
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

5th, March 2011 Reviews

Daily Star Reporter Resigns Over Story 'I Simply Plucked From My Arse'

Peppiatt's resignation letter from his role as a Daily Star reporter is hereunder. It's the one where he plucks Kelly Brook from his arse... More »

5th, March 2011 In Pictures

Manchester United - Munich Air Disaster

More »

5th, March 2011 Celebrities 2

Katie Waissel Is The Sun's Hate Figure Who Keeps Giving

Grandstanding charity work is not enough to save the Sun's most hated... More »

5th, March 2011 Key Posts 3

Reporter Richard Peppiatt Quits Daily Star For Anti-Muslim, Pro EDL Lies

Peppiatt has resigned his job as a Daily Star reporter over its “sympathetic” coverage of the English Defence League and his presenting entirely fictional stories about celebrities as hard news... More »

5th, March 2011 Celebrities 3

Charlie Sheen Interview: Michael Jackson's Amateur Drugs And Being A Water Dragon

Sheen, who lives with resting porn star Rachel Oberlin (aka Bree Olson - photos) and Natalie Kenly (aka The Nanny) is talking with Pete Samson, the Sun’s US editor.... More »

4th, March 2011 Key Posts 1

Chinese Boob Clamp Advert: Tummy Fat For Your Your Breasts

This advert of the "Chinese boob clamp" features a lace-up for the chest... More »

4th, March 2011 Celebrities

Charlie Sheen's New Home Is Property Porn For All The Family: Photos

Sheen is escrow to buy a has six bedroom and eight bathrooms $7.5 million pile in Beverley Hills. Want to see it..? More »

4th, March 2011 Royal Family

Queen Takes Part In Panel Game Show In Warwickshire

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh officially open the Magistrates Court at the Warwickshire Justice Centre in Leamington Spa... More »

4th, March 2011 Key Posts

Libya's Millions Seized In Britain - Where Gaddafi's Cash Is Printed And Stored

At Harwich docks, officials have seized a ship packed with £100 million worth of the Libyan currency, the dinar. Where did the money come from? Answer: a warehouse in Gateshead... More »

4th, March 2011 Key Posts

The Bahrain Google Earth Photos That Sparked A Revolution: Photos

The images you are about to see were circulated in Bahrain at the time of the (so far) failed attempt to overthrow the ruling dynasty... More »

4th, March 2011 Key Posts 5

Crimes Against Music, No.1: ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ By Joe Cocker

In 1968, the world of pop music was beginning to fragment, as ‘serious’ musicians were began to establish a new order. This sea change was symbolised by a single Beatles number: ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ ... More »

4th, March 2011 Key Posts 2

How Online Hotel Photos Can Lie: The Fantasy And Reality Gallery

Ever book a room at a hotel on the strength of the online brochure photo? Her;s why you shouldn't... More »

4th, March 2011 Strange But True

Man Features Two Loves Of Life On Grave: Booze And...

When Petra Dumitru died in Iasi, Romania, he wanted his twin loves to appear on his grave: booze and his wife, not necessarily in that order... More »

4th, March 2011 Politicians 1

Anti-Semitism Is Dying: Yemen And Libya Counter The Accepted Celebrity Racism

Anti-Semitism has made a comeback of late... More »

4th, March 2011 Key Posts

Environmentalists Wage Maryland Tomato Wars

Green Shirt environmentalist Mike Tidwell is beyond parody, or the work of a comic genius... More »

4th, March 2011 Politicians

Laurent Gbagbo: Christianity's African Bulwark Against Islam Murders Women Protesters

In the Ivory Coast, the leader Laurent Gbagbo will not go peacefully. These are other people's political affairs in the Heart of Darkness, right...? More »

4th, March 2011 Politicians 1

Hosni Mubarak's Pin-Striped Suits Spell His Name In The Thread

Like Colonel Gaddafi, Mubarak has a passion for fashion – and, it seems, a fear of having his clothes stolen... More »

4th, March 2011 Strange But True

Man Arrested With Walmart Rotisserie Chicken Down Pants

To Rome, Georgia, USA, where 27-year-old Joseph Lee Stringer has been arrested for shoplifting... More »

4th, March 2011 TV & Radio

Newsreader Kate Wilson Gets The Hiccups: Audio

To Australia, where Melbourne newsreader on 3AW is presenting in a new style she hopes to make her own... More »

4th, March 2011 Royal Family 2

William & Kate: Camilla Cut From Royal Wedding Film

Royal Wedding Tat Watch has been sent stills from the William & Kate film, currently been recorded in Los Angeles... More »

4th, March 2011 TV & Radio

Man Eaten By Camera On Brighton Beach

You'll enjoy this... More »

4th, March 2011 Politicians

Will This Wiki Find Plagiarism In Saif Gaddafi's PhD Thesis?

If he did cheat then Saif's current job as dad's next in line must be in jeopardy. Saif may need to prove his intellect in some other way, say, by working out how many big sticks it takes to secure your billions or juggling.... More »

4th, March 2011 Politicians

The Roma Are Coming: 100,000 Migrants To Live On UK Benefits

Immigrants flock towards the golden dream of tinned food and sink estates... More »

3rd, March 2011 Reviews 1

The Secret Magic Of Mormon Underwear

Tresa Edmunds want to talk about Mormon Underwear... More »

3rd, March 2011 Music

Justin Bieber, Patrick Viera's Fatter Cousin And Adele Hit London: Photos

Bieber arrived at Heathrow Airport after flying in from Los Angeles. And all round him was his minder... More »