
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

10th, February 2011 Reviews

The Brent Gangs: An Apology

Brent Council issued an unprecedented apology to the North West London Gangs Alliance on this day in 2009.... More »

10th, February 2011 Politicians

Jim Devine Goes Down: One More Pig Off To The Abattoir

One more crook goes down. Next!!! More »

10th, February 2011 Reviews 1

Six Dead At Cork Airport: Martin McGuinness Not Among Them

The plane was a Metroliner. Was it dangerous? Is plane travel dangerous? Well, not really, no... More »

10th, February 2011 Politicians 6

Prisoners Vote Campaigner John Hirst Says He Will Break The Law If Law Not Upheld

A journalist succeeds where the politicians fail... More »

10th, February 2011 Music

Track of the day: The Strokes - Under Cover of Darkness

Five years on NYC's finest return with a killer single More »

10th, February 2011 Photojournalism 1

Images Of Empire: The National Archives Opens It's Collection Online

The Curators at the National Archives in Kew, wants you to look at the photos form Africa and help identify what they are of... More »

10th, February 2011 Money 1

The Seacoalers Of Hartlepool: The Moon Miners

Following the recent stormy weather the North Sea, a thick layer of coal from former mine workings and undersea coal seams has formed on the beaches of Hartlepool... More »

10th, February 2011 Sports

England's Next Friendly To Be Game Of Shag, Marry, Avoid

England beat Denmark in a game that featured a non-England team playing in front of the kind of crowd you might see as mid-ranking dressage event... More »

10th, February 2011 Strange But True 7

New Home Owner Finds Old Owner's Decomposing Body In Kitchen

When the new owner moved into her flat in Lisbon, Portugal, she took possession of a bijou residence and the old owner’s rotting corpse... More »

10th, February 2011 Celebrities 1

Kim Kardashian Defies The Hair: The Bottom Photos

So. Why is Kim Kardashian famous..? More »

10th, February 2011 Strange But True 2

Old Man Arrested For Tossing Grape At Wife

Shot Of The Day is Sebastiano Russo, a 75-year-old arrested for tossing a gape at his wife, Claire Russo, age 71. More »

10th, February 2011 Reviews

Australian Greens Declare War On Fire

More global warmist opportunism as fires hit Perth... More »

10th, February 2011 Music

Boy George And Josh Weller: The Next Big Thing

Photo of the Night: Boy George joins Josh Weller on stage for encore at Jazz Cafe... More »

10th, February 2011 TV & Radio 2

Eurovision: Lithuania Fiddles With The G-Strings

As the UK waves the Red, White And Blue flag for Blue (with an emphasis on the white), we take a look at the competition... More »

10th, February 2011 Politicians 2

Tory Council Sends Afghan Refugees To Dog Club

Afghan refugees looking for sanctuary in the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and advised to contact the Southern Afghan Club... More »

10th, February 2011 In Pictures 1

Women With Long Tongues

More »

10th, February 2011 Celebrities

Lindsay Lohan's Dress Is A Courtroom Expose: Photos

Lohan is back in court. Already this month Peter Doherty and Jack Tweed have been back in court. Doing court is what the celebrities do... More »

10th, February 2011 Key Posts 2

Nikitta Grender: What Do We Know About Carl Whant?

Carl Whant's name is the frame for a grisly murder... More »

10th, February 2011 Celebrities

Miley Cyrus Side Boobs For Marie Claire: Photos

Cyrus continues her transformation into a middle-aged divorcee in a photoshoot for Marie Claire... More »

9th, February 2011 Reviews 1

Gilbert Deya's World: Wife Jailed For Stealing Miracle Baby

How are things with Gilbert Deya, Anorak's favourite TV minister, the man who can make a woman pregnant through the power of prayer.. More »

9th, February 2011 Sports

Tiger Woods Sells Mattresses In India

Woods is selling mattresses in India. Tiger uses a Shivam “deep sleep” mattresses, to have ruby dreams about two-dimensional white women... More »

9th, February 2011 Royal Family 1

Royal Wedding Tat Watch: Kiss Me Kate Beer

Wedding Tat Watch: Castle Rock Brewery has created a pale and interesting commemorative beer called Kiss Me Kate... More »

9th, February 2011 Reviews 3

A Documentary On Bad Writing

Bad writing is what we all do. Wring is easy. It's other people reading it that's hard... More »

9th, February 2011 Film

The Baftas 2011: Emma Watson's Head On A Stick

The Baftas are coming. Bring out your heads... More »

9th, February 2011 Celebrities

Kim Kardashian Washes Off Her Nose: Photos And History Play

Ever lie awake at night wondering what a chat between Victoria Beckham and Marie Curie, or Florence Nightingale and Kerry Katona, or Elizabeth Taylor and Kim Kardashian would go like...? More »