
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

28th, March 2011 Strange But True

Behold The Wish Statue: Insert Your Wish In A Poignant Place

Now, where to insert your wish in the wish statue..? More »

28th, March 2011 Reviews

Abercrombie & Fitch Introduces The Pre-Teen Padded Bikini Paedophile Lure

Thanks to Abercrombie & Fitch, the too-skinny pre-teen can lure paedophiles from their hiding place (Boscombe) by wearing a padded swimsuit. Well, so goes the scare story.... More »

28th, March 2011 Royal Family

Prince Charles And Camilla Head To Theatre Via Portugal, Spain And Morocco

The Prince of Wales and Camilla are in Portugal. They’ve been to the Belem Presidential Palace in Lisbon... More »

28th, March 2011 Key Posts 2

The Ark Royal Is For Sale: And You Can Buy It

If Colonel Gaddafi or any other despots in a bind want it, then do get in touch... More »

28th, March 2011 Reviews

Greens Spread Fear In Australia: Tim Flannery Fries Your Brains

When the Earth melts and everyone is dying the last words you will hear will be Australia's climate change commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery, saying, "I told yer"... More »

28th, March 2011 Strange But True

Sheffield Man Has Haunted Knees

Local news special: when trousers go "Whooooooo!" More »

28th, March 2011 The Consumer 1

The UK's Top Ten Picnic Spots: And Other Views From The Car

The debate has raged over lashings of ginger beer and doggers: what is the best picnic spot in the UK?... More »

28th, March 2011 Strange But True

Man Still Paying Bills Three Years After His Death

No-one noticed because he had paid his bills by direct debit... More »

28th, March 2011 Strange But True 2

Goose Finds Squirrel In Toilet

To Malawi, where Duncan Goose has found a squirrel down the toilet... More »

28th, March 2011 Strange But True

Can Spiders Wipe Out Mosquitoes In Pakistan?

To escape the flood waters in Pakistan, millions of spiders have taken refuge in trees... More »

28th, March 2011 Key Posts 4

Sian O'Callaghan's Death Is Invaded By The Grief Circus

Can so many people who never met Sian O’Callaghan feel so very deeply affected by her murder?... More »

28th, March 2011 Key Posts

World Breast Size Map - By Country (No Vaginas)

When we brought you the World Penis Size Map (by country), many asked if a world breast size map would be forthcoming. Well, here is it... More »

28th, March 2011 Key Posts 9

Jon Venables: Aged 17 He Had Sex With An Adult In Jail

One of James Bulger’s killers is alleged to have had sex with a woman who worked on him at Red Bank prison on Merseyside as his “substitute parent”... More »

27th, March 2011 Key Posts 5

Why Did Anti-Cuts Rioters Attack Charitable Fortnum & Mason's?

Why was Fortnum & Mason's attacked during yesterday's the anti-cut protest? Fortnum’s is owned by a charity... More »

27th, March 2011 Reviews

Japan's Media Apocalypse: Can Slate Readers Avert Nuclear Disaster?

"Help Wanted: Save Japan From Nuclear Disaster..." More »

27th, March 2011 Reviews

Greens Watch Telly For Earth Hour: Australian Warmits Beyond Parody

In London, warmists warmed themselves by forming themselves into gangs and burning wheelie burns... More »

27th, March 2011 Strange But True 1

Suspected Halifax Burglar Falls Down Well During Get Away

The man trapped down the trapped 30ft down an old well next to St Thomas' Church in Claremount Road, Boothtown, Halifax, is wanted by the police... More »

27th, March 2011 Strange But True

Bride And Groom Spend Wedding Night In Jail

"You punched him in the face about three times and when he was on the ground, you kicked him in the head. Indeed the evidence suggests you actually stamped on his head...” Look out! Here comes the bride!!! More »

27th, March 2011 Politicians

The Clean And On-Trend Anti-Cuts Anarchists Are No Radicals

Odd isn’t it that the anarchists always arrive on time, just when you expect them...? More »

27th, March 2011 In Pictures

Oxford - Cambridge Boat Race: A History In Photos

More »

27th, March 2011 TV & Radio

Peter Simon's Snot Bubble: Selly Telly TV Star Inflates On Camera

Simon, star of selly telly Bid TV, will now sell you some toilet roll - the one he uses to get rid of his snot bubble... More »

27th, March 2011 Key Posts

Sian O'Callaghan: Beware The Mini Cab Driving Rapist

Sian O’Callaghan: the mini-cab rapists; Melanie Hall imprisoned for seven years (?); Chris Halliwell trusted with boss's daughter; and a second body is found... More »

27th, March 2011 Politicians 1

Anti-cuts Protest Is Evidence Of The Stupidity Of Crowds

As the public sectariat go on the march to protect their grip on our wallets, Liam Halligan, chief economist at Prosperity Capital Management, asks a few questions... More »

27th, March 2011 Celebrities

Peter Andre And Amy Childs Yet To Deny 'Love' Story

Peter Andre yet to deny rumours of a romance with stablemate Amy Childs... More »

27th, March 2011 Celebrities 1

Alex Reid's Suicide: Katie Price Shocker

The News of The World has the headline that Katie Price made Alex Reid commit suicide... More »