
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

3rd, February 2011 TV & Radio 5

Jeremy Paxman Waves Goodbye To 'Crap' BBC: Email In Full

Jeremy Paxman is now beyond parody - a grimacing, gurning face of the rich establishment... More »

3rd, February 2011 Reviews 7

Internet Creator Al Gore Says Warming Causes Cooling

Al Gore, leader of the Al Goreans, says global warming causes global coooling. It's the science. And scientists are never wrong... More »

3rd, February 2011 Strange But True 2

How Did Hoaxers Create A UFO Over Temple Mount, Jerusalem?

In this video you will see the UFO /carrier bag / Chinese lantern/ Obama hang over over the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount... More »

3rd, February 2011 Reviews

Who Murdered Margaret Muller?

Eight years ago today, the 27-year-old American was stabbed to death in Victoria Park in Hackney... More »

3rd, February 2011 Key Posts 2

Sexual Harassment Is A Smirking Matter: Photos

When Konstantinos Kalomoiris, 40, claimed he’d been the victim of sexual harassment at a John Lewis store, we wondered how best to illustrate the story... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 9

Egypt: The Battle Of Tahrir Square In Photos

Can the sudden eruption of violent pro-Mubarak rioters be linked to the fact that for days we have been hearing that the police have disappeared from Cairo’s streets?... More »

2nd, February 2011 Celebrities 1

Charlie Sheen's Madame Opens The Drugs Drawer

Sheen is between prostitutes right now, so it's left to Felony to keep the story going. Felony is the madame who claims she supplied Sheen with company.... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 5

Glenn Beck's Stupidity Outwits Slow Obama As Tunisia Leapfrogs Libya

Over in America, the local are being tutored in ways of European and North African politics by Glenn Beck. He has chalk, people... More »

2nd, February 2011 Celebrities

OK!'s Secret Somali Baby Shower, With Peter Andre And Joy Canfield

“Many A-list celebrities”… were there. Brad? Angelina? Madonna? Belafonte? Well... No... More »

2nd, February 2011 The Consumer 2

Kraft Brings Back Rationing To Britain: Cadbury's Daily Milk Loses Two Chunks

The 140g bar is now 120g. But - yep -the price remains the same.... More »

2nd, February 2011 Strange But True 11

Essex Council Bans Ornaments From Cemeteries

Ornaments have been banned from the council cemetery in Colchester, Essex... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 1

Love Cats: Felines With Hearts On Their Fur (Photos)

This St Valentine’s Day get that special something in your life a cat with a heart on its fur. Cats with hearts on their fur are full of soft love... More »

2nd, February 2011 TV & Radio 1

Sheila Vogel And Betty White Lined Up For Margaret John Gavin And Stacey Role

RIP Margaret John who played Doris in Gavin and Stacy, and who lusted openly after Gavin.... More »

2nd, February 2011 Reviews 4

Did Gangs Of Muggers Really Infiltrate The Student Protests in London? The Tempa T Video

At the student protests in London, the police spent so long kettling students that they failed to spot the muggers nicking cash from the protesters.... More »

2nd, February 2011 Reviews 3

Yasi Yasi Yasi - Oi Oi Oi: Australians Take On Cyclone (Photos)

Yasi is coming. It;s the biggest storm ever to hit Australia. and up in Cairns... More »

2nd, February 2011 Strange But True 4

Magical Woman Produces Bags Of Marijuana From Her Vagina

When police in Florida pulled over Michael Paul Williamson, 26, and his passenger, Gwendolyn Kathleen Hanisch, 21, for speeding they experienced a magic show... More »

2nd, February 2011 Celebrities 5

Pete Doherty Court Tour Adds Snaresbrook Date: Photos

If you wait by a court long enough you a re bound to see Pete Doherty.... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 5

Who Left Their Sperm On the Jesus College Pool Table? Oxford University Crime Watch

Who is the Oxford University student who left a deposit of sperm on the pool table at Jesus College? More »

2nd, February 2011 Reviews 1

Australia After The Floods: Snakes On Trees And Frogs On Snakes

Imagine the sludge from the bottom of the Thames if it was drained – that’s what is through all the houses and snakes bloody everywhere, wrapped around telegraph poles to escape the water... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 5

Egypt: The Best Protest Signs (Mubarak: The Hitler Jew Rabbit)

Not all of the signs are good at getting the message across; some just draw attention to themselves by their spelling, phrasing or just plan oddness... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 3

Artist Draws Self-Portrait Under Influence Of Different Drugs: Fascinating Pictures

In a selfless experiment, artist Brian Lewis Saunders took different drugs before producing a self portrait. The effects are astounding... More »

2nd, February 2011 Key Posts 1

Biased BBC Says Muslim Brotherhood Are No Jihadis: Well, Not All Of Them Are

The BBC has 50 journalists in Egypt. They also have Simpson and Bowen talking to other BBC journalists while the cameras roll. All agree that the Muslim Brotherhood is a conservative organisation.... More »

2nd, February 2011 Strange But True 1

Burglar Breaks Into Locked Room: Calls Police To Let Him Out

To the Melbourne suburb of Frankston, where the burglar has broken into a bakery through a skylight. He's broken into a locked store room.... More »

2nd, February 2011 TV & Radio

The Firefox Is Stuck On Your Windows: Video

In this video the Firefox has a big problem with windows... More »

2nd, February 2011 In Pictures

Tattoos - Of Hot Dogs

More »