
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

25th, January 2011 Celebrities 6

Was Piers Morgan Right About British Soldiers Abusing Iraqi Prisoners?

One thing not being apologised for is Morgan's relationship with the "fake" photos of Iraqi prisoners being abused by British soldiers that hastened his exit from the Daily Mirror... More »

25th, January 2011 Royal Family 4

Kate Middleton Gives Up Work To Prepare For Life As A Royal

If Princess Diana taught us anything it is that even frequent flyers can forget the basic safety advice... More »

25th, January 2011 Reviews 3

Science Says Your Unruly Three-Year-Old Is Heading To Jail And Drugs

Your badly behaved three-year-old is heading for a life of debt, bad health and trouble. My badly behaved three-year-old is expressing himself and is full of life and individuality... More »

25th, January 2011 Strange But True 1

Portents Of Doom: A Live Hawk Invades The Library Of Congress

First the birds and the cows die - now the hawk settles in... More »

25th, January 2011 Key Posts 7

Joanna Yeates: Papers Debate Vincent Tabak's Uncertain Chin And Paul Vermeij Reacts

The press cannot agree on even the most benign facts - no wonder Tabak needs a media handler... More »

25th, January 2011 Sports 7

Andy Murray's Australian Open Is No Summer Holiday: Photos

The Australian Open turns minds to the new faces of tennis and Andy Murray... More »

24th, January 2011 Reviews 16

Prisoners Win Right To Vote Vote: But Only If They Can Walk On Their Hind Legs And Use A Fork

This test will determine which prisoners get the right to vote... More »

24th, January 2011 Key Posts 1

Penguins Spread Gay Epidemic Says Daily Mail

Melanie Phillips wants to talk about the gays. She wants to warn you about fraternising with gay penguins... More »

24th, January 2011 Sports

Rashard Mendenhall Dry Humps Ben Roethlisberger: Who Needs Cheerleaders?

At the American Football Jets vs. Steelers game a Rashard Mendenhall put the tin lid on his team's success by dry humping a Ben Roethlisberger... More »

24th, January 2011 The Consumer 1

The Forever Lazy Suit: The Soft Living Coffin

The Forever Lazy is the item of clothing that says much about how you live... More »

24th, January 2011 Film

Kevin Smith Buys Red State: Stoned Masturbating Demographic Waits For Download

"I never wanted to know jack shit about business. I’m a fat, masturbating stoner. That’s why I got into the movie business. I thought that was where..." More »

24th, January 2011 TV & Radio

Kokichi Sugihara Proves That Up Can Be Down: Video

Up can be down and down can be up. It's just the perspective that alters... More »

24th, January 2011 TV & Radio

The Best Crazy Golf Shot Of The Year: Golf Need Not Be Just For Rule Fetishists

No great surprise that the short version of golf if called "Crazy Golf". Any sport that buttoned up would spawn a lunatic cousin... More »

24th, January 2011 Sports 2

Richard Keys's Sister Damns Him With Praise: Andy Gray On Player Cam

If Susan Keys, sister to Sky Sports’ resident genius Richard Keys, wanted to dig a bigger hole for the apparently sexist linkman she could not have done better... More »

24th, January 2011 Technology 1

Anti-Paedophile App Keeps Mobile Phone Users Safe As Houses

Thanks to Child Defence you kidz will be safe from paedos and any adult who lies about their age... More »

24th, January 2011 Reviews

Mark Kennedy Pork Chop Test: Activists Protest At Scotland Yard

Pc Kenndy got his organic oats. But the women are not happy. Is that tree hugger in your yurt a married copper...? More »

24th, January 2011 Key Posts 16

Andy Gray And Richard Keys Present Chessboard Football On Sky Sports

The pitch will be split into 64 equal sized squares, with Keys and Gray slowing the action down to explain each move... More »

24th, January 2011 Strange But True 1

Dentist Dresses Female Staff As Saucy Serving Wenches

At Dr. Marie Catherine Klarkowski Munich dental surgery, the female staff have been kitted out in low-cut Dirndl dresses... More »

24th, January 2011 Strange But True

Delhi Mugger Hides Inside Public Toilet

Boom times in India! More »

24th, January 2011 In Pictures

Gifs Of The Week: The Get Her

More »

24th, January 2011 Key Posts 7

Joanna Yeates: Vincent Tabak Is The Pink Panther Killer?

Tanja Morson is the Sun’s “US-born blonde”. Tabak is the Sun’s Pink Panther... More »

24th, January 2011 Politicians

Swinger Tommy Sheridan's Last Stand: The Fit And Proper Lawyer

Wednesday, January 26. Scrum-down and probably big party when former Scottish Socialist Party leader Tommy Sheridan is sentenced after being found guilty of lying about an affair and sex club trip.... More »

23rd, January 2011 Key Posts 3

The Secret Science Of Sexual Attraction In Poland (Not Newcastle): Photos

You cannot argue with the science: why men notice women who flash the flesh in winter more than they notice women who do the same in the summer... More »

23rd, January 2011 TV & Radio 1

This Is How BBC America Sells Law & Order: It's Brilliant

The trailer for BBC America's bradcast is about - say - 1 bazillion times better than the turgid show Law & Order... More »

23rd, January 2011 Reviews

The Servicemen Of 2 Signal Regiment Are Back From Afghanistan: Photos

Away from the career cynicism of the likes of Tony Blair the Servicemen of 2 Signal Regiment are returning to their base at Imphal Barracks in York... More »