
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

3rd, March 2011 Royal Family

World Book Day: Camilla Duchess Of Cornwall Is Mrs Danvers

When Kent met Cornwall... More »

3rd, March 2011 The Consumer

Celebrities Polish Giant Pig Turd In Westminster

There we were on Whitehall, when Christine Hamilton, Sharron Davies and Liz McClarnon arrived and stood by a gigantic turd... More »

3rd, March 2011 Strange But True 1

Sperm Whale Washes Up In Kent: Photos

In the olden days they would have cut it up for meat, fuel and clothing. Now they cut it up for scientific research. That’s progress… More »

3rd, March 2011 Money 2

New Motor Insurance Policies Place Equality Over Fairness

The latest diktat from the EU is that insurance companies may no longer offer cheaper car insurance to women... More »

3rd, March 2011 Music 10

Elton John Feeds Zachary Breast Milk - From A Breast

John is feeding his son Zachary breast milk. Very possibly from an actual Muslim male breast... More »

3rd, March 2011 Reviews 3

Pope Absolves Jews Of Collective Guilt Over Jesus: Roman Catholic Church's Raping Priests Also In Clear

Just as you think anti-Semitism is on trend, the Pope goes and says that Jews did not kill the Lord Jesus. Cancel the brown shirts... More »

3rd, March 2011 Key Posts 2

Rupert Murdoch, Sky News And The Avaaz Myth: What's Your Agenda?

Murdoch says that if his News Corporation gains control of BSkyB, he would hive off the Sky News channel. Sounds goods, no..? More »

3rd, March 2011 Reviews 2

Hazel Stewart, Colin Howell, Murder And Sex On Laughing Gas

Stewart, 48, is starting a life sentence for murdering her husband and the wife of dentist and lay preacher Colin Howell, her lover... More »

3rd, March 2011 Politicians

Kenyan MP Dresses To Represent Youth: Nick Clegg Wears Same Pants For A Week

GidionMbuvi is 35. He's an MP in Kenya. That's him sat in Parliament. Yeah, he's the one in the ear studs and sunglasses... More »

3rd, March 2011 Strange But True 3

Man Fitted With Artificial Anus After 55 Year Wait

For years he has excreted via a 0.5-centimeter diameter stomas, a surgical hole, close to his urethra... More »

3rd, March 2011 Celebrities 6

John Galliano, Colin Jordan And Dior's Nazi Links

Galliano has been saked by haus of Dior - the fashion palace created by Christian Dior whose niece Francois Dior married the English Nazi Colin Jordan in 1963... More »

3rd, March 2011 Reviews 5

Louis Farrakhan Blames Jews For Libya: Wears Dior?

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan says those "Satanic" Jews are responsible for fomenting war in his pal Gaddafi’s Libya... More »

3rd, March 2011 Celebrities

Beyonce and Furtado Donate Gaddafi Cash: Will Oil Workers Do The Same?

Will everyone give their Libyan oil money to charity? And will a charity accept..? More »

3rd, March 2011 Celebrities

Can Porn Missionary Charlie Sheen Destroy The Therapy Industry?

The one good thing about this is that Sheen is defying the therapy industries, that cloying, self-satisfied, reassuringly expensive and exclusive orchestrated care-fest that whirls the stricken star about in its revolving door to cure demons and empty wallets... More »

3rd, March 2011 Key Posts 2

Raoul Moat: David Cameron's Hoodie Shoots Pc Rathband

Did you see the woman make the "vile" gesture to the blinded copper? The Daily Mirror did... More »

2nd, March 2011 Key Posts 1

Irish Cricket Doctors Cure England Fans Of Australian Delusions

After the coin toss - which England lent to the Irish captain at a pretty favourable rate - Ireland handed a lump of wood to a passing tourist... More »

2nd, March 2011 Key Posts 15

Rotherham Magistrate Had Frog And Gerbil Porn On His Laptop

Michael is the school governor and magistrate with an interest in frog porn... More »

2nd, March 2011 Reviews 5

Supreme Court Says Westboro Baptist Church Can Picket A Marine's Funeral

When US Marine Matthew Snyder died in Iraq in 2006, his funeral was held at Westminster, Md. The service featured members of the Westboro Baptist Church... More »

2nd, March 2011 Royal Family

Camilla Does The Royal Naval Chaplaincy Service

She married in a registry office, dontchaknow... More »

2nd, March 2011 Reviews

God Denies Anti-Homosexual Couple Chance To Foster Children

It is not part of God’s plan for Eunice and Owen Johns, 62 and 65 to foster children under the auspices of the grand church of Derby County Council... More »

2nd, March 2011 Celebrities

Alex Gerrard's Plumbing Tip Of The Day: The Light Bulb Goes Off

Gerrard, WAG to Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard, will now supply the quote of the day, as delivered in an interview about her wonderful life in OK! magazine... More »

2nd, March 2011 Reviews 2

Scotland Backs Earth Hour: Invests Billions In Wax

Good news for fans of the Dark Ages is that the Scottish parliament's party leaders are backing Earth Hour on March 26... More »

2nd, March 2011 Reviews

Album review: Tony Christie - Now's The Time

Sheffield's finest crooner delivers one hell of an album. More Jarvis Cocker than Peter Kay More »

2nd, March 2011 Politicians 3

Tony Blair's Role In Colonel Gaddafi's Downfall, By Cherie Blair

You want justice in Libya and the world? Or do you just want the cash..? More »

2nd, March 2011 Strange But True 3

10 Tonne Bridge Stolen In Yorkshire

The bridge is made of steel. It is 3ft 6in (1.06m) wide... More »