
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

27th, April 2011 Strange But True 1

Guinness Rishi's World Flag Tattoos Unite Humanity (Not Malawi)

Guinness Rishi carries on his body the tattoos of 185 maps, 165 mini-flags and 2,985 characters of different countries... More »

27th, April 2011 Politicians

New York Times Scooped By The Onion Over Obama's Singing

First the New York Times was scooped by news that Barack Obama sings in the shower. Then... More »

27th, April 2011 In Pictures

Life On The US Mexico Border (Photos)

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27th, April 2011 Sports

Europe Wins As Manchester United Laugh Off Shalke: Photos

"The typical Manc man is called Paul. He has darts in his right pocket and in his left pocket has a picture of a bulldog... More »

26th, April 2011 Celebrities 2

Nigella Lawson Will Not Be Losing Any Weight Anytime Soon, Okay?

WOMEN! Are you 'curvy'? That's cool. Curves are all well and good. Unless, of course, you're one of those hideous simpletons who consider 'curvy' women to be 'real', therefore rendering thinner women 'fictional'... More »

26th, April 2011 TV & Radio

A 'Professional Russian' Showcases The AA 12 Gun

"Don't try this at home ... I'm a professional Russian!"... More »

26th, April 2011 Reviews

Syria Murders Its Peasants And Vogue Continues To Praise Asma al-Assad

"Syria is known as the safest country in the Middle East," writes the unpsychic author Joan Juliet Buck... More »

26th, April 2011 Strange But True 3

Malaysian Muslims Will No More Dance The Poco-Poco

To Malaysia, where the National Fatwa Council and the Islamists are making a war dance... More »

26th, April 2011 Strange But True 1

Police Break Into Flat Where Possessed Vibrator Is Dancing In The Dark

Police are called. They smash down the door. The 23-year-old woman who owns the flat is out... More »

26th, April 2011 Technology

Taking Photos With iPad2 Makes You Look This Tragic

Are you winning with your new ipad 2, that ergonomic gadget that’s killing American jobs with its success..? More »

25th, April 2011 Reviews

Guardian Cranks Up Its Fight With Julian Assange Over Guantanamo Files

So. What did Julian Assange actually do..? More »

25th, April 2011 Strange But True

Awkward Easter Bunny Moments: Picture Gallery

The Easter Bunny is coming. The Easter Bunny. Run! Save yourselves from the massive rabbit that can pass chocolate eggs... More »

25th, April 2011 Politicians

Nick Clegg Is Nicked: The Hip Hop, Tip Top, Flip Flop Sop

The great educator is portrayed in hip hop musical called NICKED... More »

24th, April 2011 Technology

Is Virus Software The World's Computer Shop Name Ever?

Is VIRUS SOFTWARE the world's worst name for a computer shop More »

24th, April 2011 Key Posts 2

1950s Pin-Ups Before And After The Art Shop

The 1950s Pin-Ups Before and After shows how paint and lighting altered the good looking girl into an ideal. Photoshop always existed – it as just called something else... More »

24th, April 2011 Reviews

Archbishop Says Global Warming Is An Anti-Scientific Myth

"One woman thought it as like asking a withc doctor for a medical opinion"... More »

24th, April 2011 Politicians 1

John McCain Talks Utter Bollocks On Libya: Nation Listens

With Barack Obama looking confused on Libya, it is left to John McCain to explain to the rest of the world just how rubbish it would have been had he beaten The One and become American President... More »

24th, April 2011 Royal Family

Royal Wedding Smug Watch: Mariella Frostrup's Social Climbing

"I’ve promised to climb the 'craig' with my kids, the biggest hill we can see from our house in Ayrshire..." More »

24th, April 2011 Celebrities

Tony Blair Stars In Port Talbot Passion Play: Martin Sheen Is Away

Michael Sheen - or was it Tony Blair? – was playing the role of Jesus Christ – or was it Tony Blair? – in a Passion play in Port Talbot... More »

24th, April 2011 Royal Family

Princess Eugenie Bucks The Royal Gene Pool: Photos

You pour all the genes into a vat, shakes them up and every so often fate deals a card from under the deck and a looker pops out... More »

24th, April 2011 Strange But True

Man Lives Undetected For Months In Milton Keynes Ladies' Toilet

In Milton Keynes, a man is posing as plumber to gain access to the ladies’ toilet. Once inside, the man hides in the ladies’ loos for “hours at a time”... More »

24th, April 2011 Madeleine McCann 2

Madeleine McCann: Fourth Anniversary Tour, With Robert Murat

Olga Craig visits Praia Da Luz four years after Our Maddie vanished: She kicks off the tour in the 17th-century church of Our Lady of Light, “overlooking the sea in Praia da Luz on the Algarve, where the couple feel closest to Madeleine”... More »

24th, April 2011 Strange But True

Mug Shot Of The Day: The Suspected Paint Sniffer

Mr Gibson has been charged with inhaling toxic vapours for the 48th time since 1992... More »

24th, April 2011 Strange But True

Testicles Photographer Hits Codpiece Man In Barnes & Noble Car Park

"Since (the codpiece commenter) has not seen the testicular pictures it is not known the species or age of the testicles in (the testicle photographer's) pictures"... More »

24th, April 2011 Reviews

Logos - The Truth

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