
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

7th, May 2011 Key Posts 27

Madeleine: First Extracts Of Kate McCann's Book

Day 1 of the Sun’s serialisation of Kate McCann's book Madeleine... More »

6th, May 2011 Politicians

South Dakota Department of Public Safety Debates Obama The Muslim Terrorist

Among the keynote speakers is none other than Walid Shoebat (pictured). This means that attendees will receive at least some of the following “training and information”... More »

6th, May 2011 Reviews 1

Osama Bin Laden's Obituary: Blessed Are The Yogurt Eaters

The Economist: "Somewhere, according to one of his five wives, was a man who loved sunflowers, and eating yogurt..." More »

6th, May 2011 Celebrities 1

David Hasselhoff To Do Lovejoy's Hamlet

The Hoff wants to connect with us, and tell us that he knows the UK is about more than just sarcasm, damp and regret... More »

6th, May 2011 TV & Radio

Lea Michele Thinks Her Nose Will Take Lead Role In Glee Movie

Hey everyone! There's going to be a Glee movie out this summer! How amazing is that? Not very? Well aren't you a bunch of spoilsports?! In fairness, you're spoilsports that are absolutely... More »

6th, May 2011 Music

Blake Sheldon Totally Doesn't Hate The Gays

Country superstar, Blake Sheldon, has been accused of being a stinkin' homophobe. Of course, what with him being a country and western singer, roughly 99.7% won't be at all surprised at the notion of a God fearing dust bowl balladeer not being too fond of the gays... More »

6th, May 2011 Celebrities

Up John Gielgud's Arse With Dame Helen Mirren

Showbiz Quote Of the Week is supplied by Dame Helen Mirren in her apparent tribute to the late Sir John Gielgud... More »

6th, May 2011 Celebrities

Did Brando, Taylor and Jackson Work For Al Qaeda?

Brando, Taylor and Jackson are all dead. Although we have yet to see photographic proof... More »

6th, May 2011 TV & Radio

World's Got Talent: Mr M Brasilerio's Magick

World's Got Talent , Anorak's in-house TV show, introduces Mr. M Brasileiro, of Brazil... More »

6th, May 2011 Madeleine McCann 87

Madeleine McCann Book Extracts: The Loving Mum And Pain Guaranteed

"IT'S the most heartbreaking book you will ever read." Guaranteed! You be 100% per cent upset!... More »

6th, May 2011 Royal Family

Prince Charles Outlines Plans For One-Man Aircraft

You'll believe a prince can fly! More »

6th, May 2011 Strange But True

Police Capture Fastest Joint Roller In The West

The man was not easy to spot... More »

6th, May 2011 Photojournalism 1

Photos Of The Day: Knock Before Masturbating For Jesus

Photos of The Day are a particularly good bunch... More »

6th, May 2011 Key Posts 1

Six Gloucester University Rugby Players Caught Wanking On Bus: Nine Others Shame Sport

We demand to know the identities of the 9 rugby players of the University of Gloucestershire IX who were not performing lewd acts while naked on a public bus... More »

6th, May 2011 Politicians 1

The Top Ten Voting Systems: The Mi6A4 Gas Ejected Assault Rifle

In answer to the Alternative Vote elite voting system, Anorak asks for your Top Ten Voting Systems. AV might not make the cut... More »

6th, May 2011 The Consumer 1

David's Doodle Is The Inappropriate Toy Of The Day

Can you help David..? More »

6th, May 2011 Key Posts 18

Osama Bin Laden's Dead Body Photos: Want To See?

"I want to see the pictures because they show Osama Bin Laden with a big hole in his head..." More »

6th, May 2011 Celebrities

Sara Buys Is Our Nominative Determinism Hero Of the Year

You might well wonder what kind of person attends the launch of Equire's monthly magazine at Sketch, an eatery in London? Hungry ones, we’d wager... More »

6th, May 2011 TV & Radio

The Ducklings And The Yo-Yo: Video

This Ducklings And The Yo-Yo video explains why ducks are so good at working in launderettes... More »

6th, May 2011 Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann: The Children's Book

"It's also an account for Madeleine and for the twins [six-year-old Sean and Amelie]..." More »

5th, May 2011 Royal Family

Jennie Bond Talks About Going On And On About Princess Diana?

“LEGENDARY “Royal correspondent Jennie Bond recalls Princess Anne being rude to her... More »

5th, May 2011 Politicians 4

A Vote For AV Is A Vote For A Bland Career-Minded Elite

Did you vote for less democracy and a way to make it harder to kick out failing governments? Or did you vote No?.. More »

5th, May 2011 Sports

Armand Masimzhanov Is More Cantona Than Harald Schumacher: The Kung-Fu Footballers

Cantona, you are nothing. NO. THING. Kazakh footballer Armand Masimzhanov, of Kairat, sees your king-fu kick and raises you this strike... More »

5th, May 2011 TV & Radio

Cheryl Cole Confirmed As US X Factor Judge (With Added Subtitles)

Pop-culture mogul, Simon Cowell, really does have the softest of spots of Cheryl Cole. Apart from the boring 'she works really hard and does as she's told' likelihood of favour, we shudder to think what she may have done to secure such a place in Cowell's chequebook... More »

5th, May 2011 Celebrities

Mel Gibson's Ex Is Now Saying That He Didn't Domestic Violence Her One On The Face

Last seen with a stuffed beaver sewn to his hand, Mel Gibson has had a troublesome year or so, facing allegations of being a anti-Semite, accusations of being a racist for dropping... More »