
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

21st, May 2011 Reviews 3

Milton Keynes Teachers In Hen Night Facebook Shame: Parents Study 'Unsavoury' Photos

Teachers at the Langland Community School in Milton Keynes, are shocking the internets with their raucous antics on a Hen Night... More »

21st, May 2011 Music 1

English Demand Independence For Scotland At The Scottish Pipe Band Championships

In today’s Independence For Scotland campaign, the English Independent Party sends us photos of the Scottish Pipe Band Championships in Dumbarton... More »

21st, May 2011 Strange But True

Mr Stoner Arrested For Growing Marijuana: More Nominative Determinism

Mr Stoner, 56, was arrested in Clearwater, Florida, for the cultivation of marijuana and operating a drug house... More »

21st, May 2011 Key Posts 3

10 Things You Won't Miss When The World Ends On May 21 2011

We’ve already seen the reasons why the end of the world is now. But you may care to spare thought for what you will happily not see in what remains of 2011, 2012 and beyond... More »

21st, May 2011 TV & Radio

The Haunted Van Reverses Into A Parking Space (Video)

In this video the haunted van will attempt to reverse into the parking space. It misses. It tries again. And again... More »

21st, May 2011 Reviews

Imogen Thomas's Gag: When Secrecy Becomes A Tyranny

The Judges are using the Act in the way they think it was written. Some Parliamentarians (politicians) who passed the Law say this situation was not the intention.... More »

21st, May 2011 Sports 4

Imogen Thomas And The Footballer: How To Take A Secret Global

Imogen Thomas has gone from zero to potential hero... More »

20th, May 2011 Technology 4

A Person We Can't Name Sues Another Person We Don't Know The Name Of: Twitter Stuck In #Superinjunction Court Case Hell

Bad news for Twitter as an anonymous celebrity has decided to sue it... More »

20th, May 2011 Sports

RIP Macho Man Randy Savage: A Life In Photos

A little bit of the 1980s has died. Let's remember it: More »

20th, May 2011 Key Posts

Plague Of Porn Mags And Sandwiches Rain Down On Kent

Seeking signs of Harold Camping's impending apocalypse when the world will end and the rapture arrives, we journey to Borough Green, Kent... More »

20th, May 2011 Royal Family

Queen's Trip To Ireland - Day 4 Photos: The Empire Coffin And Paper Suits

More »

20th, May 2011 Music 1

Pauline Quirke To Play Jailed Pete Doherty In TV Biopic?

Pete Doherty’s Court Room Tour 2011 is on a break... More »

20th, May 2011 Technology 1

Twitter Users Aren't An Elite - Look At The Crap That Trends Every Day #Rapture

Sometimes people on Twitter accuse other people on Twitter of being elitist media whores prattling to each other about press releases with their HootSuites up their own echo chambers... More »

20th, May 2011 Celebrities 3

The Tale Of Jane Fonda, Her $55k False Teeth And Her Sex Life

WHEN you think of Jane Fonda, you may well think about her as an actress or fitness instructor or, indeed, something of a political activist (probably the coolest looking political activist ever, granted)... More »

20th, May 2011 Technology

The Map Of Twitter: How To Find You Place In Social Media

the TWmap is live (with Johann Hari, Daily Mail, Stephen Fry and toilets in the Crouch End zone)... More »

20th, May 2011 The Consumer 1

Birmingham Lad Finds Chewing Gum In Thick And Chewy Tesco Pizza

Young Fowler was shocked to find a half eaten piece of chewing gum in his Tesco pizza... More »

20th, May 2011 Film 1

Todd Burpo's Tale Of Colton's Trip To Heaven Is Now A Major Motion Picture

Colton saw the throne room where God the Father sits with Jesus and Gabriel on either side, met John the Baptist, saw various winged creatures, and had a chance to pet Jesus’ “rainbow horse”. II Corinthians 12:2 pales in comparison... More »

20th, May 2011 Film 1

Lars Von Trier's Porn Stack Joke: Did Nicole Kidman Laugh?

"En route they stopped for petrol, and Von Trier returned to the car with a stack of porn magazines which he gave to Bettany..." More »

20th, May 2011 Politicians 8

Life Mirror's Private Eye: Boris Johnson - Me And My Cheese Boxes

"The last thing I painted was a picture of one of my family in front of the Colosseum in Rome..." More »

20th, May 2011 Key Posts 2

11 Reasons Why The World Ends On May 21 2011 - In Pictures

While away the last moments cancelling the milk and setting fire to the EastEnders set, we bring you more irrefutable proof that the world is ending... More »

20th, May 2011 Key Posts

Sheena Upton Is Kerry Campbell Is Botox Mum: A Story Of Sun Lies And Bad Parenting

When Sheena Upton, aka Kerry Campbell, aka Botox Mom injected her 8-year-old daughter Britney Campbell’s face with Botox to get her pumped for pageant show, the media gasped and then wailed for joy... More »

20th, May 2011 Money

German Insurance Company Munch Re Held Budapest Orgy For Sales Saff

"After each such encounter the women were stamped on the lower arm in order to keep track of how often each woman was frequented. The women wore red and yellow wrist bands..." More »

20th, May 2011 Film 2

Nazi Lars Von Trier Earns Rave Reviews In Austria, Germany, Paraguay, Eltham And Switzerland

Lars Von Trier's Melancholia will be a big hit in the beer cellars of Austria, and a wow with the key Unrepentant Old Racist demographic in Switzerland, Germany, Paraguay and Brazil... More »

19th, May 2011 Music

Ivor Novello Awards 2011: All The Winners In Photos

The music awards the musicians - and not the PRs and money men - want to win... More »

19th, May 2011 Key Posts 17

Sexy Fred Goodwin's Grubby Secret: Shagging On The Glass Ceiling

After all, as every RBS financier knows and brags churlishly while chuckling over the RBS sponsored Rugby match after dinner port, they are women burnishing the glass ceiling with their backsides!... More »