

Online-PR Category

Online PR here in the UK

Evri and The Semantic Web

GOOGLE is dead (are they watching?). Here’s Evri:

Evri (, a technology company focused on helping users discover and engage with Web content, will preview its new product at The Wall Street Journal’s D conference on Thursday. Evri’s novel product platform creates a content “data graph” of the people,
places and things found on the Web; marking a major evolution beyond the keyword and text parsing employed by current Web technologies.

Search engines are great for pointing users to information. Evri helps users discover related content without searching again. We think Web users should ‘search less and understand more,'” said Neil Roseman, CEO of Evri.

“Evri helps make sense of information by organizing knowledge on the Web based on its semantic meaning.”

Posted: 29th, May 2008 | In: Online-PR | 0 Comments

A Free Hangdun With Every New Car

MAX Muller of Max Motors in Butler, Missouri, says sales have quadrupled since he started offering a free hand gun with every car sold.


Customers can choose between a gun or a $250 (£125) petrol card, but only two customers have taken the gas card.

Says Mr Muller: “We’re just damn glad to live in a free country where you can have a gun if you want to.”

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Posted: 28th, May 2008 | In: Money, Online-PR | 1 Comment

EDF Energy Cuts Power To Olympics

korbut.jpgEDF Energy says it wants to use the 2012 Olypic Games as a “turning point” in the fight against climate change.

In 2012, we’ll give up and just allow the planet to change without our interference.

The campaign, which launches on May 26, will promotes EDF Energy’s role as the first sustainability partner of the London Olympics and encourages consumers to save energy by visiting its site. It will run across TV, radio and digital activity.

Save energy by watching the telly and then turning on the web. The ads feature former champions running on a giant wheel hooked up to a dynamo. Champions like Olga Korbut, a resident of Scottsdale, Arizona, where the average temperatures are:

May 93.6; June 103.5; July 105.9; August 103.7; and September 98.3.”

Korbut has developed a program for adults using basic gymnastics warm-up exercises.

Like flying to London -which means everyone warms up…

Posted: 26th, May 2008 | In: Back pages, Online-PR | 0 Comments

Find Madeleine McCann On Facebook

maddy2.jpgMADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann
SAY the McCanns: “We strongly support and encourage this new initiative to use Facebook to increase awareness of missing children.”

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you will know that children go missing.

Although not if you’re watching the TV news of reading the newspapers because Madeleine McCann is no longer in the mass media.

But the campaign has not been in vain. She is on a press release.

And the better news is that no children have gone missing in the past few weeks. We look through the mainstream press every day. It’s a fact. But what of life on the internet?

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Posted: 25th, May 2008 | In: Madeleine McCann, Online-PR | 1240 Comments

What The World Thinks Of Your Brand: The FT

CLICK on a company’s logo and view a tag cloud to see how others responded to it…


? ??? airline lounge bad banker boring borrrrr-ing british broadsheet business capitalist compact competition to wall street journal dollars and sense dry dull economy england europe feet foot ft grey business suits hospital i like it in the pooper investments jews journal library london magazine money news newspaper off paper persil pick pink pink sheet propaganda pussy red paper serious staid stands for? stock market stodgy tiresome typewriter wall street wall street journal world markets wrong wsj knock off yawn yellow



Posted: 20th, May 2008 | In: Online-PR | 2 Comments

The Subvivor: Be Prepared For The War On Terror

subvivor.jpgYOU sense danger. That swarthy man the Tube is carrying an accordion. Another is sporting small bag with a big yellow ‘M’ on the front. It smells foul. A woman keeps staring at her shoes, like a cross-dressing Richard Reid.

Panic? No. Prepare: The Subvivor kits will enable you to live when death stalks your carriage.

Whether it is a train fire, a highrise building fire or worse. People should have more protection than a necktie, their shirt or paper towel to cover their mouth, nose and eyes.

As you know an emergency can happen at anytime and in anyplace, leaving one vulnerable. Don’t be a sitting duck.

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Posted: 20th, May 2008 | In: Online-PR | 3 Comments

Tom Ford’s ‘Substantial In The Hand’ Pool Boy Glasses

tom-ford-pool.jpgDESIGNER Tom Ford has broiught to market his limited-edition luxury aviator sunglasses. Says the press release:

“The Pavlos & Carlos styles are modern interpretations of the timeless and iconic Aviator, albeit with an ultra-luxe twist.

Handcrafted by meticulous Italian artisans, the frames feel substantial in the hand…”

The glasses are named after Pavlos and Carlos, Ford’s “susbstantial in the hand” pool boys…

Posted: 20th, May 2008 | In: Celebrities, Online-PR | 0 Comments

Becks Advertise For Beer Blogger

BEER company Becks are looking for a “charismatic blog writer with a nose for offbeat news”.

Apply here

Posted: 18th, May 2008 | In: Online-PR | 2 Comments

Starbucks Girl Is A Slut

2bucks.jpgTHE new Starbucks logo – they make bad tea, too.

Desperate times

Posted: 15th, May 2008 | In: Online-PR | 1 Comment

How Not To Create A Good Viral Advert

VIRAL adverts are a big deal on the Internet.

If you have no budget, the trick is to go for humour. If you have no humour you get a Phil Collins song and hope for the best. Or come up with this, an advert that offers a good reason not to use the product advertised…


Posted: 14th, May 2008 | In: Online-PR | 0 Comments

Online PR: UK Cracks Down On Seeding Messages Online

Posted: 28th, April 2008 | In: Online-PR | 0 Comments

Kurt Cobain’s Killer Shoes: Press Release Of The Day

cobain-converse.jpgPSST! Wanna buy Kurt Cobain’s dead shoes?

“To honour Cobain, in May, Converse will debut their Kurt Cobain collection of shoes featuring artwork and scribbles borrowed from Cobain’s personal notebooks.

It will mark a central part of the yearlong 100th Anniversary ‘Welcome to the Converse Century’ celebration.”

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Posted: 24th, April 2008 | In: Celebrities, Online-PR | 1 Comment

William Hague’s Uganda Diaries

uganda.gifWILLIAM Hague, the Conservative foreign affairs spokesman, is the subject of a press release:

It call on foreing secretary David Miliband “to take urgent action with regard to the Chinese ship, currently heading to Uganda carrying arms bound for Zimbabwe”.

Note to Chinese captain’s: Uganda is the blog in red on the map…


Posted: 24th, April 2008 | In: Online-PR, Politicians | 1 Comment

Barack Obama: Sponsored By Abercrombie And Fitch

obama-fitch.jpgARE Barack Obama’s supporters sponsored by Abercrombie & Fitch?

Is anything in America not sponsored?

Posted: 23rd, April 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism, Politicians | 6 Comments

How Not To Blog: American Airlines

AN American Airlines masterclass in how not to run a corporate blog…

Posted: 16th, April 2008 | In: Online-PR | 3 Comments

The Best Road Safety Video Ever And A Moonwalking Bear

THE Best Road Safety Video Ever…

Did you see the moonwalking bear?

Posted: 9th, April 2008 | In: Online-PR | 1 Comment

London Aware: London Beware

london-aware.JPGIT’S London Aware Weekend. Hurrah!

Over the LONDON AWARE 08 Weekend 10th and 11th May it is expect that:

· 2 million Londoners will buy a sustainable product
· £4.5 million will be spent on environmentally sustainable products
· 1 in 4 Londoners will purchase only environmentally sustainable products
· The most comprehensive green consumer event ever will be staged

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Posted: 3rd, April 2008 | In: Online-PR | 0 Comments

Earth Hour For Cats And Dogs

WHAT kind of  a company would sponsor Earth Hour, the

…latest bright idea from the country that gave us “Crocodile Dundee” is to have everyone across the globe turn off their lights for an hour at 8 p.m. Saturday.

Apparently, a bunch of neo-Luddites in Sydney did this last year and it made them feel good about themselves, so they’ve decided to give the rest of the world a chance to achieve a similar sense of self-worth?

A pet food company…


Posted: 28th, March 2008 | In: Online-PR, Photojournalism | 0 Comments

Dr Pepper Tastes Like Axl Rose And Chinese Democracy

axl-rose-dr-pepper.jpgDR Pepper and Axel Rose are a match made in marketing heaven.

A drink that tastes like a brothel keepers’ innersole and the lead singer of Guns N’ Roses, whose name is an anagram for Oral Sex are united in a marketing workers reverie:

Says Dr Pepper: “It took a little patience for us to perfect Dr Pepper’s special mix of 23 ingredients, so we completely understand and empathize with Axl’s question for the perfect album. We know once it’s released, people will refer to it as “Dr Pepper for the ears” because it will be such a refreshing blend of rich, bold sounds – an instant classic.”

Dr Pepper for the ears may be preferable to Dr Pepper for the mouth. It’s the drink the Dr Pepper marketing division admits sounds better than it tastes.

The plan is that Dr Pepper will give a can of drink to “everyone in America” (excluding ex-Guns members Slash and Buckethead) if Chinese Democracy arrives anytime during the calendar year 2008.

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Posted: 27th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Online-PR | 3 Comments

Press Release Of The Day: The Welsh Daffodil

daffodil.jpgSOMETHING for all of Wales to be proud of: The WRU Daffodil.

The Welsh Rugby Union daffodil, the only daffodil to officially honour an international Rugby team, will be planted on the Millennium Stadium rugby pitch for the Wales vs France game on Saturday 15 March. Narcissus ‘Undeb Rygbi Cymru’ is a unique gift from the UK’s leading gardening charity, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

A first for rugby! A first for Wales! Mind the flower, lads.

The WRU’s daffodil took 15 years to develop and is straight, strong, with an abundance of stamina, impressive trumpet and delicate scent…

RHS Shows Director, Stephen Bennett, said: “This daffodil really is a spectacular and very impressive specimen; it is hugely exciting that it will be on the sidelines, supporting the team, in the Six Nations Grand Slam. Good luck the WRU!”

Come on Wales. Come on the Narcissus ‘Undeb Rygbi Cymru'”…

Posted: 14th, March 2008 | In: Back pages, Online-PR | 5 Comments

Press Release Of The Day: Free Concert Tickets For Sperm Donors

free-sperm.jpgSPERM donors get free tickets for rocking out:

Sperm donors are to be offered free tickets to any music festival in Europe under a new initiative.

Passes to a festival of their choice will be offered to any donors in Europe who contribute to Ireland’s sperm reserves.

Irish stocks are apparently dwindling, with demand far higher than is sustainable, and donations down by 40% over the last four years.

The Sperm For Tickets initiative makes use of special donation containers and a fast courier network to offer donation via mail.

Anyone in Europe can request a donation pack, indicating which European festival they wish to attend via

What music do most donors – and onanists – like? Anything by Kylie? Cliff Richard?

Posted: 12th, March 2008 | In: Online-PR, Strange But True | 3 Comments

Press Release Of The Day

Hi Paul,

If your talent is a bit different or unique – we want to hear about it – the most talented person will win the chance to perform for one night only at Billy Smarts Circus.

Billy Smart’s Circus…

Posted: 11th, March 2008 | In: Online-PR | 0 Comments

Bad Day At The Office Video

Bad Day At The Office Video

Posted: 10th, March 2008 | In: Online-PR | Comment

Ed Balls Parent Know-How Programme Pamphlet

ed-balls-twat.jpgGOES the Government’s press release: “ED BALLS HOSTS CHILDRENS [sic] PLAN DEBATE.”

Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Young People and Families today announced the detail of a Government parenting programme to help parents get extra help with issues such as bullying, school exclusions and dealing with the impact of divorce.

A “Government parenting programme”, eh? No, not like the one in China; the Parent Know-How Programme is something edgier and more challenging?

Says Ed Balls: “I want to make Britain the best place in [the?] world for our children and young people to grow up… Government doesn’t bring up children, parents do, but I want to do as much as I can to back parents and families and strengthen the support for all families.”

Forget the nanny state. These are YOUR kids. In YOUR home. In YOUR Government–sponsored parenting scheme.

Says Children’s Minister Kevin Brennan: “Kids don’t come with instructions so we all need a little help sometimes.”

See the Government pamphlet free with all kidzzzzzzz…

Picture: Poldraw 

Posted: 8th, March 2008 | In: Online-PR, Politicians | 0 Comments

Rick Wakeman Moans And Rants for You

rick-wakeman.jpgPRESS release of the day: RICK WAKEMAN will moan for you.

Recorded from his very successful tour of the same name, this hilarious one-man show see Rick Wakeman reprise his very popular role from the BBC hit series, ‘Grumpy Old Men’.  Identifying with the masses, watch him moan and rant his way through the frustrations and irritations of modern life! Delivered in a highly amusing fashion, Rick creates a riotous pastiche of his extraordinary life and escapades.

There are day when everything Anorak reads is “Beyond Parody”

Posted: 4th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Online-PR | 0 Comments