
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

22nd, March 2011 Key Posts

Lynsey Addario: Sexually Abused American Journalist Provides Reason For War

Addario was held captive by pro-Gaddafi forces and along with three other American journalists - Tyler Hicks, Stephen Farrell and Anthony Shadid - beaten and threatened with being decapitated and shot... More »

22nd, March 2011 Politicians

Blackburn Chicken Plucker Insults Blackpool Donkey Botherers

Here's a story to make you weep... More »

22nd, March 2011 Key Posts 4

How Japan's Nuclear Meltdown Saved The World: Greens Routed

Reading the press you might have formed a belief that the Fukushima nuclear reactors were going to kill everyone in Japan and then everyone in the US and Ireland. The opposite is true... More »

22nd, March 2011 Royal Family 7

Royal Wedding Watch: The Coaches And Cars

Royal Wedding Vehicle Watch, in association with Royal Wedding Car Polisher Watch... More »

22nd, March 2011 Reviews 1

Daily Mail Poll Of The Day

Take your time... More »

22nd, March 2011 The Consumer

Is This The Worst Wedding Video Ever?

When Martin Shubrook married Heidi, 29 got married they hired Clayton Bennett, of Lasting Impressions, Sunderland, to record the event on his camera... More »

22nd, March 2011 Strange But True

Men Find Mobile Phone: Owner Murders Them Both

Here's why you should never answer a call to a lost mobile phone... More »

22nd, March 2011 Celebrities

Mel B Show Off Her Pregnancy Bump To A Thrilled Victoria Beckham

We also see Mel’s previously born children, Angel and Phoenix, both seemingly named after cartoon characters from 1980s children’s telly... More »

22nd, March 2011 Key Posts

Libya War New Round-Up: Gaddafi Is a Peado And We're Running Out Of Pilots

Tomorrow, look out for allegations that Gaddafi is a paedo, Muslim, gypsy, Asbo, benefits cheating scumbag. He’ll be wearing a Burberry baseball cap, wearing Argo gems and holding an angry dog on lead in the park by Friday... More »

22nd, March 2011 Technology

Justin Bieber Explains The Perils Of The Internet: Photo

Girls: when asked to flash your chest, best to wait a while... More »

21st, March 2011 In Pictures

The Super Moon Photos

More »

21st, March 2011 Key Posts

Japan: After Fukushima Tokyo's SHIBUYA EGGMAN Reactor Explodes

In the rush to make the Fukushima crisis into a still bigger deal FOX News produced a map of atomic sites... More »

21st, March 2011 Key Posts 1

Photos Of Innocent Afghanis 'Murdered' For Kicks By US Army 'Kill Team'

Jeremy Morlock, Andrew Holmes, Michael Wagnon and Adam Winfield are alleged to formed part of a "kill team" that murdered Afghanis for kicks... More »

21st, March 2011 The Consumer

The Barry Manilow Pillow: You Can Buy One

Half man. Half pillow... More »

21st, March 2011 Royal Family 1

Prince William Warms Up Tiana O'Brien For Harry: Photos

Prince Harry, however, is available... More »

21st, March 2011 Sports

Tiger Woods, Alyse Lahti Johnson And Rachel Uchitel's For Hire

Rachel Uchitel, the woman who was allegedly the first hole on Tiger’s back nine, is now a private investigator. And her speciality is..? More »

21st, March 2011 Politicians 2

Michael Gove Loves Written Exams Because He Was Good At Them

"Our elders decided that it was insulting to the "less bright" kids to teach them "trades" instead of Hamlet..." More »

21st, March 2011 Royal Family 4

Queen Invites Arab Despots To Royal Wedding: Gaddafi Guest Of Tony Blair?

Where does the Royal Family stand on democracy? Broadly for it? Or is the Queen not that bothered?... More »

21st, March 2011 Key Posts 1

How Did The Disaster In Japan Become All About Us?

the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament held a vigil for "the victims of The nuclear accident in Japan", forgetting that the thousands of deaths over the past days were caused by the earthquake and tsunami, not by "nuclear meltdown"... More »

21st, March 2011 Key Posts

Libya: Allies Warm Their Cosy Assets On Gaddafi's Lap

The current air attacks on Libya sound more like a gentlemanly business takeover than a lethal military campaign.... More »

21st, March 2011 Reviews

Sian O'Callaghan: The Hunt For The Missing Swindon Woman

A woman is missing: the celebrities and the scaremongers got to work... More »

21st, March 2011 Royal Family

Royal Wedding Tat Watch: Champagne Tea At Highgrove House

Who fancies a Wedding Celebration Champagne Tea Garden Tour? Champagne tea... Is that like Irish tea..? More »

21st, March 2011 TV & Radio 1

Midsomer Murders: Brian True-May Bemoans Lack Of Indians

As Detective Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby bumbles on, we are indebted to the Anorak reader who points us towards True-May's words to the Guardian back in June 2010... More »

21st, March 2011 Reviews 5

Libya: If The Rebels Win Who Will They Kill?

Issandr El Amrani wonders what will happen if the BNP-likened Libyans "rebels" defeat Gaddafi, who has tried to shoot them into submission?... More »

21st, March 2011 Politicians 1

Real Nick Clegg Found Alive And Chained In Tory Party Basement

The other one - the Clegg who wants students to pay more for education and supports war in the Middle East - is an impostor... More »