

Online-PR Category

Online PR here in the UK

The World’s Best Anti-Ageing Cream

TAKE a look at this picture for Dermitage anti-ageing cream.

Before the woman was line free and youthful.

After, she has a face like a camer’s scrotum in a sandstorm.

Tip: Better to use the foreskin than the scrotum, as Oprah Winfrey assures us.

Posted: 12th, September 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism, Strange But True | 0 Comments

EDF Energy Sells You Not Electricity But The Brand

EDF Energy has increased its marketing spend by 25%.

According to comparison site uSwitch, the average increase in the cost of gas has been 28%, while electricity prices have shot up by 20%.

Says EDF:

EDF defended its spending hike, saying energy had ‘moved from being a commodity to being a brand’

You’re not being fleeced for electricity. Your buying into the brand…

Posted: 9th, September 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 8 Comments

Wayne Rooney’s Non-Sequitur Of The Day

WAYNE Rooney, we and readers of the News of the World learn, is “at it five times a night”.

It turns out to be “playing FIFA ’08”, a video game that features a picture of Wayne in full rant on the cover.

After that coincidence (surely shameless plug? – ed), the NOTW then delivers one of the best non-sequiturs ever:

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Posted: 9th, September 2008 | In: Back pages, Online-PR, Tabloids | 6 Comments

Master Kong Con: Chinese Bottled Water Is Polluted Tap

IN China, the Master Kong bottled water is on sale. It’s dee-lish-ooos.

The TV advert says the mineral water, sold in Beijing for 1.5 yuan a bottle, is made of “high-quality water source” (优质水源).

The “high-quality water source” is also known as tap water. But there is a twist: you have to boil the wonder product before it”s safe to drink.

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Posted: 4th, September 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 14 Comments

Madeleine McCann: GMTV Tears To Entertain, Jade Goody And Clarence Mitchell PR

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann

DAILY MIRROR: “Real victims who reduced me to tears”

Fiona Philips‘the woman with the whitest teeth and yellowest hair in daytime telly’ – “on GMTV heartaches and meltdowns”

Fiona Philips is fighting the tears as Helen Newlove, whose husband Garry has been murdered, is sat on the sofa to tell her story.

Tears are the new laughter.

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Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Online-PR, Tabloids | 747 Comments

Peta Is Off Its Head: Greyhound Cannibal Strikes Blow For Animal Rights

A MAN has been beheaded on a Greyhound bus in Canada. In Canda, no-one can hear you scream. It’s like living in a chicken shed, only bigger, colder and without Jamie Oliver.

Peta, the animals rights militants have not claimed responsibility for the killing, but they are using it to further their cause. They are running an advert. It goes:

 “His struggles and cries are ignored … the man with the knife shows no emotion … the victim is slaughtered and his head cut off … his flesh is eaten

“If this ad leaves a bad taste in your mouth, please give a thought to what sensitive animals think and feel when they come to the end of their frightening journey and see, hear and smell the slaughterhouse.”

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Posted: 8th, August 2008 | In: Online-PR | 19 Comments

Amy Winehouse Is Six Times More Boring Than The Credit Crunch

CREDIT Crunch watch – making debt into a tabloid news story…

AMY Winehouse is six times more boring then the credit crunch. It’s in a survey. It’s a fact:

Stephen Waddington, managing director of Rainier PR, said: “At a time when many people are watching the pennies, it’s not surprising that the public have become tired of news about rock stars being odd, and pampered celebrities holidaying in exotic locations. The fact that Amy Winehouse is seen as six times more boring than the economy this summer illustrates this perfectly.”

Have drugs gotten cheaper yet..?

Posted: 6th, August 2008 | In: Celebrities, Money, Online-PR | 2 Comments

Midgets In Advertising: The Banzai Wild Waves Water Park

MIDGETS get work in advertising children’s toys:


Posted: 4th, August 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR, Photojournalism | 5 Comments

Nancy Pelosi Purges Amazon

NANCY Pelosi has written a book. You can buy it through Amazon. It’s called Know Your Power…

Pelosi adheres to her illiberal fascism in every aspect of her life. It seems she wields her totalitarian “fairness doctrine” far and wide. Lone Pony is reporting that she is scrubbing Amazon of bad reviews – were there any other kind?


Nancy Pelosi had over 100  BAD reviews of her failed  book disappeared from Amazon’s site yesterday!

Well, Amazon is in the business of selling books. And who buys a book knowing it will be crap? Ahem – I did once buy Learning To Fly by Victoria Beckham. And it was…


Posted: 2nd, August 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR, Politicians | 0 Comments

Innocent Smoothies Not So Innocent

INNOCENT smoothies for green smoothies:

Innocent Smoothies tells consumers on its website that “fruit always travels by boat or rail” because these methods use less fossil fuel than air or road transport per kilo of fruit. Customers are also told the drinks are produced in the UK.

However, the Daily Telegraph can reveal that the drinks are blended on the continent before being driven in dozens of tanker lorries hundreds of miles across Europe for bottling in the UK.

To mix the contents just so…

Posted: 2nd, August 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Online-PR | 1 Comment

Guinness Viral Group Sex Ad

DIAGEO demands that YouTube remove a “fake” Guinness viral advert, in which a girl balances a bottle of the black stuff on her back during a group sex session.

The 60-second viral shows two different male hands taking the drink, which is precariously balanced on the small of the woman’s back, before another woman reaches up and grabs it.

Enjoy the marketing…

Posted: 31st, July 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 6 Comments

McDonald’s Yaas Open

THE perfect McDonald’s pudding after this:

Spotter: Ed B.

Posted: 30th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism | 0 Comments

Climate Cops And Green Shirts: The War On Global Warming

HEY kids, wanna play a game of green shirts and baddies?

NPower, the electricity people, want you, the Britisher Jungvolk, to inform on your mums and your dads if they disobey the rules on climate change.

Grab a gas mask, a tin hat and come closer. Baroness Young of Old Scone, head of the Environment Agency, says climate change is “World War Three”. And in zer war you want to be on the side of the good guys, right kidz? We vill take ze moral highground, and victory will be ours.

Attack the non-believer.

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Posted: 28th, July 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 6 Comments

Jude Law Advertises Dior Hair Restorer

JUDE Law advertises a new hair restorer and aftershave by Dior…

“Tastes great” – Old Mr Anorak The Looking Younger

Posted: 24th, July 2008 | In: Celebrities, Online-PR | 2 Comments

Bakel Blog’s eBoost Cold Call

BAKEL Blog gets a call from eBoost’s customer service…

“Hey Roger van Backel [butchering my name with obvious relish], you are a faggot! So listen to this, queer!” [unintelligible background noise and talking, then the name ‘Roger’ again, then she hangs up]


Posted: 23rd, July 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 0 Comments

Earth Hour Campaigners Win Flights To Cannes

CAN anyone guess what happens when your anti-global warming film wins a prize?

Adrian McNamara and Lucas Dorrell from Singleton Ogilvy & Mather, Sydney have won a trip to Cannes for creating an integrated campaign for Purina supporting Earth Hour this year.

Their campaign:

Singleton Ogilvy & Mather, Sydney has created a 15 second TV ad supporting Earth Hour, a WWF initiative (created by Leo Burnett, Sydney) that encourages people to turn their lights off for one hour, helping reduce carbon emissions.

Did they save enough to offset the trip? It’s a round trip, right?


Posted: 19th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR | 4 Comments

Online PR: Robert Murat Drops Max Clifford

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann

NO word from Robert Murat in today’s tabloids. Having been awarded a load of money for being libelled, what odds the tabloids are battling to see which of them can get his interview? But with whom do they negotiate?

Back in May 2007, the Express’s front page asked: “Madeleine: Will the suspect cash in by selling his story?”

In “Maddy suspect’s PR deal” the paper says “oddball” Robert Murat was said to have contacted Max Clifford, the ubiquitous PR guru without whom no fag/shag/slag/hag/gag/lag/nag/wag ‘n’ tell story is complete.

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Posted: 19th, July 2008 | In: Madeleine McCann, Online-PR | 17 Comments

A Tip On How Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama Got A Bad Deal

PSSST! Want to know how to save money on your political campaign?

The US Presidential race is an expensive affair: Republican agonist John McCain has total receipts of $100.4 million for the whole campaign, less than half of Barack Obama’s total of $266.6 million since January 2007.

Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign to secure the Democrat Party’s nomination cost $212 million.

Big money.

But it could have been all decided for less, much less. No, not by a game of Russian Roulette, rather by aping the New Labour project.

The Deal, Stephen Frears’ “prequel to The Queen” is having its “world theatrical premiere” at an American Cinematheque screening at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood on July 23.

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Posted: 18th, July 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR, Politicians | 1 Comment

South Carolina Is Sooo Gay

LAST one to South Carolina’s a…

A state employee has resigned and officials have disavowed an international advertising campaign that led to calls for an investigation of tourism posters proclaiming “South Carolina is so gay.”

Not soooo gay, then..?

Posted: 16th, July 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 5 Comments

David Marriot And Chinabounder’s Fault Lines

CHINABOUNDER, a blogger, has upset the Chinese:

In August 2006, the blog hosting service Blogspot was unblocked in China. A psychology professor named Zhang Jiehai checked it out and found, to his displeasure, that a British English teacher calling himself ‘Chinabounder’ was writing a blog about his sexual exploits with young Chinese women in Shanghai.

A Professor Zhang launched an Internet manhunt for Chinabounder, who soon stopped blogging.

The campaign against the blog was launched on Friday by Zhang Jiehai, professor of psychology in the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences under a post titled The Internet Hunt for an Immoral Foreigner. “I have something to tell Chinese men: please think about how these foreign trash have dallied with your sisters and made fun of your impotence,” he wrote. “This piece of garbage must be found and kicked out of China!!!”

Now this:

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Posted: 14th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR | 3 Comments

Boys As Flies, Muslim Girls As Lollipops

VEIL your enthusiasm, boys.

The text reads: “You won’t be able to stop them (i.e. guys), but you can protect yourself. He who created you knows what’s best for you!”

Via, and here

Posted: 10th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism | 5 Comments

The McDonald’s Anus Burger

THE truth in advertising McDonald’s..?

Posted: 8th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism | 6 Comments

Anorak Classifieds: James Klindt’s Business

ALL publicity is good publicity.


Spotter, Via

Posted: 7th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism | 5 Comments

Press Release Of The Day: Robbie Williams Not At 2008 Roswell UFO Festival

IT’S the 2008 2008 Roswell UFO Festival and what better way to drum up interest than by mentioning a celebrity who isn’t going to be there?

11th June 2008 – Visitors are bound to see something unusual at the 2008 Roswell UFO Festival, though there are no guarantees it will be other-worldly. Bizarre costumes, mock spaceships and alien themed entertainment are all on the agenda, and considering his recent ventures perhaps newly outed UFO fan Robbie Williams can be counted on to make an appearance. A chorus of ‘I’m loving aliens instead’ anyone?

Yeah, perhaps. And perhaps Frank Sinatra will arrive, having been beamed down from the Planet Desperate where he’s been performing with Elvis and Ghengis Khan in a gigantic Petric dish…

Posted: 11th, June 2008 | In: Celebrities, Online-PR | 3 Comments

Press Release Of The Day: Coca-Cola Vitamin Water

water-trend.jpgPRESS Release of the day: Coca-Cola’s Multi-V Vitamin Water:

“Today, it’s simply not enough to do one thing. Trainers double up as roller skates, and printers also fax, copy, and scan. Actually our friend Gloria swears that she even found one with its own page on Facebook.”

Anyone swallow – or gag on – that?

Posted: 9th, June 2008 | In: Online-PR | 3 Comments