
Perhaps Anorak readers could comment on whether this is a ‘Good Thing’?- Stevie…
Posted: 23rd, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (19)
Government Goes Short On Hedge Funds
STEVIE writes that GLG has been added to the list of ‘protected’ companies.
GLG is a hedge fund.
Which makes its money shorting other companies…
GLG Alpha Select Fund aims to generate absolute returns from long and short investments, primarily in UK equity markets.
A market neutral approach aims to have a low correlation to equity markets and other long/short hedge funds.
Och-Ziff Capitalis another fund on the protected list…
The Useless Ban On Short Selling
Posted: 23rd, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (7)
Credit Crunch: Sue Carroll Is Down There With The Have Nots
SUE Carroll, the Mirror’s well-paid blonde, white columnist is considering the credit crunch, and hits upon the idea that when money is tight the poor suffer.
In “It’s Britain’s poor who are really feeling the credit crunch”, Carrol opines:
As a nation we’re feeling stressed, physically under par and tired. I get that.
There’s nothing more repellent than listening to the haves pretending they’re down there with the have-nots.
Yeah. That is just so pathetic…
Posted: 23rd, September 2008 | In: Money, Tabloids | Comments (4)
When HBOS Employees Kill
FROM INDIA comes a message for the Lloyds TSB -HBOS merger burghers:
“The [Gradiano] Chief Executive Officer …was on Monday beaten to death by a group of dismissed employees inside office premises after a meeting called to resolve dispute between them and the management failed“. Source
Posted: 23rd, September 2008 | In: Money, Strange But True | Comments (3)
America Is Saddam Hussein’s New Iraq
LIKE 65.45 per cent of one-armed Jewish lesbians, Anorak loves a good survey.
And out attention is drawn to a survey commissioned by American Research Group.
On the matter of the economy, the survey polled a perfect 100 per cent, a score only previously achieved by Saddam Hussein, Big Brother’s Charley Uchea and the Labour Cabinet, who are to a man and women behind Supreme Leader Number One.
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Posted: 22nd, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (5)
Lily Allen’s Key II
LILY Allen News Of The Day: Lily’s keys II
Lily Allen managed to keep a Smile on her face after locking herself out of her new North London home – Gordon Smart, The Sun
More Lily Allen news tomorrow…
Posted: 22nd, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Money, Tabloids | Comments (6)
Credit Crunch: The Baby Boom And Bust
CREDIT Crunch news of the day: “BED-IT CRUNCH”
BRITAIN is heading for a baby boom as the credit crunch is forcing couples to entertain themselves at home. People have limited cash to splash at pubs and restaurants so are spending more time in the bedroom.
Sales of maternity clothes rose by nearly half last week, says the Sun:
But it’s no free ride:
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Posted: 22nd, September 2008 | In: Money, Tabloids | Comments (2)
Credit Crunch: Heroin Dealers Make Rasher For It
CREDIT Crunch news of the day:
“SHOPLIFTERS ARE GETTING RASHER – Bacon is stolen to order”.
It’s the CREDIT BRUNCH, reports the Star, albeit missing the pun.
To a boarding house in Burnley, where the breakfast menu is being perused…
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Posted: 22nd, September 2008 | In: Money, Tabloids | Comments (3)
Katherine Bucknell On The Lehman Brothers’ African Pump
WRITES the Times: “After Lehman Brothers: desperate City wives“:
The real-life stresses and strains of being married to an investment banker forms the backdrop to Katherine Bucknell’s bestselling US novel Canarino; Here she explains what the repercussions are for the families caught up in the latest financial meltdown…
At last, someone to make sense of it all…
For every vanished pile there will be crying children, an angry spouse, unemployed builders and domestic help, goods left on shop shelves, flats and houses available to rent or buy, empty restaurants, and villages in Africa that don’t get their new water pump after all.
Unravelling Allison Pearson’s Message For Lehman Brothers Sorority
Posted: 20th, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money | Comments (4)
The Greatest Non-Sequitur Of The Decade
HEADLINES like “WE‘RE ALL F***ED” (all papers) might have led readers to believe that the world’s economy was in freefall and we were all doomed to rearing turnips as a source of fuel, housing and good, clean, honest fun.
Now the Times says we’ve been to “Hell and back”. The Express leads with “SHARE BOOM SENSATION”. “The panic is over…possibly,” says the Independent. And the Sun commands readers to “FILL YOUR BOOTS”.
We’ve never had it so good.
(Image: Beau Bo D’Or Website)
And that goes for Gordon Brown, too, who is the recipient of the Guardian’s non-sequitur of the decade: “After the crash, a record bounce – and Brown fightback begins.”
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Posted: 20th, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Tabloids | Comments (2)
Who Said This..?
WHO said this..?
“We are banking on private initiative, entrepreneurial freedom, openness and rational integration with the global economy”
a) Gordon Brown
b) George Bush
c) Osama bin Laden
d) Barack Obama
e) Vladimir Putin
f) Hugo Chavez
g) John Maynard Keynes
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Posted: 20th, September 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comments (3)
BBC Traders Series Seeks Ethical City Boys
THE City’s faulty and entirely ineffectual regulatory systems are not to blame for the money markets crash. All that singing Malteser, dried-up women and Brothers grim, Gordon Brown’s heroes.
Oh, not. It’s all those City traders and their short selling, which is not illegal. But, still, let’s ban it and then we can all sleep easy.
What we need is a new breed of trader. Death to the old.
History attests to the fact that financial crises bring out the worst in the masses, and the action taken by the FSA is nothing more than vigilante violence on a national scale. Problems in the economy? Let’s find a scapegoat. Too difficult to blame the real culprits? Let’s pick on a minority, surround their homes with flaming torches, and drive them out into the wilderness.
And in the nick of time, here’s the new BBC show. It’s call Traders. It features what TV nodding heads call “real people” – a housewife, a student and an ex-marine – trying to earn oodles of cash on a pretend trading floor.
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Posted: 19th, September 2008 | In: Money, TV & Radio | Comments (3)
Laughing At The Unemployed City Boy Terrorists
THE Mirror is celebrating the loss of so many jobs in the City. Thousands – secretaries, traders, money makers, revenue, caterers, wealth generators, bar staff, cleaners and more – are looking at redundancy and the Mirror, voice of the worker, is delighted:
But I’m still laughing so hard at the sight of those City Boys departing Avarice Towers with their possessions in champagne boxes, that my face is redder than a glistening new Ferrari.
Or redder than an unpaid utility bill. Happily he then wishes death upon them.
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Posted: 19th, September 2008 | In: Money, Tabloids | Comments (9)
The Idiots Guide To HBOS And The Singing Malteser
HSBOS bank collapses, proof that capitalism works and you’re never to big to go under. (See Lehman Brothers.)
Big news, then. But the red-tops have a problem: they need to make their readers understand what Lehman Brothers was. They do this by finding an easy point of reference and talking down to them in words of one syllable or fewer.
THE SUN: “MASS EXIT – 40,000 face axe, including Howard.”
Howard..? Is he the boss of the failed outfit? In a way yes.
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Posted: 18th, September 2008 | In: Money, Tabloids | Comments (11)
Italian Virgin For Sale And Danielle Lloyd’s On Offer
SHOWGIRL, mo-del and Big Brother star emeritus Raffella Fico, 20, tells Italian magazine Chi:
“I can’t wait to see who’s going to pull out the money to have me. I don’t know what it’s like to have sex.”
Miss Fico is selling her virginity.
Now over to the UK, where Danille Lloyd is on the Star’s cover page: “DANI LLOYD – She’s naked & wants you.”
Since Danielle swore off footballers, she’s been looking for a new gig. And it might be you. Inside the paper and Danielle is offering Star readers the chance to win a date with here.
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Posted: 18th, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Money, Strange But True | Comments (9)
Gordon Brown Salutes Lehman Brothers’ Rosy Future
BANKING Quote Of The Day: Gordon Brown On Lehman Brothers:
“Lehman Brothers is a great company today that can both look backwards with pride and look forwards with hope. And in wishing Lehman Brothers the success it deserves for its future, let me thank you for the privilege of being here and formally declare this building open” – Gordon Brown opening Lehman’s European HQ, Canary Wharf April 2004.
Let’s hope Gordon’s future is every bit as rosy as that of the Lehman Brothers…
Posted: 18th, September 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comment (1)
Lehman Brothers Go The Gay Way
LEHMAN BRothers keep it in the family. If both brothers are gay, there are unlikley to be any more he Lehman Brothers. Look out for the Lehman Sisters at revue bar near you….
Posted: 17th, September 2008 | In: Money | Comments (2)