
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

28th, January 2011 Strange But True

Possessed Woman Gives Birth To Six Sets Of Twins

Dad leaves wife after she gives birth to 12 children. Why..? More »

28th, January 2011 Strange But True

Man Removes Wheel Clamp By Setting Fire To His Car

Having failed to remove the wheel clamp from his Metro with an axe (value of car: £120), Smithers set fire to it... More »

28th, January 2011 Reviews

Mexican Smugglers Use Catapult To Fire Marijuana Over Arizona Border

Mexican marijuana smugglers have been using huge catapult to toss drugs into the USA state of Arizona... More »

28th, January 2011 Politicians 2

Nelson Mandela's Collapsed Lung: BBC's Karen Allen Says South Africa 'Holds Its Breath'

Ready for the most breathless report into Mandela's made-for-TV news death..? More »

28th, January 2011 TV & Radio 2

Scientists Discover Sexy Newsreaders Are Best For War Reporting

Does a ridiculously fit newsreader distract you from taking in the full horror of the TV news..? More »

28th, January 2011 Strange But True

Hundreds Of Penguin Chicks Die In Antarctica: Blame The Gays

The penguin chicks are dead on the Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica. How did they die..? More »

28th, January 2011 Key Posts 3

Joe Biden's Gaffe Proves The BBC Is Biased Against Sarah Palin

Biden is said by the LA Times to be key to Barack Obama's success. But did you see Biden's gaffes on the BBC news? No, of course not... More »

28th, January 2011 Gifs

Gifs Of the Week: The Xbox Slap

The best Gifs of The Week, featuring the X Box Slap, the buttocks rosette, the world;'s greatest crazy golf shot, the rugby balls pinch and many more... More »

28th, January 2011 Celebrities

Cheryl Cole's Tattoos: Nation's Sweetheart Becomes Mrs Colewort (Photos)

A huge media debate rages on Cheryl Cole's new tattoo. Will you get one? Sure you will... More »

28th, January 2011 Film 5

Endhiran Is The Most Expensive Cheap Film Ever

You will see this and enjoy it... More »

27th, January 2011 TV & Radio

American Idol: Randy Rainbow Proves That Steve Tyler Is Janice Dickinson

Randy Rainbow explains why you have not been watching this season's American Idol - and why you don't need to. Enjoy... More »

27th, January 2011 TV & Radio 1

Mrs Richard Keys V Jonathan Ross: Why No Save Keys Protest Outside Sky?

The Mirror says Al Jazeera TV wants Keys and Gray on its staff. Good luck picking out the babes in the crowd over there, lads... More »

27th, January 2011 Strange But True 2

Floating Brains And Abscesses Are The Art Of The Human Body

The human body has rarely looked so good... More »

27th, January 2011 Key Posts

Did Anti-Gay American Missionaries Play A Part In David Kato's Murder?

The missionaries' associates had a hand in Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which calls for gays to be executed... More »

27th, January 2011 TV & Radio

EKLIPS Presents The History Of Hip Hop: Beat Box Nostalgia

In this video, French beat box Name That Tune musical archivist EKLIPS performs a 4 minutes history of HIP HOP... More »

27th, January 2011 Reviews

Will Charlie Gilmour Get A New Savile Row Suit For Court?

Gilmour, 21, of Billinghurst, Sussex, son of no-education champion Dave Gilmour, of the Great Gig in The Sky, has been charged with violent disorder at the tuition fees protest in London... More »

27th, January 2011 Flashback 5

Topsy And Tim Meet the Police: A Child's Book At Spoof Time

The arrival of a new Ladybird book is always a cause of rejoicing, particularly if it is part of the popular ‘Topsy and Tim’ series, which aims to ‘reassure young children having first experiences of their own’... More »

27th, January 2011 Celebrities

Chantelle Tagoe's Louboutin Museum Is A Sign Of The Armageddon

Says Chantelle of her collection: “Louboutins are like pieces of art on your feet!” You can get the same effect by wearing Anorak’s Tate Modern entry Vomit In Sock... More »

27th, January 2011 Celebrities 4

EastEnders: Cheryl Fergison Tells Of Her Love For Yassine El Jamouni

“After years of searching for the man of her dreams, a successful and wealthy but lonely and lovelorn actress is finally swept off her feet by the man of her dreams - a Moroccan goat herder almost half her age.” More »

27th, January 2011 Music 1

Lady Gaga's Perfume Smells Of Semen And Blood

Gaga's first scent will smell of blood and semen... More »

27th, January 2011 Strange But True 6

Ambam The Gorilla Walks Upright Like A Man: Photos

Ambam the Gorilla walks around his enclosure at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent on his hind legs. More »

27th, January 2011 Reviews 1

Italian Thieves Rob Mike Bongiorno's Remains: Bruce Forsyth Still Alive

Do thieves intend to hold to ransom the stolen coffin of Italian TV host Mike Bongiorno..? More »

27th, January 2011 Reviews

Would You Put Victoria Beckham's Poo On Your Face?

Sticky Vicky gets the Geisha Facial.... More »

27th, January 2011 Politicians 1

David Kato: Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Murdered In Climate Of Homophobic Hate

His death come not long after the country’s Rolling Stone newspaper called for Kato and other prominent gays to be hanged... More »

27th, January 2011 Reviews

NoTW Phone Hacking: Andy Coulson Is The Only Journalist Who Didn't Know?

Very soon the only person working at the News of the World under Andy Coulson’s editorship who did not know phones were being hacked will be Andy Coulson... More »